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2� 1 ��884� <br /> r�quired by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay t�Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency in � <br /> accardan�e w�th RESPA, but in no more than 12 monthl�payments. � <br /> Upon pa�ment in full of a��sums secured by�his Secu.rity Instn�ment, Le�d�r sha1��pr4mptly refund ta <br /> Barrawer any Funds held�y Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Bvrrower shall pay a11 tax�s, assessments, charges, fines, and imposit�ons attri�utab�e to <br /> the Prop�rty whi�h can attai_n priority over�iis S�curity Ins�n�ment, leaseho�d paym.ents or groun.�rents on <br /> 1:he Propert�, if an�, and Community Associat�on Dues, Fees, and Assessments, �f a.ny. To the extent that <br /> thes��tems are Escrow Items, Borro�ver shall pay them�.n the mann�r provided i.n Section 3. <br /> Borr�wer shali prQmp�iy discharge an�r�ien which has priority o�er th�s 5ecuri�r In.strument un�ess <br /> Bvrrawer: �a} agrees in writing to the payment of the abligatian se�ured b�r the�ien in a manner acceptable <br /> to Lender,bu�only so lang as Borrawer�s perfornaing such agreement; �b} eantests�he�ien in gvod faith by, <br /> or def�nds aga�nst enforcement of the�ien in, l�ga1 prac�edings v�hich in Lender's opinian aperate t�prevent <br /> �he enforcemen�of the�ien while those proceedi.ngs are pending,but on1�r unti�su�h pr�ceedings are <br /> c�nc�udeds �r�c� secures from the holder of the lien an agreement sat�sfactory ta Lender subordinating the <br /> Ii�n ta this 5�curity In.strum�nt. If Lender determines that any part of th�Propert�is subj ect to a��en which <br /> cati attaiaa priority over Instrument, Lender may give Borrawer a nvtice identifying the�ien. <br /> �ithin 1�days of the date�n wh�ch that notice is given, Borro�ver sha�l sa��sfy the lien or take one ar more <br /> of�h�actx�ns set fa�th abave u�this S�ctiQn 4. <br /> Lender ma�require Borr�v�er to pay a one--time charge f�r a rea�estate tax verifica�ion a.ndlor reporting <br /> serv�ce used b�L�nd�r in connection v�ith this Loan. <br /> a. Property �nsurance. Borrawer shall keep the improv�ments now exi.stua.g ar hereafter erected an the <br />- Prvperty insured against lass by fire, ha2ards included�ithi.n the term"extended coverage," and any other <br /> hazards including, but not�imited to, earthquakes and flovds, for which Lender requires insurance. This <br /> insurance shall be mauntai_ned in the amounts�including d�ductible�ev��s� ax�d far the periods that Lender <br /> requ�res. What Lend�r requires pursuant�o the preceding sentences can change during the term of�he Laan. <br /> The iEn.surance carr�er providing the insurance shall b�chosen�y Borrower subjec�to Lender's r�ght to <br /> d�sapprove Borrower's choice,�vh�ch right shall not be��ercised unreasona�aly. Lender ma�require <br /> Borrower�o pay, in conn�ction with this Loan, �ith�r: �a}a one-time Charg�far flood�one determina��on, <br /> certii�catifln and tracking service5; �r(b� a one-time charge for fl�od zane deter�m�nation and�ertification <br /> services and subsequ�nt charg�s each time r�xnappings ar simuilar changes accur�hich reasona�ly mYght <br /> affect such deter�m'vaation ar c�rtifi�ation. Borrower shal.l also be respansible for th�payment af any fe�s <br /> impvsed by the Federal Emergency Management Ag�nc�in conne��ian w�th the review�f an�flood zone <br /> determination resulting fram an ab�e�t�an b�Borrov��r. <br /> Zf Borrower fails to maintain any of the c�verages described abave, Lender may abtai_n insuranc�cv�erage, <br /> at L,ender's aption and B�rrou�er's expense. Lender is under no ob��gation ta purchas�any particular type or <br /> amoun�of cvverage, Therefare, such coverage shall cover Len�er, but might or might not pro�t�c�Borrower, <br /> Borrower's equ�t�r in�h�Prop�rty, �r the contents�f th�Property, agai.nst any risk,hazard or�iabil�t�and <br /> rrught provide greater or lesser coverag�than was pr�viously in effect. Borrovver ackna�ledges tha�the cost <br /> of the insurance coverage so�btained m�ght sxgn�.f eantly exceed th�cast af insurance that Bonrower cou�d <br /> hav�obtained. Any amaunts disbursed by L�end�r under this Sec�ion 5 shal�become additiona�debt of <br /> Barrower secured Uy this Securi��r Instrument. These amaunts shall bear in��rest at the Note rate from the <br /> date of disbursement and sha��be payable, wrth such interes�,upon notice from L�nder to Borrow�r <br /> requesting payment: <br />_. NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac L1NI�ORM lN5TRLIMENT Form 3028 i l�l <br /> VMP� VMP6(NEy�'1302j <br /> WnFters Kiuwer Fnancial 5ervices Page fi of 7 7 <br />