2� 17����5
<br /> �n the Propert�and r�gh�s under�h�s S�cur��� �nstru.m�nt; and (d}takes such ac��on as I,ender xna�r
<br /> reasonabl�requir��o assure that Lender's inter�s�in the Proper�y and rzgh�s under�his Secur��y Instrurn�ent,
<br /> and Borrovver's�b�iga�ion to pay the sums secured by�h�s Se�uri��r�nstrument, sha�� cantinue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require that Borrov��r pay such reinsta�ement sum� and expenses in one or more of the fal�avving
<br /> forms, as se�ected by Lender: �a}cash; �b}money arder; �c} cer��fied�heck, bank che�k, �reasurer's check ar
<br /> cash�er's check, provided any such�heck�s drawn up�n an�ns�itu��on whos�deposits are insur�d by a
<br /> federal agency, instrumentaiit�r or en�i��; or�d} �lectr�nic Funds Transfer, Upon reinstatemen�by Bflrrov�er,
<br /> th�s �ecur��y�ns�rumen�and ob�xgations s�cured hereby shall rema�n fu�Iy eff�ctiv�as if no acc�lera��an had
<br /> occurred. Hawe�ver, �his righ��o reins�a��shal�na�app�y xn the case�f acce�erat�on under Section �.5.
<br /> ��. Sale of �V�te: Change nf Laan Ser��cer: Nat�c� of Grie�ance. The No�e or a par��a1 �n��res��n the
<br /> Note��oge��er v�ith�his S�curity �nstrumen�}can be so�d one ar n�.are�imes with�ut pr�or n�tice�o
<br /> Borrvwer. A sa�e might result in a change in�h�en�i�y �kn�wn as the "L�at� S�r�icer"} tha�.col�e�ts Period��
<br /> Payments due under the Note and�h�s Security �nstr�ument and perforzns other m�r�gage loan ser�icing
<br /> ob�igativns under�he Note, ��is Security Instrum.en�, and App��cable La�v. There aiso migh��e on�or more
<br /> changes of the Laan 5er�r���r unr��ated�o a sale�f the Note. �f�here is a�hang��f the Laan Ser�icer,
<br /> Borrower wi11 be g�wen�r�r�tten notiG�af the change which wil� stat��e name and address af the new Loan
<br /> Servi�er, ��.e address to wh�ch paymen�s should be made and any a�her�nformat�on RESPA r�quir�s �n
<br /> cannection w��h a noti�e�f transfer af ser�icing. �f the Nfl�e is s��d and�hereafter�he Loan is serv�ced by a
<br /> Loan Ser��cer a�h�r�han the purchaser�f�he No�e, �he rnar�gage��an ser�r�c�ng o�liga��ons�o Barrower w�1�
<br /> remain�vith the Loan�er��cer or be�ransferred to a succ�ssor Loan 5ervi�er and are not assumed by�he
<br /> Note purchaser unle�s otherv�r�se provided by�h�Nate purchaser.
<br /> Ne�ther B�rrawer n�r Lender ma�cammence,jo�n, or be j��ned to any judicia� ac��on�as exther an
<br /> indi�idual Ii�igant or the rnember of a c�ass}that ar�ses from the a�her par�y's ac��ons pursuan�to�h�s
<br /> Securit�Instrurnent�r�hat alleges�ha�the other par�y has breached any prov�sian�f, or an�dut� owed by
<br /> reason of, �h�s Securi�y�nstru�nent, unti� such Borrower or Lend�r has notified the o�her party (w�th such
<br /> not�ce g��en�n complianc�vvit�b.the requirem.ents of�ect�on �.S}of such alleged breach and afforded the
<br /> ��her parfy her�to a reasonabl�period after the giv�ng�f such not��e��tiake correct��ve action. �f Applicable
<br /> Law pr���des a�i�m.e period�v�ich mus�e�apse bef�re cer�ain actian can be�a�en, �ha���me per�od v�i1l be
<br /> deemed to be reasana�le far purposes of�his�aragrap�. The notice�f a�ce��ration and flppor�un���r to cure
<br /> g��en to Borrov�er pursuan��0 SeCtion 2�and��e not�ce af acceierat��n g��en�� Borrower pursuan��a
<br /> Sectian T 8 �ha��be�.eemed to sa��sfy the notice and oppor�un��y�o take carrect�ve act�on prov�si�ns of�his
<br /> Se��ion�0.
<br /> ��. Hazardvus Substan�e�. As us�d in thi�Sect�on Z�: �a� "�IQ�arc�o�s Su�stances"are�hose substances
<br /> de�ned as toxic�r hazard�us su�stances, po��utan�s, or was�e�by Env�r�nmen�al Lav�and fhe fa��o�ving
<br /> substances: gasolin�, kerosene, �ther flar�unable ar toxic pe�ro�eum products, tfl�.i�pesticides and h�rbicid�s,
<br /> �olat�I�so�ven��, n�.a�erials con�a�n�ng asbest�s or formaidehyde, and rad�oactive ma�er�als; �b}
<br /> "E�tr�iror�me��al La�v"mea.ns federa.l Iaws and iaws of�he jur�sdict�on where the Pr�per�y is�o�at�d tha�
<br /> r�late�o health, �afety or en�ir�nmenta.i pro�ection; ��� "�nvironmer�t�� Crea�tu�"�nc�udes an�r response
<br /> ac��on, remedia.l ac�ion, or r�mova� act�on, as d�fined �n En�irox�mental Laws and��� an "Envirortmental
<br /> �'anditian"rneans a cond��ian that can cause, c�n�r�bu�e ta, or o�herwise trigger ax�En��ronmen�al��eanup.
<br /> Borrov�rer shal�not caus�o�r�er�ni.�the pres�nce, use, disposa�, storage, �r release af any Hazardaus
<br /> Su��ta�ces, or��reaten�o re��ase any Hazardous Substan�es, on or�n�he Pr�perty. Borr�wer shall nat do,
<br /> nor aiiaw anyane e�se��d�, anything affec��ng the Property �a} �hat is in�iolation af any Env�ranmenta�
<br /> Law, (h� �vhich crea�es an�n�ir�nmen�a� �ondi�ion, ar�c} v�hich, due�.o the presence, use, or release of a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, crea�es a condit��n that ad�erse�y affec�s the va1u�of�he Praper�y. The pre�eding twa
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ir�g[e�arr�ily-�anr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRUMENT Form 342$�141
<br /> VMP{� VMP��N�}{i 342�
<br /> Wo�ters Kluw�r Fir�ar��ia1 Ser�ices Page 13 vf�7
<br />