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_ _ _ _ : . . . <br /> �:..'-..r�i.cw_r,r;u.n,—� __ ��icr.. ..4-....r.-.r�_..5:;. �x.rcar��r .t,',� :;, -<� � � -- � .�:..:,:.:a r;�'�i£c,s�t K��s„�'�h.�� •:.a...., krr�:�i:::' ;� <br /> -- --- - -r.� <br /> .� . � .___. . � <br /> � • <br /> � <br /> . K�d-�56 1/2�/9� (521� Grai2d Island, NE � <br /> � I s� <br /> .9a�,_.. 10U63� , <br /> Mdrtgag�rr hereby agreas to exeeute and c3eliver, from tims to <br /> t�liP.Rr such furthex fnst�cwnents (3nclr�ding security. agreementsy , � <br /> �, as m�i► be �requested by Marfigaqee to confirm the lien of this <br /> Mortgage c�n the Ff.xtures anc3 EquiptrtsAt; <br /> c. ali and singular the tenements, h�.r����nts, . � <br /> app�ast�ances, easements, riparian rights, permi���,;-..�ry��ts of <br /> way,,��n$es., agzeements and privileges beloagi.Q��. �r 'ya anywise <br /> appei�a�3.�g �a the Real Estate, and the reversi�y.�, t�r:a�it�ders, <br /> rents.� L��u�. royalties, pzofits and revenue t��e�f; �d also <br /> ayl � �esLaf�e, riynt, title, int�rest, claim au�:.:d�maad whatso- � . <br /> � � ever;:.;`ti��h in, law and at equity, of Mortgagor t�.-�d �o the Real <br /> Estate �and of, in aAd to every part thereof, w#.�. W�� �as��urten- � � . _ <br /> , . anceso: �t an�:;time belo�ciag ar in anywise ap�e����� thereto; � <br /> . . <br /> ' d. all rents, royalties, income, r�,�:pts, revenue, <br /> � . � f�ses; ��sues, moneys and piofits of and from al� present and <br /> � €�utur� leas�s, sublease� vs� l�censes of all or part of the Real <br /> E.��a�e (to t�ze oxtent o€ Nzo�tgagor's intesest th�rein) including <br /> _ , without limitation, ���1 rents, income, receipts, sevenue, fees, <br /> . i�su��t;, p�arch2�se pr�..c. (including any purchase pr�ce payable by <br /> the t�.aants of the P.�ag Estate to Mortgagor on account of a � - � <br /> cande�.nation or taking for public use of all or part of the Real <br /> Estate�, moneys and ptafits of and from that certain Lease - <br /> - dem�.�f.�g the Real ��tate date8 January 29, 1990 (,the "Lease"), '��'' <br /> between Mortgagor, as landlord, and wal-Mart Stores, Inc. �the !�� �� <br /> "�anant°� , as tenant; � <br /> e. to the extent that the following a�e assignable, � <br /> a11 esfiate, ,right, title and intezest of Mortgagc.r in and to all - - <br /> contracts, agreem�nts, plans and specifications, �ermits, lic��ses � <br /> ------�. � and �ppr^:*�ls tof bath governmenta.� and quast-g��ernmental author- :; — <br /> � . f.ttes) in connection with ti2� acqsz�sitio�.�v d�vel�pment, ac�ne�ship, ����"'� <br /> u�e, management or operati�� of �Iz� ?�ea� ���at�,. including without <br /> li�itation, that c�ri:ain Agreemenlc of �rchase ar� Sale dated as <br /> oF June 12, 1989 (the "P65 Agreement") , among Wa�.-Mart Proper- <br /> �ies,` inc. (NSel,ler�) , Kenbee Management-Oklahoma, �nc. and ' <br /> Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (the interest af I(enbee Management-Oklahoma, - <br /> � � Snc. having been as�.�gned to Mortgagor� and al� documents executed , �`r� f�,' <br /> , i�� connection therewith; �.a►_ <br /> - �••��f <br /> f. a11 unearn�d premiums, acc•rued, a�cruing or to � " <br /> accrue, under insurante polici�s ncw or herea£ter obtainea by - � <br /> Mortgaqor and Mortgagor's interes� in and to all proceeds of the <br /> �onversion and the interest payable thereon, va�aantary or involun- <br /> tary, of the Mortgaged Property, or any part thereof, into cash <br /> or li.c�uiaated claim9, including, without Iimit3rtg the generality <br />_ of tha foregoing, proceeds of casua].ty insurance� t�tle insurance <br /> - ' or any other insurance main�a3neci on the Real Es�ate and the <br /> . Fiutures and Eqviprt:ent, and the right to collect and receive the � <br /> samra, payments made by the Tenant under the Lease in lieu of insur- <br /> -3, <br /> ;'�. :- --- <br /> � <br /> _��, 1?f <br /> L � � � <br /> � <br /> � �� <br /> �. <br /> � � � � . <br /> -��t.t <br /> ,�. <br /> ,��. <br /> :; ���.; <br /> -. ., :; <br /> _.:. .� ---_._ _. .T , r .- _,- -...�„�-�.,,., ... <br /> .. - _. _._. -J.� .• -��•= k'����i�+:-T-��� -� <br /> . <br /> ._'-__, -� . . .__'_ ' "". ..t-' _ <br /> . .___' __'______ �_�.. _ .:.._1F�..._ . . �� . . <br /> ._ .,,-._ ..-._. - -.. . .._-_'--_'-_�_������..�+�m�r tT•�-i.-:��-v � .__ -_...__ ..-_ __ - -__ - - - _ -_ -_` -."__._ . . -_ - - . <br /> Sti. .. ._ �----r-Tr-'•.T---�-��_.-.�.�.-� .� "._ <br /> � G7 .. . � ' ( _ i. .. . . . . . _ . . .i - . . . . ». �� . <br />