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NOTICE TO AGENT REGARDING INDIVIDUAL ACCEPTING <br />APPOINTMENT <br />AS ATTORNEY -IN -FACT <br />201608858 <br />Acceptance of or the agreement to act as the Agent (Attorney -in -Fact) with regards to the aforementioned <br />Power of Attorney, you undertake the fiduciary and other legal duties and/or responsibilities of a Agent. <br />These duties /responsibilities include: <br />The Agent shall have the fiduciary and legal duty to act solely in the interest of the principal; with <br />faithfulness, devotion, trustworthiness, dependability, care, competence and/or diligence as required <br />to avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts of interest. <br />The Agent shall have the fiduciary and legal duty to maintain and to keep account of any and all <br />transactions, dealings and communications that transpired on behalf of the Principal named in the <br />Durable Power of Attorney. Such transaction records shall include, but are not limited to, receipts <br />for purchases, sales, transfers and deposits, disbursements, collection of money owed, payment of <br />bills or liabilities to or for the principal, and any other dealings or transactions with regards-to any of <br />the principal's assets or liabilities. <br />In the event that the principal should appoint a separate Health Care Agent to administer any health <br />care decisions, the Agent to this Durable Power of Attorney shall cooperate fully with the <br />principal's duly appointed Health Care Agent in making decisions pursuant with the principal's <br />desires /wishes or that which is deemed in the best interest of the principal. <br />The Agent shall have the fiduciary and legal duty related to maintain and uphold any estate plan that <br />the principal may have in effect, if any. <br />The Agent shall have the fiduciary and legal duty to preserve the principal's property separate and <br />well - defined from any other property that the Agent may have under his /her power and possession. <br />The Agent shall have the fiduciary and legal duty to cease and/or teiininate actions as Agent <br />(Attorney -in -Fact) related to the aforementioned Durable Power of Attorney upon the occurrence of <br />any of the following items: <br />The Principal's demise; <br />The cancellation or revocation of aforementioned Durable Power of Attorney; <br />The onset of any date which may be contained within the stipulated Durable Power of <br />Attorney, stating or stipulating a date terminating the Durable Power of Attorney, if any; or <br />No additional action required under the Durable Power of Attorney. <br />In the event that the Agent (Attorney -in -Fact) is the spouse of the principal, said Durable Power of <br />Attorney shall be terminated upon legal separation or dissolution of the marriage. <br />At any time should the Agent willfully violate, misuse, exploit, mishandle or abuse the power or <br />authority conveyed or granted under this Durable Power of Attorney, you, as the Agent, may be <br />held accountable, responsible and/or liable for any said intentional actions pursuant to federal and <br />state laws governing this Durable Power of Attorney. <br />