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2� 17��� 12 <br /> Transfer of the Prap�rty flr a Bene�c�a�In�e�e��in �oxr�wer.If alI or any part�f the Property or any interes� <br /> in �� is sold ar transferred �ar if a be�.efi�ial ir�ter�st �r� B�rrower is s�ld ar transferred and Borrower is no� a <br /> natural person} w�thout L�r��er's pri�r writ�en c�nse�t, Le�ader may, a� �ts option, require �mmediate payment in <br /> full �f a�l sums secured b� th�s Sec�.rity �ns�rument. Ho�r�ver, this flp�ion s�ial� n�� b� exerc�sed by Lend�r if <br /> exercise is proh�bited by fed�ral Iaw as of the date�f this Se�urifiy Instrur�aent. <br /> If Lender exerc�ses �his option, L�nder sha11 give B orrower notic� af acce�eratian, The natice shal� provide a <br /> period of n�t less than�h� mi.n�rnum number of days es�ablished�� Applicab�e Lavv from �he date the na�.ice is <br /> de��vered or mailed wi�hin �hzch B�rrower must pay all se�ured by �his Security Yr�strumen�. �f Borrnwer <br /> fa�1s �� pay these sums prio�- to the expira�ion af this peri�d, Lend�r may �nvoke any remedies permi��e�by �his <br /> Security�ns�imen�wi�hou�:Fur�her no�ice or demand on Borr�wer. <br /> Borro�wer'S �ght to Reinatate. If l�orravver meets certai� condi�ions, B orrov�rer sha�l have �he rzght to have <br /> enforcement of�his Security Ins�rument discantinued a�an�r time prior�a the �arlier�f: �a} 5 days �ar such ather <br /> periad as App�icab�e Law m�.y specify f�r reinstatemen�}bef�re sale of the Pr�perry pursuant to ar�y po�ver of sale <br /> contained in �h�s Security �nstrument; ar �b} er��y �f a judgrx�.��t enforcir�� this 5��u��y �nstrumer�t. Th�se <br /> cond��ions are tha�Borrower: (a} pays Lender aI1 sums urhi�h then would�e du� under this Security ��s�tumen� <br /> and�he Can�ra��as if nfl acc+�lera�ian had occurred; �b� cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; �c} <br /> pays a�1 expenses inGurred in enfflrcing this Securxty�nstrum�n�,�ncl�xding,bu�nflt�zmited�o,reasonab��attorneys' <br /> fees to the ex�en�permitted by law; and�d} take� such act�ox�as L�nder may r�as�nably re�uire�n assure tha�the <br /> lien of this 5ecur�ty Zns�rum�nt, Lender's righ�s in the Praper�y and Sorrower's obligat�on�o pay�he sun�.s sec�r�d <br /> by this Secur�ty Instrument �hal1 conti�ue ur�changed. �Jpan rei.nstatemen�by�orra�ver, this Secur��y xx�strument <br /> and the oblig�.��ons s��ured h�r�by sha�1 remain fu1�y effe�tive as if�o accelera��fln had nccurred. H�vvever, this <br /> right ta reinstate shall r�o�a�ply��e�ase a�acc��erat��n u�.�der the sectior�t��l�d Tr��s�er af the Property�r a <br /> Benef�c�a�Interest��Bo�row�r, <br /> Hazardous Substan�es.Bo:rrower shall nat�ause or per.r�.t th�presence,use,dispa�al, s�a�age, or r�lease af any <br /> Hazardous Su�bs�ances on�r i.n�he Property.Borrawer sh�.�I not do,nor al�avv anyone else to d�,anything affec�ing <br /> the Pr�per�y �hat is in viv���ion flf any Environmental Lavv. The prec�ding tvvo se�xte�.ces shal� na� apply t� t.�e <br /> presence,use,or stflrage on 1:he Pr�per�y flf sma1l�uan�i�ies vf Ha�ard�u�5ub��s that are genera�ly re�ogn�zed <br /> tfl be appropria�e�o narm�l residen�ial uses and t�a mai�tenance flf th�Prflperty. <br /> Borrovver sha1l promp��y giv�L�nder writ�en notice of any investiga�i�n,claim, demand,�av�rsuit ar other act�on by <br /> any governmental or regulatory agency or priva�e party inv�lving the Property a.nd any Hazardous Substance �r <br /> Environmenta.