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. .. <br /> . .... .,: .: _:. � ,. �r�� 3;�,,�����_,�,�,� .��� _ _ . . :,�.�.:...... :z., ;�; <br /> . . __ <br /> K��-•-:L:jyl� . �.. . . ',• • eet��Sf�7�iti?�lSl��k��r``� �'`S - ;���`-n;`��ta�,F4'r��,�__�nS�L �-��;?.�as. :�:�:,�:.:s,�• -=iG�^o��ti�',tat,�a�r.''-_:,fa�� - �ti{r�" <br /> - - ` � ffi - <br /> ---_— L � <br /> ! - <br /> � <br /> � <br /> KTV-�02 1�18/90 (521? GRAND ISLAND, NE <br /> � .�.. Q <br /> _ �Q �.00s� _ <br /> �•rn <br /> 7. Ang� fa�I��s�e by Assignee to inslst upon the str.ict <br /> performance or cbservanae �:by Assigaor of any of the terms <br /> - and provistons of th�s Ar�93.3nmeat shall� not be deemed to be a <br /> waiver of aay of the terms and prcvisions hereof, and Assignee, <br /> notwithstanaing any such failure, shall have the sight thereafter <br /> to insist upon the stzfct pesformance and observance 6y �ssignar <br /> — of any ana all vf the terms and prov3sians of this Assignmeat to <br /> be performed or observed by Assignor. Assignee m�y release, <br /> _ regardless of consideration and without the necess�ty for any <br /> -- notice to or consent by the holder of aay lien on the Assigned <br /> . Progerty, aay gart of the security held foz the obll:3aticns <br /> ` � � secuzer3 by this Assignm$nt without, as to the rema�s�d�z of the �. <br /> _ � security, fn any way impairing or affecting• the effgctiveness ofc <br /> ` this �Assignment. Assignee may resort for tha payment of tha <br /> � � � Indebteaness secured by this Assigrm;ent to any other security <br /> � therefor held by Assign�e in such ord�r and manner as Assignee <br /> — may elect. . <br /> _ 8. vpan the happening and coatinuation of an Event of <br /> _ Default under the xote, this Assignment or any of tho Other <br /> Agreemeat�o Assignor hereby waives, to the extent permitted by <br /> applicahle Iaw, all immaterial errors aad imperfect3oas in any � " ' <br /> proceedings instituted by Assign�e under this Assignment aad aZl ' <br /> -- not��es of any Ev�at of Default ��xcept as may be provided f�r � � <br /> un��r the terms hereof) or of Assignee�s election to exercise or <br /> its actual exercise of any right, remedy or secourse provided � <br /> for under this A�signment. � <br /> �� 9. Wh�aever it is provided herein tha� notice, - <br /> demand, request, consent, apprvval or other communicat.ion shall -� <br /> or may be g�ven to or servea upon either of the parti� by the - <br /> • other, or whenever either of the parties desire to gfve or serve �,= <br /> _ upon the oth�r an�r notice, a��a, request, consen�, approval or ' <br /> other with respect to this Assignment or to the <br /> Assigned Property, each such notice, a�.�na, request,. �onsent, <br /> approval ar ether comnunication shall (:a) be qiven b� personal <br /> delivery or by certified or reglstered mail of the United States ±� • <br /> Postal Serviae, raturn receipt requested, postage pre�aid, (b) be " '�� <br /> • conclusively dee,s�� to have been recet�ed by a party l�;sreto and � <br /> be effecti�e on the day on which it i.� delivered, but if delivery s� <br /> _ is refusec�, on the earlier of the date �elivery is refused or the �. <br /> third day after the same is depas�ted with the United States <br /> ; Pa�tal Service, aA�] �c) be addre�sec3 as follows, or tc such ather ' <br /> adc�ress as the party affected may hereaLter designate: � <br /> � <br /> � -7- , <br /> � - : _-___- <br /> �..•. i <br /> � • Y <br /> � L� � <br /> � �� <br /> .r �: <br /> �.. .: <br /> � t <br /> - ���,�-, E.� .�.1 <br /> ,,.�`!�`. <br /> ; • <br /> A� <br /> :rN. . <br /> ' �.. <br /> - .- ,.,_� -� . e - _ - -- -_ <br /> ._ -�.� � � z,�srazr�r^��*_ .. . . .'?e�'�'r��'"".,.-'�v,..,����`�r,.-.�4�r.::,we�-r?}���rrK., .N.r , - .�:',n:YAt�i!!a[ .. '�c�a��{�P}6T��'��!r,�y� 'hr� •�..zS.Tmear�,-,- ,_. . .. <br /> --_- - -_, —.. ., .. .. . . .......,. .. _ . , ' . , . .... t��-. .. .. ... . <br /> ..• ,., i.,�H!!A'41, _1„ . <br /> . . � . <br /> - _ _., .. �' <br /> -- _ -° - <br /> _ _- - -- ----- -------- --�------ ----------�-- <br /> _ - - --- - -- - -- -- -- - ---- - - -- --- - - ----- - ._ <br /> - ----- - �-- --------.:.- - ----�---—- ----—-- �--- — -. _.-- --------- - -- -=�� �-- . --_- . - . _.-- - r <br />