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2� 1 ��88� 1 <br /> A1� �nsurance pol�c�es r�qu�red by L�nder and renev�als of such policies sha��he su��e��ta Lender's �r�gh�to <br /> d�sappr��e such pol�cxes, �hall inciud�a s�andard mortgage clause, and sha�� name L.ender as m�rtgagee <br /> andlar as a.n addi�iona� �oss payee. Len�er shal�have�he righ��o hold �he pol�cies and renewa��ertificates. �f <br /> Lender requ�res, ��rr�wer sha�l promptly give ta Lend�r a�I rece�pts of paid premiums and renewai not�ces. <br /> �f Borr�wer o��a�ns any farm of insurance coverage, n�t otherv�rise required by Lend�r, f�r damage to, or <br /> des�ruct�an of, the Property, such po�icy sha�� �nclude a s�an�ard nzart�ag��lause ar�d sha�1 name L�nder as <br /> mor�gagee andlor as an additiona� �oss payee. <br /> �n�he even�of Ioss, B�rraw�r sha�� g��e promp�no��ce�a the insurance carri�r and L.�nder. I.�nder ma�r <br /> make proaf af loss if not made promptly by Borrower. Un�ess Lend�r and Borrow�r��herw�se agre��n <br /> writing, an�insuranc�pr�ceeds, whether or na��he underly�ng�nsurance was r�qu�red by Lender, sha��be <br /> app�ied ta restoration or repa�r af�he Proper��, �f t�e res�ora�ion or repair�s economicai��feasible and <br /> I�nder's securi��is no��essened. During such repair and restora��on p�riod, Lender shal�ha�re�he right ta <br /> hald such insurance proce�ds un��� Lender has had an opp�r�unit�to inspe�t such Praper�y to ensure the <br /> work has been canzp�eted�o Len�ler's sa�isfac��on, pro�ided�ha�such xnspection sha��b�under�aken <br /> promp��y. Lender�nay d�sburse proceeds for the r�pa�rs and res��ra��on�n a sir�gle payment�r in a series flf <br /> pragress pay�nen�s as�he wor�is comp�e�ed. Ur�iess an agreemen�is made in wr��ing or Applicable Lavv <br /> requires interest ta be pa�d on such insurance pr�cee�s, Lender sha��n�t be required�o pay�orrov�er an� <br /> �n�eres�ar�arn�ngs on suc�z proc��ds. Fees f�r pu��ic adjus�ers, or ather third par�ies, retained by Borrow�r <br /> sha�� no��e paid au�of the insurance pr��eeds and sha��be th�sole ob��ga�ion af Borrower. If�he res��ra�io�. <br /> or repair�s no��c�nomical�y feasib��or L.ender's se�uri�y wou�d be lessened, �he insurance proc�eds sha��be <br /> appl��d t�the sums secured by this Se�ur���r�nstrument, whethe�or not then due, v�i�h th�e�cess, if any, <br /> paid to Borrower. Such insurance pr��e�ds shal� be applied in the order provided far in Sect�on�. <br /> �.f Borrower abandons the Prapert�, Lender may ��e, negot�ate and s�t�l�an� availab�e�nsuran�e claim and <br /> related matters. If Barrower d�es not respond w�thin 3�days to a notice from Lender tha��he insurance <br /> carrier has offered�a se���e a cla�m, �hen I�ender may negot�a�e and se�t�e the claim. The 3��day per�od wil� <br /> beg�n when�he r��tice�s gi�en. �n ei��er event, or if Lender acquir�s�he Proper�y under Sect�on��vr <br /> otherwise, Borr�wer hereby assigns�o Lender�a} Borrower's righ�s to any �nsurance proceeds in an amount <br /> nat�o exceed the amounts unpa�d under the Nate or this Secur�ty Instrument, and�b} any a�her of <br /> Barrower's r�ghts �other�han the right ta any refund of unea�-ned pr�mium�pa�d by Borrow�r}under a�� <br /> �nsurance po�icies covering�he P�roper�y, insofar as such r�ghts are app�icah�e�o the cov�rage af�he <br /> rrop�rty. i.,end�r may use�h�insurance prflceeas�i�her�a rep��r c��°�e���i��.�e r���c���i���a��-�-����.�s <br /> unpaid under the Note or this Securi�y �nstrumen�, vvhe��er�r no�then due. <br /> �. �ccupancy. Borrflwer shall occupy, es�ablish, and us�the Property as Bflrrav�rer's principa� r�s�dence <br /> w�th�n�D days after�he e��cu�ian af�hzs Secur��y�ns�rum�ent and sha11 con�inue to occupy�he Prop�r�y as <br /> Borrav�er's principal res�dence f�r a�I�ast one�ear after the da��of occupanc�r, uniess Ilender ot�erwise <br /> agrees in wri�ing, �vhich consen�shali riot b�unr�asonably vv�thheld, or unless extenua��n��ircums�an�es <br /> �xi��which are bey�nd Borrow�r's contr�l. <br /> 7. P�reservation, �a�ntenance and Protectian of tne Praperty; tnspect�ans. Borrower shall na�d�stroy, <br /> damage or impa�r�he Pro�erty, a�low�he Proper�y ta de�eriora�e or comm�.t was�e on the Proper�y. V�Thether <br /> or not Borrower is res�d�ng xn the Proper�y, �orrawer sha��mainta�n the Proper�y in order�o preven���e <br /> Property fr�m�.e�eriara��ng or decrea��ng in�ra�ue due�o ��s c�nd��ian. Un��ss i�xs d���rmin�d pursuan�.�a <br /> Section 5 tha�repair or r�storat�on�s no��conomica���feas�ble, B�rr�vver sha11 pr�mp�Iy repair the Property <br /> if damaged�a avaid further d��eriora�ifln or damage. �f insurance or condemnation proceeds are paid �n <br /> connec��on w�th damage to, or�h�tak�ng af, �he Proper�y, Borrower shali be respons�b�� f�r r�pairing�r <br /> rest�ring�he�'rop�r�y only if Lend�r has re�eas�d pr�ceeds for such purposes. Lender may d�sburse proc��ds <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Famity-Fannie Mael�reddi�Mac UNt��RM lNSTRUMENT �orm 3�2$11�1 <br /> VMP Q <br /> VMP6tNEf t13Q2y <br /> Wolters Kfuwer Financiaf 5er�ices P�9��Q��� <br /> : <br />