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<br /> ' E��i��BZT n��e
<br /> A].1 right, titile ;and interest of Debtor in and to the.
<br /> following, whether now own�� c�r hereafter acquired or created: .
<br /> 4aj all mact�fnery, appara�us, furniture,
<br /> furnishings, "' fittingsp €ixtures (whethe�. �c�ually or �
<br /> constructively attached) , e�uipment and bther articles of
<br /> _ tangible persanal prop�rty � of every kind a� nature whatsoever
<br /> (other than those awnAd or l�:ased by tenarits q�- alI Qr part of
<br /> � the Real Estate (herei��f��r dsscri.bed) , exc�t tv t�se extent af ,
<br /> Debtor's interest therein) , �nd all appurtenartces ar��Z adc�zti�ns _ , _ '
<br /> thereto and substitutiore� or replacemen�. thereof, nar,� or �
<br /> . hereafter attachec} to, or in�ended to be attac�ed to (though not
<br /> . . � attached thereto) or use�. in connection with any p�esent or -
<br /> future operation of the Real Estat� or placed on any part
<br /> thereof �collectively, t�e "Fixtures anc£ Equipz�ent") ;
<br /> . . (b) all an�i singular 'the tenemQnts, hereditaments,
<br /> appurtenanaes, eas�emen�s, riparian rights, permits, �riglits of
<br /> way, licenses, aqreements'and privileges belonging ar in anytr�ise
<br /> . appertaining to the Rea1. Estate, and the reversions, remaincders, -
<br /> rents, issues, rayalti�s, profits and revenue_ther�of; and� also , �
<br /> all the estate, right, tit3�e, interest, �I.3im and . demand
<br /> whatsoever, both in l.acr and at equity, of Debtbr in and to the
<br /> Real �state and of, in ar�d to every part thereof, with the -
<br /> appurtenances, at any ti.me belonging or in anywise appertaining
<br /> ther?t�; - _
<br /> � �
<br /> (c) all ren�s, rayalties, income, receipts, . 'L
<br /> revenue, fees, issues, naneys and profits Af and from all ' �
<br /> � present and future leases, subleases or licenses of all or part
<br /> � of the Real Estate (t� .the extent o� Debtor's interest therein)
<br /> including withaut lima.t•�tion, all rents, income, receipts,
<br /> revenue, fees, issu��, purchase price (includinq any purahase
<br /> price payable by the ten�nts of the Real Estate to Debtor on
<br /> account of a condemn�tion or taking for public use of all or
<br /> par� of the Real Estate) , maneys and profits of and from that
<br /> certain Lease demisi.nc� the Real Estate dated :�anuary 30, 1990 ���
<br /> (the "Lease") , b�tween Q�abtor, as Landl.rrd, and Wa1�Mart Stores, � '� �
<br /> , Inc. (�he "T�nant") , as tenant;
<br /> (d) to tHe ertent that the following are
<br /> assignable, all estat�, �i.ght, title arrct interest of Debtor in
<br /> . and to all contract�, agreer�ents, glans anci specifieations,
<br /> ' p�rmits, licenses an3 spprovais (of both governmental and ,
<br /> � _ quasi-governmental aut�oriti��; in connection with the
<br /> � acquisitian, devel�pmenr, ownership�,. use, man�gement or
<br /> operation of the ReaL Estate, inc.��.�sling, without limitatian,
<br /> . ' that cez�a2n Ac�reem�nt� o� Furchase and Sale dated as �f June 12,
<br /> 1989, among c9a l�Mart Properties, Inc. , Kenbee Manaq�r.cent-
<br /> Oklahoma, Inc. and 41u�.-14�rt stoLes, Inc. (the Interest of Kenbee
<br /> ;-___--
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