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. .. , .,." .ua.r.3,_� . . . ._ . ,-�..: - .�etli�.�. � �.:i0, _ _"rl��. N:c,...:.!t2.ili.. ' .. <br /> _��a: d;�s..;bs ` ��k'�+c�aY,�S-- -a^^�_�y_. . �xE�_ --- <br /> � • � - � <br /> � - , . <br /> F _ <br /> i <br /> 1 <br /> KT�1-i�6 1/23l9� (521) Grand Zsland, NE <br /> � . . ���; 10063� �. <br /> KQRTGAGE AND SECURITY AGI�EEMENT <br /> � : , <br /> — • '�i�$ 'I�SGA'I`S'sAG$i AND $ECURITY A'.G'F�]EEMENT (t�i� nMOZtg3qe") <br /> ��it�c3 as c€ th��aay of Jaav�rry. 1998, from REI�EE MAN�GEMENT, <br /> :IN�s,_ a Belawa�e corporation,. �raving an office at 797 T121zc� <br /> ��g�a+��tu�. New Yo�k; New Yorlc 1d�F�7 ("Mvr�gagor'"�. to FIR3T AME`�iICAN <br /> �►°i{ �F NEW YORK, a New Ycrk bankinc� �arpor��.on, 12aving an. <br /> e�fice �� 350 Fa�k Avenue, Ne�a. York, ?:�w Yos�t 1002` - <br /> :�:'�MOrtgagee")o:�:: , . <br /> � . '� . � I 'ENESSETH: �� ; <br /> . . �:t; � . <br /> , ,;;';;, <br /> � A. � ��nt�emporaneously wif�: �he executica� and delivery ; � -•r <br /> cf this Mor�g���, Mortgagee lo�ned tb� pr��ipal sum of t3INE . :; <br /> MZLLZON 3'r'IVE Ii�i13DRED FIFTEEN THOUSAND FOUF�'�'�INDRED TWFNTY-FOUR - , , �. <br /> �OLLARS �59,515,q24.00� to Mortgagor� as ev�.denced by a certain - <br /> Promissozy Note of ev� date hesewi�-..�; �the "Note"� , made by . � <br /> � ` , I�ortgagor paya@�e to -�.�e order of M�rr��3age�, bearing interest aL- . , � :,. <br /> . a variable rate and ��ving a maturity date "of July 31, 199Q. ��--`��� <br /> .5;.: <br /> ; B. The par��es hereto nvw desire to secure the � �� ; ; <br /> ' � payment of tha Note an8 the performr�ce of Mortgagor's � <br /> obligations arising under tbis Mortgage, and certain other . : <br /> mortgages, aeBa� of trust, assignments of lease and rents ar.d �. ;.� <br /> other security documents of even datr hsrewith executed by -__ <br /> Mortgagor for the benefit of Mortgaa�� as security for the � �'- <br /> payment of the Note and all other c����ments executed in .. - <br /> cv�ection herewith or therewlth (�d��tectively, the "Other <br /> �g=eemen�s") , �.ri accvrdanca wit� �he terms and conditionW - <br /> — hereinafter set forth. � '" � <br /> '. ,,>��� <br /> NOw, THEREF�RE, in consid���tioA of the premises ancl cr� , <br /> � the ladebtedness herein recited and o��er ��ad anc7 valuable ' <br /> consideration, the receipt and suffic.�enc� of which are hereby <br /> acknowledged, the parties hereto agra� as falloras: � <br /> . , , �; <br /> TO SECURE: • - <br /> ; a. the repaymes:t �f all principal ancl payment of al�. �=_ <br /> in�ere�{�, prepayment gremiums, if a.�l�, other charges arising .,�,�� <br /> under ar. evi8encecl �� t.he Note, th� terms of which are hereby , .� , <br /> made e �art o�� thi� t���rtgage, anc3 all other sun�s due or to become <br /> due und�r tA�� •ta��e, and any renewals, extensions, modifications <br /> or amend!�ents �I2stea�'Q and the payme:t of all sums payable under ,, <br /> . this c�Qr.tgage and/or t�1e Other Agse��r�ents, incluc��.mg, without � <br /> limitat�.on, advnnces made by Mortgagee for the pra�ect�.on of thc <br /> � Mortgaged Property �such as advances to pa� 9.nsusance premiums <br /> and real estate taxes) and ir�terest on such advances (the <br /> foreqoing together with all ather amounts secured hereby as <br /> � -1- <br /> � . <br /> � . , <br /> • � _ <br /> � I,_ ' L_ .,....J <br /> � <br /> � � �. <br /> F <br /> I' <br /> � m <br /> � � � <br /> � � <br /> - i-_+ � _. <br /> - �/i <br /> / <br /> a,/'': <br /> •I! �` . <br /> � <br /> -. --'`T' -.-�:_��:`._ - <br /> .`,-_� _.-.—, .,_� .- __".� ' �...��..._�._._ __..�___ ' _ ___ _'_"_ __ "__.. ..,.__ __ ,._- -._" __ . ". _ _ ____..._.._.__..._"'___-__"_____._.._..__ ._______._.. _. <br /> -.�. r. � ��e�. . ' • � " <br /> . . •,_e _ _. .�..._ -. tc-f_y.�..'_._ �_ ". _. . T_ . _ v' , ' �. ��_�'.J`JY.- <br /> ' ' ._ _ _. .. _._' _ <br /> `.� _ <br /> . <br /> L ' , -..�`�-3. -__ . <br /> . . "'" _'.•_� . " . x� '- . <br /> .. .__�. . . _-.___ — :_--___. <br />