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2� 17����3 <br /> e. Any use af I�an p�-a��eds for a �urpose �hafi wii! c�ntri�ute �o exc�ssive erosi�n �f hi�hIy eradi�le <br /> land ar�o the c�n�ersion af w�t�ands�� produce vr�o make p�ssible th� producfrvn of an a�ricu��ural <br /> commo�ifiy, as further explained in 7 CFR F'art �940, Subpart�, Exhibi�M. <br /> f. The death, dEssolution or ins�lvency vf�ny Trus��r; �he appain�ment of a recei�er far�ny Yrustor vr <br /> fheir Property; any assignmen�far the b�nefi� of credi�vr� �y�he Trustar; ��apptica�ion �f any deb�or <br /> relief law �� Trustor, including any �ype �f workvut o� comm�ncemen� of proceeding und�r any <br /> bankruptGy o� �nso�vency �aws by ar a�ainst any Trus�or or Bvrrawer vn any Lvan ❑aGument vr vfher <br /> �]bligati�n secured �y thi�tru��d�e�. <br /> g. Any vf �he �r�ec�ding �Wen�s QCCLI�� with r�spect �o any guaran�or, �ndorser, sur��y, or <br /> accommadafion party af any af the�bliga�ions vr any guarant�r, endarser, �urety, or acc�mmoda�ion <br /> partydiesarb�comes incompe�ent,orrevokesordispute�thevalid��y of,o�liability und�r, �nyguaranty <br /> of the�biig�tions. <br /> '�� !n the eWen�❑f� �efault�nd ��any tim�there�f�er, Lender, �t its aption, �ubject to any requirements <br /> u�der �he Farm �r�di� Ac� ar �fiher app��cab[� f�dera� or s�a�� la�v, may exerGis� one ar rr�ore of the <br /> f�l[ovtiring rights and remedies, in addi�ion ta any o�her righ�s or remedies p�rmit�e� by law: <br /> a, Declar� �II �biiga�ions secured nereby fo b� immediafely du� and payable and �he wh�le v�rill bear <br /> interes��t the default rat� �� pravided in�he Laan Dvcumer�ts. <br /> b. Lender m�y immedia��jy authorl�e Trus�ee �o ��cerc��e �he pvw�r �f s�le granted h�rein in the <br /> mann�r �ravid�d in fhe N��r�s�a Tru�� D�eds Act, �r, a��he op�ion of�h� Lender, may fareclvse fihe <br /> trust deed in the manner �ro�ided by law for the fareclosure af m�rtgages on real pro�erty, in�ludin� <br /> the appvin�men�of a recesver upan ex parte appli�a�i�n, notic�being hereby expressly waived, wi�hou� <br /> regard �� �he value af�he pr�perty or the sufficiency thereaf tv d�scharge the indebt�dness secured <br /> herehy or in fhe Loan aocurr�ents. <br /> Should Lender ele��fio exercise the power of sale granted h�reln, L�nder w�ll na�ify Trus�e� vtirhv wil[ <br /> record, puhlish, and de�iv�r�o Trustor�s} su�h Nofice af Def�ult and No�ice of�ale as th�n r�quired by <br /> la�v and wi�l ir� the manner pro�ided by law, s�l� th� �roperty ���h�time and p�ace of sal�fia��d in �he <br /> notice af sale, �i�h�r as a wh�le ar in separate l��s, parcels, a�r i�ems �nd in such ord�r as Trus�e�wi�l <br /> deem expedient. Any p�rson may�id a�the saie rncluding Trus�ar, Trusfee, �r 1.ender. <br /> c. Lend�r, ei�her in per�on �r by agen�, wi�h or without bringing any ac�i�r� or pr�ceeding and �rith or <br /> wi�hou� r�g�rd �o �he ���ue af the Property vr the su�ficien�y therevf �� discharge th� �bligations <br /> secured h�reby, rs