2� 1 ��884�
<br /> sa�Ysfaetion, prav�ded that such inspectian sha��be under�aken promptly. Lender ma�pay for th�reparrs
<br /> and restoration in a single disbursement or in a series af pragress paym�nts as the wark is camp�e��d.
<br /> Unless an agreement is made in writing ar Applicala��Law requires i:nterest ta be pa�d on such
<br /> Misceilaneous Proce�ds, Lender sha1�not be required to pay Borr�wer any�nterest ar earnuags vn such
<br /> Misce�laneous Pr�ceeds. �f the res�oration or repair is nat econvmically feaszb�e or Lender's security w�u�d
<br /> be lessened, the Miscellaneous Pr�ceeds shall b�applied to tbe sums secured�y th�s Securzfi,�Lnstrument,
<br /> wheth�r or n��then due; v�ith the exc�ss, if any,paid to Barr�wer. Such Mis�el�aneous Prac�eds shall:be
<br /> app��ed in th��rder pro��ded for in Sect�on 2.
<br /> In.the�vent of a tatal.takin.g, destructi�n, or lvss in value af the Prvperty, the Misc�llaneous Prace�ds sha�l
<br /> b�applied to the sums secured by th.is Security Instrument, wh��h�r or not then due, with�he excess, if an�r,
<br /> paud to Borrower.
<br /> In the event of a part�al taking, destruction, or Ioss in value of�he Property in v�hich�he fair market value of
<br /> , the Praperty xm�m�dxate�y befare#he par�ial�aking, destruction, or loss in value is equal to ar grea�er than the
<br /> amount of the swms secured by this Security Instrurnent immediat�Iy b�fore the partial taking, des�ruction, or
<br /> .��ss in va�ue, unJ.ess Borrower and Lender otherwise agr��in wri�ing, the su.ms secured by thxs Security
<br /> Instrument sha11 be reduced�y the amaunt af the Misce��aneous Praceeds multiplied b�r the follov�ing
<br /> fraction: �a}the tota.�amount of the sums secured i.mmediateZy�efor�the partial taking, destruction, or l�ss
<br /> in va�ue dxv�ded�y�b}�he fa.ir market value of the Prvperty immedia�ely befor�the partial tak�ng,
<br /> destructivn, or loss in va1u�. Any balanc�shai.l b�paid ta Borr�wer.
<br /> In�he event of a partxa�taking, destruction, or�oss in value of the Property in�vhich th�fair market va�ue af
<br /> the Praperty immec�ia�tel�before th�partial taking, des�ruction, or loss in va�ue is l�ss�han the amount of th�
<br /> sums secur�d unmedia�ely before the partral taking, destruction, or Iass in va�u�,unl�ss Barrower and
<br /> Lender otherwis�agre.e in writing, the Miscel�aneous Praceeds shall b�appli�d to the sums s��ured by thi.s
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Prop�rty is abandoned b�r Borrower, �r if, after notice by I.�nd�r to Barrov�rer that the�pgosing Party
<br /> �as d��ned in the ne�t sentence} offers�o mak�an award ta sett��a c�aim f�r d.amages, Borrovver fails�o
<br /> respond to Lend�r u��thin 3�days aft�r the da�e the notice is given, Lender is authorized to col�ec�and appXy
<br /> the Mxsceilaneaus Pro�eeds e�ther t�restoratian or repair of the Propert�r ar to the sums secured�y this
<br /> Se�urity In.strument, whe#h�r or not then due. "�pposing Party" means th�third party that owes Borrow�r
<br /> M�sceZ�aneous Praceeds or the party again.st whom B�rrvwer has a right of act�on in regard to Misc�llan�ous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Bnrrow�r shall be in defau�t if any act�on or proc�edzng, whether civil�r criminal, is b�gun,that, in Lender's
<br /> judgmen�, cauld resuxt�n forfeitur�af�ae Property�r vther materia� unpainment af Lender's interest in the
<br /> Praperty or rights under this Security Instrum�nt. Borrower can cure such a default and, �f acce�eration has
<br /> accurr�d, reinstate as provided in Section 19, by causing the action or proceeding to l�e dismissed with a
<br /> ruling that, in Lender's judgment, precludes forfe�ture of the Property vr vther material impairment of
<br /> Lend�r's in�erest in the Prop�r�y or rights under this Security Instrument. T�ie proceeds of any award ar
<br /> claim for damages that are attributab�e��the impairment of Lend�r's inter�st in�he Prop�rty are h�reb�
<br /> ass�gned and�hall be paid�o Lender.
<br /> All M�scellan�aus PrQceeds#riat ar�not applied to restoration or repair of�he Praperty sha�l be app�ied in the
<br /> �rder provided for in Section 2.
<br /> h1E6RASICA-Singfe Family-Fannie MaeJFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 11�9
<br /> VMP� VMP6�NEf tZ 302y
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices Page'��af 17
<br />