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2� 1 ��88� 1 <br /> B�RRC��VV'ER C�VENANTS that Barrflwer is 1av�ful�y seised of the estat�h�reby conveyed and has t�e r�gh�-�a <br /> gran�and c�n�e� the Prop�r�y and�ha�th�Pr�per�y is unencumbered, exc�p�f�r encuxnbrance�af re�ord. <br /> B�rr��ver warrants and w��� defend genera��y the tit�e�o the Proper�y against a1I c�aims a�zd den�ands, sub��c�to <br /> any encu�mbran�es af recard. <br /> TH�S SECUR�TY INSTRUN.�ENT comb�nes uniform covenants for na��ona�us�and nan�uniform co�enants vv�th <br /> l�m��ed�ar�a��ons by jurisd����on�a const��ute a unif�rm s�curity ins�rumen�c�v�ring r�a�pr�per�y. <br /> LJn�f��m �ovenants. Borrawer and Lender cavena.�t and agr��as f���ov`rs: <br /> 'I. Payment of Principa�r �Clt�'Y"P'St, Escror►v ltems, Prepayment �har�es, and Late Char��s. ��rr�vv�r <br /> sha�l pay when due the pr�ncipa� �f, and �n��res�on, �he debt��idenced by the Na�e and any prepayment <br /> Ghar��s and �a�e charg�s du�under�he Nate. Borrower shai� �lso pay funds for�scr�v�r Iten�pursuant to <br /> Sec��an 3. Payments due under the No�e and th�s Secur��y �ns�rument shai�be�nade�n �,�. currency. <br /> �owe�rer, if a��check�r ather instrument rec�i��d b� Lend�r as payment un�er the Nfl�e ar this Security <br /> �nstrument is returned to Lender unpa�d, L�nder may requ�re tha� any or all subsequent paymen�� due under <br /> the Na�e and�his Securzt�r �nstrument�e mad�in�ne flr m�re of�h�fo��flwing farms, as sele�ted b�r Lender: <br /> �a}cas�; �b�money order; �c} certified che�k, bank ch�ck, tr�asurer's chec��r cashier's check, pro�id�d any <br /> such c��ck�s�rawn up�n an�nstitu�ion whose d�pos�t� are insured�y a federa� agency, ins�rumentality, or <br /> en�ity; or�d} ��ectr�nic Funds Trar�sfer. <br /> Payments are deemed recei�ed by Lender when r�cezved at�he�oca�ion des�gnated in the N�te or at such <br /> other�oca�i�n as may be designated by Lender in acc�rdance w��h the n�tice provisinns in Sect�an �5. <br /> Lender�may return an�r payment or par��a�.pa�ment if the pa�rment or par�ia�pa�ment�are�nsuffici�n�to <br /> br�ng the Loa.r�curren�. Lender may acc�pt any payment or par�ia.�paymen�insufficie�t to bring�he Loan <br /> current, vv�thout v�ai�er�f any rights hereunder or prejud�c��� its rights ta refuse such payment or partia� <br /> paymen�s in�he fu�ure, but L�nder is no��bligat�d to app�y su�h payments at the t�me su�h payments ar� <br /> accepted. If each Per�od�c Pa�men� �s applied as af�ts sch�duled�.ue da��, then L�nder need n��pay �nter�st <br /> on unapplied funds. Lender may ho�d such una�p�ied funds until Borr�wer makes payments to�oring�h� <br /> Loan curren�. �f Borrower does n�t�o so vvithin a reasonable perind of t�me, Lend�r shall�ither app�y such <br /> funds or re�urn them�o Borrovver. If not app��ed ear��er, such funds will be app��e�.to th�outs�anding <br /> pr�n��pa1 ba�ance und�r the Note�mme�iiat��y pr�or to forec�osur�. No offset ar�Ia�nz wh�ch Borr�wer m.�ight <br /> have naw or in the fu�ur�against Lender shali re�ieve B�rro�er fr�m making pay�nen�s due under the Note <br /> and�h�s Secur�ty Instrument or perfarnung the���enar�ts ar�d agreements secured by�his Securi�y <br /> Instrumen�. <br /> �. Applicatian of Payments a�r P�oceeds. Except as othe�-�v�se d�scribed�n this Sect��n�, a��payments <br /> a�cep��d ar�d app��ed hy Lender�ha���e app�i�d in the f���o�xn�order af priorit�: �a} �ntere�t due under the <br /> Not�; �I�}pr�n��pal due under the N'ate; �c} amaun�s due und�r Sect�an 3. Such payments s�a�l be app�ied to <br /> each Per�od�c Paym�nt�n the arder in wh�ch zt b�came due. Any remaining amoun�s shall be app�ied first�a <br /> la�e�harges, s���nd to an�r��her am�unts due und�r th�s Se�urzty Instrument, and then��reduce�he <br /> principa�ba�an��af the Note. <br /> If Lend�r re�e�ves a pa�rment fro�m B�rrower for a d���nquen�Periodic Payment w���h�nciud�s a suff�c�ent <br /> amount�o pa�r any�at�charge�.ue, �he payment may be app�zed to the de�inquen�pa�men�and the�a�e <br /> charge. �f m.or�than one Periadic Payment is�utstand�ng, Lender may apply any payment rece��ed fram� <br /> Borrawer�� the repaymen�af�he Perz�di� Payments if, and to the e�tent that, each payment can be paid in <br /> fu��. To th�e�tent tha�any exc�ss ex�sts after th��aym�nt is applied�o the full payment of�ne�r more <br /> Per�adic Payments, such exc�ss may be app��ed t� an� late charges due. Volu.ntar�prepaym�n�s shal�b� <br /> app���d�rst��an�r pr�paym�n�charge� a�d then as describ�d�n�he Note. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�amily-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNI��RM INSTftUMENT Farrra 3�28 71D7 <br /> VMP Q VMP6tNE�{�3Q�} <br /> Wvlters Kluw�r�ir�an�ia!Ser�ices Page 4 af 17 <br />