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2� 1 ��884� <br /> sentences shall n�t apply ta the presence, use, or starage on the Property of sma11 quantities�f Hazardous <br /> Substances that are generally recogru.zed to be apprapriate ta nornaal residential use�and to maintenance of <br /> �he Property�inc�uding, but not limite�i to,]aazardous substan�es i.n�onsumer produc�s}� <br /> Barrawer shall promptly give L�nder written notice�f�a} any investrgation, claun, d�mand, lawsui�or other <br /> action by any governmental or regulatory agency or priva�e party i.n�ol�ing the Progerty and any Hazardous <br /> 5ubstance or En�ironmental Law�f wh�ch Barrower ha.s actual knowledge, �h}any Envir�n�mental <br /> Gandxtian, including but nvt�.t�d to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, re�ease or threat of re�ease of any <br /> Hazardvus Substance, and�c) any condition caused by th�pres�nce, use or re�ease of a Ha2ardous Substance <br /> wh�ch adverse�y affects the valu�of the Pr�p�rty. If Borrovver learns, or is notified�y any go�ernm�ntal or <br /> regulat�ry�uthori�, or any pri�ate party, that any r�moval or other remediation of any Hazardous 5u�stance <br /> affecting the Praperty is necessary, Barrvwer shall gromp�ly take a��necessary remedxa� actions in <br /> accardance with En�riranmental Law. Nothing her�in�hal�create any�hligat�on on Lend�r far an <br /> Enviranmental Cl�anup. <br /> Non-UnifQrm �ovenants.Borraw�r and Lender cavenant and agree as fol�ows: <br /> �2. A�ceEerativn; Remedies. Lender shall gi�e notice to Borraw�r pr�ior to acceleration <br /> Borrower's breach of any c�venant nr agreement in this Security Instrument�ut not prior to <br /> acce�erat��n unc��r Section 18 unless Applicab�e Law pro�ides}. The notice sball specYfy: �a} <br /> the dQfau�t; �h} the action required to cure the default; [c} a date, not less than 3U days from the date <br /> tbe notice is given t�Borrnwer, by which the default must h�cuured; an.d�d} that failure to cuure the <br /> defau�.t an or before the dat�specified in the noti�e may result in acceleratxon of the suams secured by <br /> this Security Instr�xm�nt and sale of the Praperty.The notice sha11 further inform Borrower of the <br /> r�ght to reinstate af�er acceleratian and the r�ght to hri_ng a court action to assert the nvn-existence of a <br /> defau�t vr any other def�nse af Barrower to acceleration and sa.�e,If th�default is not cured on or <br /> before the date speci�ied in the nvtice, Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of <br /> all sums secured by this Se�urity I�astrument without furth�r demand and may invoke the power of sale <br /> and any other remediies permitted by Applicable�aw. �ender shall be entitled to collect all e�penses <br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this Section 2�,includi_ng, but not limited to,reasonable <br /> attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. <br /> If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of default xn Qacb county in whicb any <br /> part of the Propert�is I�cated and shall mail copi�es of such notice in the manner pres�ribed by <br /> Applicable Law to Bvrrvwer and to the�tber persons prescribed by Applicable Law. After the tim.e <br /> required by Applicab�e Law, Tru.stee sball g�i�e public notice of sale tv the persons and in the manner <br /> prescribed b�Applicable Law. Trus�ee, w�thout demand on Borrower,�hall sQll the Property at public <br /> auction to the highest b�dder at the time and pXace and under the t�x-n�.s designated in the nati�ce of 5a1e <br /> in one or more parceXs an.d in any order Trustee determinQs. Trustee may postpone sale of all ar any <br /> parce�of the Property by publi�announ.cement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sal�. <br /> Lender or its des�gnee may purchas�the Property at any sa1�. <br /> Upon r�ceipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> convey�ng the Property. Th�rec�tals in the Trustee's deed shall be pri�ma facie evidence nf the truth of <br /> the statem�nts made therein. 'l�ustee shall appiy the proceeds of tbe sa�e in the fallowing order: {a} to <br /> all costs and expenses af exercising the power of sale, and tbe sale,i_n.cluding the payment vf the <br /> Trustee's fees actually i.ncwrred and reasonahle attorneys' fees as permitted by Applicabie Law; �b) to <br /> all sums secured by�his Security Instrument; and�c� any excess to the person or p�rsons legally <br /> ent�t�ed to it. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LINIFDRM lNSTRCJMENT �orm 3028 11D1 <br /> VMP p VMP6�N�y�1302f <br /> WoFters Kluwer FnanciaE 5ervices Page 14 of 17 <br />