authvri�ed and en�itl�d�o en�er upan and t�ke posses�ion a��he Prop�rty in its own <br /> name �r in �h� name of �he Trus�ee and do any ac�s vr �xp�nd any sum� it deems n�ce�sary or <br /> d�sirab�e to pro��c�vr pr�s�rv�the value�f�he Property�r any�nter�s�therein,ar increase the incom� <br /> �h�refrom; and wifh Qr without�aking p�ssessi�n af fhe Prop�rty i� au�hori�ed �o sue f�r or o�herwise <br /> �vllect the rents, issues, cr��s, �Orof�s, and �nc�me�hereof, �n�luding fih�se past du� and unpaid, and <br /> apply the s�m� up�n any C]�iiga�ions s�cured h�reby or in �he Loan Qvcuments. <br /> d. Lender will be entitied to a �eceiver to t�k� imm�dia�e possession of �he Property �nd �Il rents, <br /> issues, craps, profits, and in��me therevf,wi�haut rega�d to the value of the Pr�perty, ar th��ufficiency <br /> thereof�a discharge the firus�deed de�t and �he fareclosure costs, fees, and �xpenses. Su�h rece�ver <br /> may be irr�mediately appoin�ed �y any c�urt of competen�jurisdic�ion u�an eac parte ap�aliGativn, no�ice <br /> being hereby �xpres�ly wa�ved and shall serv�Vvrthout h�nd i�the Eaw�liows. The rec�i�er wilI app[y <br /> a�� ren��, issues, crvps, pr�fits, and inc�me of th� Praper�y to keep the same in gaod repair and <br /> condE�ion, pay all taxes, ren��, fees, charges, �nd assessmenfs, pay insurance premium� ne��ssary to <br /> keep the Pr���rty insured, p�y the expens� of the rec�ivership and ��torney's fees incurred by �h� <br /> receiver, and �pply�he net proceeds�a�h� p�ym�nt of th�C�bligat��ns se�ured h�reby. �u�h �ecei�er <br /> wil[ ha��a11 �he a�her usual powers �f re�ei��rs authorized by la�r and a��he cvurt may direc�. <br /> e. ln�he event Trustor fails�o pay any liens,judgments, assessments, tax�s, rents, fees, or�harges�� <br /> majntain any insurance an�he Prap�rty, �uildings, fixfur�s, atta�hmen�s, or imprvvements as p�vvided <br /> herein or in th�Loan DoGum�n�s. Lender, �t i�s option, m�y make such payments�r prov�de insurance, <br /> maintenance, ar repairs �nd �ny amoun�s p�id therefor will ��come part of the princ�p�l �bligafions <br /> �ecured her��y, b� immediateIy due and pay�ble and b�ar int�rest a�th� defau�� ra�e pro�id�d in �he <br /> Laan Document�fram�he dat�of paymen�unti�paid.The advancemen��y Lend�r af any su�h amvunts <br /> wilI En na manr�er lirnit�he righ�of Lender to d�cl�re Tru�fior in defau�t or e�c�r�ise any af Len�ler"s o�her <br /> �i�h�s and r�medies. <br /> fY In the e�ent Lender�s a party�a any I��igafion affec�ing �he �'roperty or�his trust deed, inc�uding any <br /> action by Lender ta enforce�his trust deed �r�ny sui�in which Lender is named a defend�r���including <br /> eminenf dam�in and bankrup�cy praceedings}, Lend�r m�y incur expens���nd ad�ance p�yments for <br /> �hstrac�f�es, �ttorn�y's f�e��to the extent a1l�wed by law}, �a��s, e�pens�s, �ppraisal f�es, �nd a�h�r <br /> App#:54'i 78�4; �1F#: �39�5�; Nate#:��58�28 22�KS Lega[Da�.Dat�:Qec�rnber�8,���6 <br /> F�RIVI 5D��,Trust Deed and Assignmen�o�Ren�s Page 5�fi'� <br />