2� 1 ��88� 1
<br /> �n the Proper�y and r�gh�s under�his Secur�ty �ns�rument; and�d} ta�es su�h ac�ion as Lender may
<br /> reasonably requi�e�a assur��ha� Lender's �nterest�n�he Proper�y and r�ghts under this Securi�y �nstrumen�,
<br /> and Borrawer's abl�gat�an��pa��he sun�.s secured by�his Security Ins�rument, shall con�inue unchanged.
<br /> L.�nder may require�ha�Borrower pa�r such re�ns�atem�nt sums and expenses in one or mor�of�he follo�v�ng
<br /> farms, as selec�ed by L.ender: �a} cash; �b} mon�y�rder; �c}�er��fied�heck, bank�heck, tr�asurer's check or
<br /> � cashier's check, pro�ided any such check is dra�vn upan an inst�tu�i�n v�hose deposi�s are insured by a
<br /> federal agenc�, instrumen�ali�y or en�i�y; or�d} �lectr�nic Funds Transfer. Upan reinstatement by Borrower,
<br /> this Securi�y �ns�rum�nt ar�d�bligat�ons secured�.ere�y shail remain fu���r effec����as if no accelera�ion had
<br /> oc�urred. �-Iov�e�er, �his r�ght to r�ins�ate shal� n��apply in the case af aece�era�ifln under Sec�ion �S.
<br /> ��. �ale of Note; �hange vf L�an Servicer; Nnt�ce of Gr�e�ance. The No��or a par�ial �n�erest in�he
<br /> Note€t�gether with�his S�cur��.y �ns�rument}�an��so�d one or more t�mes vv�thau�priar n�t��e�o
<br /> Borrower. A sa�e migh�result in a c�ange in��e en��ty�known as the "Loan Sey-vicer"}�hat co��ec�s Per�od�c
<br /> Payrn�n�s due under the Note and th�s Sec�r��� �nstrum�nt and performs other mor�gage�oan serv�i��ng
<br /> obliga���ns ux�der the No�e, this Securxty �nstrumen�, and App��cab�e Lavw. There a�sa rnight b�ane or n�.ore
<br /> chang�s of�he Laan Servicer unrelated�o a sale of the N��e. �f�here is a change of�he Loan Ser��c�r,
<br /> Borrower v�i���e given writ�en notic�of the�ha�ge which�i�� sta�e the na�me and address af the n�v� Laan
<br /> Ser��c�r, the address to wh�ch payments shou�d�e m.ade and any o��er infarma��on RESPA requ�res in
<br /> co�ax�ec��an vc��th a no�ice of�ransfer of serv�cing. If�he No�e�s sold and thereafter the Loan is ser�viced b�r a
<br /> Loan Ser�i�er o�her�han the pur�has�r of the N��e, �he mor�gage loan servicing ab�igat��ns�a Borrower w�l�
<br /> remain with the Laan Ser��cer or be transferred to a su�cessor Loan Serv�Ger and are no�as�um�d by th�
<br /> Note purchaser unless ath��-vv�se pro�ided by th�No�e pur�haser.
<br /> Nei�her Barrower nar Lender ma�commence,�oin, or b�jained t�any judicial a��.ion�as either an
<br /> �ndividual�it�gan��r�he mernb�r of a c�ass} �hat arises from�he ather party's actions pursuant to th�s
<br /> Security �nstrument or that a�leges tha�the other par�y has hreached any pro��s��n of, or an�r�uty owed by
<br /> reason of, this Security Ins�rumen�, un�il such Borrower or Len�er has no�ified the ather part� (w�th su�h
<br /> no��ce g���n�n compliance wi�h the requ�rements of Section IS}of suc�.a��eged breach and afforded�he
<br /> o�her par�y here�o a reasonable period after�he g�ving�f such n��xce to take correcti�e act�on. If App��cabl�
<br /> Law prav�des a t��rne per�od wh�ch mus�e�apse�efore��r�ain ac�ion can be�aken, �hat�ime per�od wi�� be
<br /> deemed��be reas�nable fa�r purp�s�s of�h�s paragraph. The notice of aCce�era�ian and�pp�r�un�t�to cure
<br /> given to Borravver pursuarrt��Sectian 2�and the not�ce of accelerat��n g�v�er�to Borrawer pursuan�ta
<br /> �eci�on �� shaii be deemed�a sa��s�y ihe n�i�ce and�ppc�rcuniiy i� ia�c���r�=�c��r��ac:����i����i��u�is uf ii�is
<br /> Sec�i�n��.
<br /> �'1. Hazardaus Substances. As used �n�his Section�1: �a} "Ha.za�d�us Su�stances"are thase subs�ances
<br /> defined a�s�axic flr hazard�us subs�ances, pol�u�ants, or v�astes by En�ironmental Law and�he fol�o�ring
<br /> substances: gasoline, kerosene, �th�r flamma��e or�axic petroleum produ��s, �ax�c p�s�ic�des and herbicides,
<br /> .
<br /> vo�atile sa��en�s, rna�er�als con�a�n�ng asbes��s or farmaldehyde, and rad�oa�t�ve materl s;
<br /> "�'nvir�nme�tQl Law"means federal�aws and lavvs af the jurisd�ctian v�here the Pr�per��r���ocat�d�hat
<br /> re�a�e ta hea�th, safe��or en�ironmenta�pr�tec�ion; �c} "Enviror�menta� �r�artr�p" includes an�res�ans�
<br /> a��ion, remedxal ac��on, or rernovai action, as def�ned in En�ironmental Law; and (d} an "Er�virnnmenta�
<br /> �'o�tditio�"mea�s a condi�ion that can cau�e, c�ntribu�e to, or o�herwise�rigger ari Environm�ntal �lean.up.
<br /> Borrov�rer sha11 no�cause or permai�the presence, use, d�sposal, s�orage, or re�ease of any Hazardous
<br /> Substanc�s, or threaten�a releas�any Ha2ardous Substances, on or�n the Proper�y. Borrnwer s�.al�no�do,
<br /> nor a�iovv a.r�yone else�o do, an�th�ng affec�ing the Prope�y �a} tha��s �n violation of any Environ�nenta�
<br /> Law, (b}wh�ch creates an En�ironmenta� �ondition, or�c} whxch, due to�he prese�ce, use, or release af a
<br /> Hazardnus Subs�ance, �reates a c�ndition�ha�adversel� aff�cts�he�alue of�he Pr�perty. The preceding two
<br /> N�SRASKA-Sing�e Family-�anr�ie MaelFreddis Mac 11NIFORM INSTf�l3MENT Form 3028 110�
<br /> VMP� VMPfiZN�y t13�2y
<br /> Walters Kluwer Financiaf 5er�ices Page"�3 of 17
<br />