� Lav�r of which Barra�vver has actual �novvledge. If Borr��er �earns, or is no�ified b� any <br /> governmen�a� or regu�atar��uthor�ty, �ha�any removal or ather rem�diation of any H�.zardaus Subs�ance affec�ing <br /> �he Property �s nec�ssary, Bni���tr�r sha11 prampt�y �ake aI1 nec essary remed�al actions in ac�ordance �vi�h <br /> �nvironmen�a.l Law. <br /> As used in�his paragraph, "I�azardous Subs�ances" are thos� sulas�ances defin�d as�oxic or hazard�us substances <br /> by Environmenta� Lavv and the fa��ovving substances: gasalin�, kerosene, oth�r flammable or toxic pe�roleu.m <br /> products, �oxic pestzczdes az�d ��erb�cides, volat��e sa�vents, ma�erials conta�x�.ing asbes�os or formaldehyde, and <br /> radiaactive materials. As us�d in�his paragraph, "Enviranmental La�" means federa��aws and Iaws�f the s�a�e of <br /> Nebraska that relate�o hea��h,safet�r or environmenta�pra��cti�m. <br /> A�ce�erat�an; R.emedies. Lenc�er shall give notice t� �3�rro�ver prior �a a�c�el�r���on f�llow�ng Borrov�Ter's <br /> breach of any��venant�r agreeme�t�n this�ecurity Ins�rum�nt or the C�r�tract under wh�ch acceleration <br /> is permitted �but not pr�or ta a�Celeration un�der the s��ti�n �itl�d Trans�'�r of the Property or a B�nefi�ial <br /> Interest in B�rravver, un�e�s A.ppl��able L�w provides otherw�s�}, The nvti�e shal� specifya �a� the default; <br /> �b} the action requ�red t� �ure th e default; �c� a date, nat l�ss than �he m�inf rnum number �f days <br /> established�y�ipplicable Law frarn the date the n�ti����g��en �fl Borrnwe�r,by�vhich the default mu�t be <br /> �ured; and td� that failt�r� to cure the defau�t un ar �ef�re the �ate spe�ified �n �he noti�e n�ay a�esu�t in <br /> ac�elerat�on of �he sums �ecured by this S�curity Instrurnent �nd sa�� �f the Property. T� the ex�e�at <br /> permitted by Iaw, the n��i�e shall further infarm Barr�v�er of�h�r�ght tv re�nstate after acc�le�a�ion and <br /> �he r�ght to�ring a cour�act�vn to��sert the n�n-ex�sten�e of�d�fau�t or any o�h�r d�fense of Borrovver�a <br /> acceleratiQn and sale.If the d�fau���s n�t cured on or b�fore the da�� sp�cifi�d i�t�e noiice,Len�er at fts <br /> �p�ion may require immediate payrrient �� ful� vf alI sum� �ecured by �h�s SeCurity Instrument without <br /> further demand and may inv�ke th� power of sale and any �the�r r�medie� permit�ed by App�i�able Law. <br /> Ta the ex�ent perm�tted b� l�w, Lender shall be en�.t�e� to �oll�ct all e�pen�es incurred �n pursuing the <br /> remedies pr�vided in this �ec�ion,�r�cluding,but na�limi�e€�to, �reas�nab�� a�t�rneys' fe�s and cos�s�f title <br /> ev�d�nce. <br /> If the power of sa�e is�nv�l�ed,Trus�ee shall recvrd a rn��ice of d�fault in ea�h �aunty i.n wh�ich any part�f <br /> �he Pr�perty is located and[sha�l ma�l capies �f such not��e in th�manner prescribed by Appli�a�l�La�v ta <br /> Borrower and �o th� �ther�p�rsons prescribed by �ippli�able La�v. After the �ixne r�quired by App�icab�e <br /> Law, Truste� sha�I give p�bli� not�ce of sale �o the per�ons and in the xnanner prescr�bed by A�pli�able <br /> Law.Trustee,vvxthou� d�rmand on��rrower, sha�l sell the Pr���rty at publ�c auctian to the highest bxdder <br /> at the�me and place and und�r�h�terms designa�ed�r��he noti��of sa�e in one�r more par�el�and�n any <br /> vrder Trustee deterxn�nes. T�uste� may postp�ne sale �f all �r any par�el of the Praperty �� publ�c <br /> annou��eme�t at th�tim.e;anc�p�ace of any prEv�ou�Iy�c�hedule�sale.Lemder or�ts de5ignee m�.y purchas� <br /> the Proper�y at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt of payrnent af the pri�� bid, Trustee shail deliv�r t� the purcha5e� Trustee's dee� ��n�eving <br /> �he Praperty. The rec��a�s��n �he Trustee's deed shall b�pri�n�f�cie eviden�e of the truth�f th�st�tements <br /> �2�44-2a t 5 Compliance Systems,lnc.518A-4�'tF-241 S.� <br /> Cans�mer Rea.l Estate-Security Instrument DL2fl36 Fage 4 of 5 www.cornp�ian� <br />