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.^ _._ . _.;.._ . .. ....:e;n.' _�. -: ..L swa�.. '_ ,K..t -- _�.�'Rar.. �p� rdrJ� — —_ — -_ -.�ac.m.r�_y.�__'. � <br /> . _.,......�i_<<�.. .t <br /> a�:t. E_ _ i:t,.:�fa.f_!•�#�5�t7�� _ 37.?dts..-.. .__- ..... .__ <br /> � ' _, � . <br /> . t � , . <br /> 1 <br /> t <br /> . � <br /> ,� <br /> _ � 9a--ioos3g <br />- r . <br /> them may in their absolute discretion determine. No <br /> remedy herein con�ferred upon or regerved to Trustee or <br /> Beneficiary is in�en8ed to be exclusive of any other <br /> remedy herein or bg� law provided or permatted, but each <br /> - sha12 be cumulatine and shall be in addition to every <br /> other semedy given hereunder os now or hereafter <br /> ��cisting at law or in equity az b�y statute. Every <br /> - , gawer o�- semedy give�a by any ;vt .�:tre Q�ter Security <br /> , Documemt��.;to Trustee oz� II+��e€iciary o� to which either <br /> • of them may be otherwis�- �enti�Z�d, mag be esercised <br /> concurzently o� f:ndependentlyy .€som time to t�ime as <br /> _ aften as may k�.���aed escpedient by T'rustee c�� . � � . � <br /> � � Heneficiary and �ither of thero`may puraue 3iir�rr:��s;st�� .. . .' <br /> - reatedfes. Nothing herein shal2 be construec�� ��'. .�.;.�:..°' : <br /> prohibiting Heneficiary from seeking a deficf.%r'��r�,.� ; ,';���- � <br /> �� , : �r�.�gment against the Grantor t� the extent su� ac:ion <br /> � i:� permitted by lawo <br /> E. : . . . . <br />_ .� . . � . . <br /> � 22. Sale of Tr�st Pr�t�f:rtY. If this. �ped oE Trust is <br /> � Po�e�:losed, the Trust Property, ��sr any interest therein, may at <br /> the disoretion of Beneficiary, �e sold in one or raore parcels or <br />—' � ia reveral interests or portion����nd in any order or manner. <br /> 23. Ri ht to Cure De��i�s:Lts. Upon the occurrence of <br /> � any Event �s�f� Default or i • Cr����r Eail� to make any pa�m�nt or ' <br /> to do any ��ic as herein pr�u�:d��� Benefi��3:ary may, but w��thout , ;;_� <br /> any obligation to do so and �ith�ut notice to ot demand on � `- <br /> ' � Grantor ancl without relea8ing Gr�n�or from any �1sZigation � �° <br /> � hereunder, make or do the same 3s� such manner anc� to such extentt `�� <br /> � as Beneficiary may deem ne�essazy to protect the security hereof. •;' <br /> Heneficiar is ae�thorized tc� enter u '�=- <br /> y pon the Trust Property for _. <br /> such purposes, or appear in, de€end, or bring any action or <br /> gsA+��ding to protect its interes� ir� the Trust Property or to � <br /> � fo���loee this Deed of Trust or coilect the Debt, and the cost .� <br /> - and expeass� thereof (including reasonable attorneys' fees to the. <br /> exteat+� per�m�.tted by law); with interest as provided fn this ��` <br /> - par�a�};�aph 23, sha].1 constitute a gostion of the Debt and shall .3� <br /> ; due a�nd payable to Benefiaiary ugfln demand. All such costs anr� � <br /> expenses incurred by Beneficiary in remedying such Event of " <br /> � Default os in appearing in, aefending, or bringing any s�ch , <br /> ' . action or praceeding shal� bear interest at the Default l�atet tc�r ��- <br /> the period aEter notice from eeneficiary that such cost or �: <br /> -- � expense was ineurred to the date of payment to Beneficiary. All . - <br />— ; sucb costs an8 expenses incurred by Heneficiary together with <br /> fnterest thereon calculated at the Defau�.t Rate shali be deemed � <br /> to constftute a portion of the Oebt and he secured by this Deed � <br /> of Txugt and the �7tY�er Security Documents and sl�a;1.1 be <br /> inu¢ediately due aa�: payable upon demand by Beneficiary �herefo�o <br /> 24. Late Pav�±�•i�t Charge. If any portfon o� i:.�e Debr <br />� ia »�t paid within ten (�.�) aaye aFter the date an whicri it is . � <br /> du��..Grantor shail pay to Henefieiary upon demand an acGCUnt ec��r.�a <br /> s -19- <br /> , ;-,_._______ <br /> . � <br />� � <br /> , <br /> � � � <br />� � � ' L.. ...� <br /> � <br /> . � <br />� <br /> . <br /> r _ <br /> �. a <br /> � <br /> � � � � .. <br /> ��r . <br /> —_�.,�. <br /> _��� — <br /> ,; ;. <br /> _� ,�;� <br /> -r <br />