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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> i �o rn � �C p � <br /> � �z � � Z� � � <br /> o �� � Z �z �I CI] <br /> � G�7� � � �rn p z <br /> �� � W �,��] � CI] <br /> rn � <br /> rnm rn � _� � � <br /> c� p � y C� IV C <br /> �� � � � <br /> w� � r rn <br /> o�m � � Z <br /> o� � � � <br /> � Z <br /> � <br /> THI S INSTRUM�NT PREPARED BY: AFTER REC��3IN�l�ETURN T�: <br /> Home Federa�Sa�ngs&Laan Associat�on of Hame Fed�ra�Savaings&Laan Ass�c�aiion of <br /> Grand Is�and Grand Is�and <br /> 221 South I�acust Street Z21 South Lo�ust Stree� <br /> GRAND ISLAI�17,NE 688�1 GRAND ISLA�D,NE�8841 <br /> �5pace Ab��e Th�s Lzne Far Recaz-ding�]ata} <br /> L�AN�RI�INAT�R C�MpANY N.AME:H�me Federal Savings&Laan Assvc�ation of Grand Is�and <br /> NMLS C�MPANY�I3ENTIFIER: 446443 <br /> L�AN�I�I�IN�AT�R NAME: Chris Kask�� <br /> NMLS�RIGINATDR IDENT�FIER:494568 <br /> I3�ED �F TRTJST <br /> �PR�AT�'�`I��]1�IZ�I� ��PEN END} CREDIT -FUTTJRE AD�AN��S Al� ���I�RED <br /> BY THIS I]EED �F TRUST) <br /> TH�S DEED �F '��UST ('tSecur�ty�nstrument"} zs made on D��ember 15, 2D15. The grantors a�e STEVEN P <br /> �IEATH and �LENDA M HEATH, IIiJSBANI] AND WIFE, W�.1�5� aC�d.�'�55 is 4219 ST,�MME�t. �IR, <br /> GRAND iSLAND, Nebraska �$SU3��514 �"Borra�wer"}. Borro�ver is n�� necessarily �he same a� �he P�rson or <br /> Persons who sign �he Home EquYty Line af Credit Agreement, dated December 16, ��1G �"Contrac�"}. The <br /> oblzga��flns of Borrowers Who did not s�gn�he Contract are expla�ned further�n the section�.t�ed Successors and <br /> Ass�gns B�und; Joint and Several L�abil.ity; A�c�mm.odaii�n Signers. T�ae trust�e �s Arend R. Baack., <br /> At�orney whose address �s P.[]. Box 794, Grand Is�and,Nebras�a 6S8UZ �"Truste�"�. The ben�f�iary�s Hom� <br /> Federa� Sav�ings & Loan Associatian �f�rand Island, which is arganized and exis�ing under the laws of�he <br /> Uni�ed S�ates �f Ameri�a and v�rhos� address is �21 South Locust Street, Grand I51and, Ne�ras�a 688�1 <br /> ("Lender"}. STEVEN P HEATH ��d GLENDA M HEATH have er��ered inta a Cont�act vv�th Lender as af <br /> December 16,��16,under�he terms tif which Borr�Uver may,fram�ime��ti.rne,ob�a�n advances not ta�xceed, a� <br /> any �ime, a �*'��VIAXIMUM PRINCII�AL AMUUNT {E�CLUDING PRDTECTIVE ADVAN�C�S}*** of <br /> Twenty-four Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty and D�11�4 I3ollars �U.S. $24,754.0�} �"Credit Lzmi�"} Any <br /> party in�eres�ed in the de�ai�s related�o Lender's cantinuing ob�xgatinn ta make advances�o B arrower xs advised ta <br /> consul� directly tivi�h Lender. �f no�paid ear��er, �t�i� sums �v�ring under F3orrawer's Con�rac��v�th Lend�r v�zli be <br /> due on January 15, 24��. This Secur��y Ins#rumen� secures �a Lender: �a} �he repayment of�he debt under the <br /> Con�ract,�n�eres�, inc�uding future advances, and alI renewals, ex�ensions and modificatzans af the�ontract; <br /> �b�the payment af aIl ather sums,with i.n�eres�, advanced�o prote��the secur�ty vf�h�s 5ecur��y�ns�.rumen�under <br /> the prov�sions �f�h� sec�ian �i�led Prote�tion of Lender's Ri.ghts �n the Property; and (c} �he p�rfarmance af <br /> B�rro�er's cavenants and agreements under th�s Secu�rity�nstrument and�he Can�ract.Far t��s p�urpose,Borr�wer, <br /> in c�ns�derati�n of�he deb�and�h.e �rust herein crea�ed, irrev�cab�y gran�� an� conveys �o Tru��e�, in�rus�, �v%�h <br /> pov►rer of sale,the fallowing d�scribed praperty lacated in�he V��TY of HALL,Sta�e Qf N�brasl�a: <br /> Address:4�19 SUIVITVIER CIR, GRAN1]ISIIAI�D,�ebr�s�a 5$$03��514 <br /> Lega� I3escriptzan: L�T THIRTY UNE {31�, �VVESTIZ�ADS ESTATES F��RTH �UBDIVISIUN, <br /> HALL�UUNTY,NEBIt.ASI�A <br /> T�GETI-�ER WIT�-I a�� �he improvements no� �r hereafter erec�ed an �he proper�y, and a1I easemen�s, <br /> appurtenances, and fixtures naW or hereaf��r a par� of�he property. AII rep�acements and add�t�ans shal� a�so be <br /> cover�d by this Security �ns�rumen�.. A�1 af �he foreg�ing �s referred �o �n this Security� as �he <br /> "Prop�r�." <br /> B�RR��'L�ER�4VENANTS �hat Borrnvver is �awful��seised of�he es�a�e hereby cflnveyed and has the righ�to <br /> grant and convey �.he Pr�perty and �hat the Property �s unencumbered, e�cept far encumbrances of record. <br /> Borro�ver warrants and wi�� defe�.d genera��y the tit�e to #�e Property agains� a�� claims and demands, sub�ec� ta <br /> any encumbranc�s af record. <br /> Borrovver and Lender cavenant and agree as fo�IoWs: <br /> C�2aa4-24I 5 Camplia�ce 5ystems,Inc.618A-2FA7-2fl 1 S.I2.3.1.1115 <br /> Consumer Rea1 Esta.�e-Security ir�strument DL2�35 Pa�e 1 vf 5 www.�ompliat�cesyst�ms.�vm <br />