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� .:..r:_..� _ <br /> --_ �tt3cd�' f..•.�..,do�--. ^it '���:�:.irdoo-..�y��.Y•::.� _e.r�c'�""° •.a�<aiiru " iam.�•�s.:...2 !,:�3����...�.. _,Jw.�: is`f ,�;�t� �,.y�_ °-_ <br /> '— . - —'t?a}�iSll IR� ��'.'if.�6lil�d�'1� — If�Mi�4� Wii� .. "'. <br /> - ` <br /> � � �r��. , , � <br /> �_^ . . ' .. . . � c . <br /> _-_ 9Q-- 100fi4Q <br /> � (b) tDie occurrenc� o€ a fire or oth�r casualty resulting in <br /> y d�age ta afl or a po�tfon of tYze Premises (cal].ectively� � <br /> � "Casualty°) , at any time or times whep all or any of the Senior <br /> Obliqations re�ains outstanding: <br /> — . � �i� the Suboxdinate Mortgagee herel�� <br /> irrevoca�aly waives any rfg�t' to participate, directly or <br /> fndirec�ly, in any proceedinq or action relating to a Taking <br /> - and/or a Ca�r��ty, or 'to participate� or join, directiy or �� <br /> . indirectly, in .a�ag s�t�lement of any c�aims resulting from a � <br /> Taking or a Casualty; � • , � <br /> . , . . . . ;�. <br /> ; (ii) ail proceeds received ar to be �eceiv� � <br /> _ � on account of a Taking and/or a '�ualty sriall be applied in t1;z���� <br />_� <br /> . : .` <br /> �anner or ma�rro�s determined by the holder a�£'. the First .��rican <br /> ..:::..i; <br /> Mortgage Oocuments an it$ sole discretion (�c�bject �a the . �� <br /> �;�r <br /> . .;'� `:;.:�. <br /> pravisions of �he Fi�^�t American Mortgage Documen�s) ; p�rovfded, - <br /> however, tha� if t�.e holder of the First American Martgaq� ��+�y <br /> Doauments, pursuant tm a right to do so, elects to apply such <br /> �roceeds in ��siuction of the Senior Obliqations, any proceeds <br /> remaining after the satisfaction in full cs� , �he Se�ior � <br /> Obligations �aay be applicd by the Subordinate Mortgagee ira <br /> , � . accordance with the applicable provisians aontained in the <br /> ,,� <br /> Subor�inate Mostgage Documertt"�; an� � �� <br /> � (iii) the Subardinate Mortgagee here�� agrees . � - <br /> �a ex�cute and deliver, at its sole expenseo any dacuments, . � <br /> � � <br /> 12 1253t� <br /> 1I► . , <br /> .___._�:.-.-_ <br /> , ' ' 1 <br />� ' � ' <br /> . � � <br />_� . <br /> � � • � � <br /> � <br /> r. rr' <br /> � <br /> l� � • �_. <br /> �F'�r; <br /> M <br /> •f�, ..' <br /> ._.�t.': ' _ <br /> . . ��v__.__.�__���..���� _ - _� �. <br /> � - .µ`W" .-r•�r� «,a��..i,p�,aa,, _ — __ _ ---... _ . .7.e.�is . _ `..�-,��;�:�: - _- <br /> ... . _ <br /> �. <br /> _ -.. _.«qry�Y - ' , - , - � _ <br /> _.� <br /> — _----- - -._- . . . _ . . ..._ -- <br /> -_-.. ..�..--�T�� .._�..'-. " ' r -:-' - - -•-""'. _�Y�--- ."'�-`�--` .. _ _ 1 A� . . . • . • __ _ --- <br /> .. I .1 .� a �r.��_� <br /> _'__ `_.__ _,_.__ ..,___.___.__'__ '_'_' ___ ' __ _ __—_____"_"_ — —___ ' __—_— _ _'—_ ' ___ _ - _ - _ <br /> " _'_"'___' ' __'"___'_' _"' '_"—'_ ___. . _. „_. . <br /> �R-� -' '—_—�.� _ — —.- __�__.._._ ' ..-r--�. _ _ � —. __ _ _____ __. _ <br /> . . . � . _ _ . • . v� , . <br /> � . � �� . � . . � <. . . . . <br />