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. V: ,,^.a., .- .y�..___. :.ti`- c::.:;:�> <l`.e.�..i:" �t. ,�s.,; ..4,.�•`. <br /> . ,.:r�...:. <br />--,... ,,.,.,. __ 'a{'•� . v ..t- F!.«., i;=.�:��..Bd�:...�: •+,.:;< :ak� ti - .^s •"a. c:�r:;.'=```i�`- - "�"p`. s <br /> �,t$tE�6�F`"c1.'.�,�:•a7�-",�&.�iv$6�.�.�kt,sY;• s''�; . . _ s� .. ':i- r.y..:.,;.._: '��"'• r �'t'�B,�C�`'�`��'c�:�`�.�5�5�..=�= <br /> =���' -- _:Sa$�_4��t1r`�n.�t/� �.'�l- �.[-'�:\ �' 'l�FR�1T3+J.�f'i� v �--___ — <br /> , .�._-��_ � . . � <br /> + . <br /> ! , <br /> � <br /> i <br /> � � <br /> �-- 1 o�s�� <br /> � THIS DEED OF TRpST AND SECUi�ITY AGR�E�lENT (the "�eed of <br /> Trust"), nade as of the 30th day of January, 1990, by 1�ENggg <br /> l�l�l�AGEMENT, INC., a De2aware corporation, havfng a p1$ce of <br /> ( buefneas at 24 River Road, Boqota, New Jessey 07643, ["Grantos" <br /> - ta !�lichael F. Kfvett, Esq., as trustee, bavfng an address at � <br />-- 11605 llrbor Street, Omaha. Nebraeka 58144 ("Tsustee") and DR�-VAL <br /> FINANCIAL CORFORllTION, a Delaware corporati�n., having its <br /> � prfncipal place of business at 24 Rives RaaBs. � <br /> � 076Q3 ("ee�eficiary"), �3ota, �lew Jersey <br /> WITI�t � SSETH <br /> To secure the payment af an fndebtednes� in tbe ` <br /> grfncipai eum of TWp MILLION, �REE gpNDg�D SEVLi+iTY-EIGBT . .� <br /> �OOSAND. EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY-s�X AND QO/1QQ ppl�g�s .. <br /> iS2•378,856.00j, lawful money of th� U�it�d States �o�.l�merica, ta <br /> _ be paid with interest according to � �rtain eote date8 the date <br /> hereof made by Grantor to Beneficiazy �tlxe n�t� togetber witb all <br /> extensions, r���wa2s or modifi��tionQ thesecE �k�t�ing herefnafter <br /> - co3lectively caTied the "Note") (sai� indebtec���ss, intere$t and <br /> � all other sums due here�nder and undez tke Note beirr.c� <br /> collectively calied �h.�: "�ebt"�, Gsanto� hes mortga�sc�; giveA, <br /> . gzanted, bargai��d, sa.7�.r; ali�n�d, ea�eoffea.. �r�nve�rer3, � � <br /> _ e�anffrmed, pled��d, a�r��:qned and� h��othecat�8 a�cd by �theee � <br /> preaent$ daes mdrtgag�� give, grant, b,��gain, se11, ��fen, � <br /> enfeoff,.� �nvey, ronfirm, pledge, asac�.gn and hypothe�ate unto <br /> Tsust�ee �he rea�. pzoperty de9cr�ked in Exhibit 1! attached hereto <br /> (tbe "Premises"Z and the k�uilding�t�, structures, fixtures, n <br /> . additions, enlacgemen�s, extenaians, madificationsm repairs, `� <br /> rep�ace�nents and �mprovem�nts no4v ar hereafter locate�t thereon .� <br /> . (the "in�provements"): � , -=_ <br /> .. � ::� <br /> , � TOGE;T�R. WIZ`�s all, ric�ht, title, intereet �Ad! est�tt� � <br /> o� Grantor naw ��red, ar':h.ereaC��r acguired, fn and �a the ' <br /> . followfru,�� proPer�Y. riqh*s, in�er•egts and estates �the Pre�afses, , <br /> ', t�e Imprc��rements together with the foliowinq praperty, rfghts, <br /> interests an�d estatee being 1ier�inafter collectfvel referred to � <br /> • as the "Trust PYOg�r�y"j; y �� , <br /> t�) a�l sasemc�nts, rfghts-of-way, str��:�� and � , � <br /> gases o: land,, s��reQte, ways, alieys, passagrs, sewer � � <br /> riqhes, water, waCer courses, water rfgbts and powers, <br /> — afr rights and devel�pment rights, and ail �states, <br /> rights, t3tirg, fntereets, pri�aileges, 1fbe��ies, <br /> tenementa, h�r�dituments and appurtenanees �� any <br /> nature whatepev�r, fn any way belonqir��U r��:�tfng os <br /> _ gertafning to the Premises and the Improveme�its an8 the <br /> reversfon and reversfons, remafnc]er and rem��nders, and <br /> _ all land lying in the bed of any street, ro�d os <br /> avenue, opened or proposed, fn front of or adjoining <br /> the Premises, to the renter line theseof and all the <br /> _ eatates, rf�l�ts, titles, interests, dower and rights of <br /> � dawer, curtesy and rights of curtesy, p=apetty, <br /> � �Y� <br /> � � - � J � <br /> � <br /> � ��� <br /> �. <br /> � .. -- <br /> � �'� �. � <br /> �}. <br /> i . <br /> '��' <br /> �,,r,t.- . <br /> r�� <br /> = '�: <br /> 7 <br />