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::� � _ _ <br /> ..:T± .��.i�:l�F' .1� :�L: '.5:'.•r: ,'N 1.n: � �.�!�•.�..A `� - �» ��'c�"�':�'• . .,� S.��. 1J„".''�y i •� <br /> ------. .r.�� ?f` �:•��': S. `:,i. c - <br /> < �:: �d. ... 3,.�x�.,. ..�.:. _ <br /> -- .`��.c c u'�� U.' `��,,'�w''�`-tn:c-.fiYYi" ..�,iF•_..t`::E=..�'rYct• :.�.z.i�^'?.:: ,h. io ,/'� ..,y�{� 3'.: '- <br /> K. :� ,.t;� :f. �:>.;Y. �. .+ri:',,.� 7r _� •dc; �,.. -��., .��;ak;i. • �ie�:� <br /> -- —N.`.'.-�':�"� a ' �y'{.t � . , r:,i �!'r`_ta._ti�:a'_�'3d,'—�`ac_`a- <br /> [fMg �_.-..'A �+, Ti s' �:e::.r• .3.�cr.€ M� :3 til.ri�C� f�'�:Ai�?_�.� <br /> 'r.. t•• 4�'�`�' <br /> - -=-.=:�'S��F.��`'��%'�`�':,,;���hSe ak.k�he� �r�:S� �:1,. ` , rz:,.;y�3r�%�?F1�i2°c�2!u _ _ _ <br /> ,", <br /> � ..vs�-.-� a �-- :�.,,�s�__ ` _ �-1� <br /> _ -- -- ---- �`"R��L.�. — �c fl. - <br /> �_,. .__. ' � .. � <br /> � � <br /> KTV-15C 1/23/90 (521) Grand Island, NE <br /> � <br /> ga� 10063� � <br /> th� .same to the extent that the provisions of this Article 12 ar� <br /> �ot- inconsistent therewith or violative thereaf. <br /> � � � . � 1�3. Mort a ee's Ri ht To �Perform. If Mortgagor shall <br /> fa.�: to make aay paymen or per orm or ohserve any act required . <br /> �- tc� be marle, performed or observ�� b� Mortgagor under this` <br /> � t�c��tgage, within the applicab�e grace or notice perioc3s, if any, <br /> - ' tI��n, at any time, and without waiving or releasing any �uch <br /> � failure by i�ortgagor, Mortgagee may, but sha11 aot be obligated <br /> to, make such payment o� perform such act for the account of and <br /> at the expeaise of Mortgagar, and shall have �ce right to enter <br /> �:��� the Mortgaged Prvperty for such purpose tro take all such <br /> action thereon as Mortqagee may deem necessa� or appropriate for <br /> . such purg�se ta the ext�at permissible uade� applicable lawr. Al1 <br /> stams so paid by Mortgag� and all cost� aa� r�z�penses, including, <br /> � wii��iout 13mita��aa, cou�t costs and r����na�b�e atto�neys' fees, <br /> � sci incurred, tog��Llner with int�sest t�.tamz �€ the Default �ate, <br /> Y shall immediate�.�� 3�e due from t�cartga��� .upoa� ��mand by Mortgagee <br /> and the same shall be ��� ��r this ��rtgage. <br /> �- 14. F'urther Assuraa��s. At any tf�r.�, and from tar-P to <br /> t�T�, upon requ�st y Mortgagee, Mortgagor sa��.l make, execut�. a�� .' � ��` <br /> deliver or cause to be made, executed and delivere8 to Mortga�e�, ���t =:" <br /> any and a.�l other furth�r instruments� �ertificates and other '�-' <br /> - documents as may be necessary or desira��e �.. order to effectu- . <br /> ate, complete, ��affirm or perfect or t� �c•aai��:�.ue and preser�e • � <br /> the obligatio^ c�ic� Mortgagor under the �d�e a�+� the lien of this � <br /> Mortgage. Up¢�: any failure by Mortgae�dL t�� ��mply with its ; �__•` <br /> obllgations herd*.snder (includinq, wit�ca�s� ?�#ritation, the filings �. _ <br /> r�uired under Z�sticle 25) , Mortgagee r�y r��l��, execute ana record <br /> a���n and all such instruments� certifi.cates adc� documents fm� and . <br /> � .`� the name of Mortgagor and c�:�rtgago� irrevc�ab3.y nzak�s, con- <br /> stitutes �nd appoints Mortgagee (and �L? officers, a��loyees or '�f� ,� <br /> ���nts designated by Mortgagee) as Mortgaqor's true � �,�d law�ul <br /> ���orney (and ac���at-in-fact) far such purpa��. <br /> � 1�s. �ssi nment of Leases a�2a: Rent�. As of the date of� ., ► <br /> this Mortgage, as securi y in a la�, ta e property described <br /> in this Mortgage� Mortgagor hereby ab���,utel;� and uncondit�a.�ally. <br /> assigns to Mortgagee all of its right, title and interest �a and � � _ <br /> to the Lease and in and to all other written ��ad oral licenscs, ���'�' <br /> leases, subleases or oc�,x�ancy agreer�aats, if any (c�1leCtively, � `� ; <br /> the "Space Leases") , an� any extensiars.�u med�.�icatiQr�s and renewals - <br /> — thereof together �vith any and aZl guara�tee� r�� lessee�s perform- <br /> an.�e thereunder �nd all credi��,. deposlts, c]:�s=ms, options, powers, <br /> ls�r�efits, psivileges, ara.d oth�r rights arising thereunder, whether <br /> ' now in extstence or whi�lx may hereafter come into exi:�tence during <br /> — , the term of this Mortgage, or any extension hereof, � the <br /> Mortgaged Property, or any part thereof (but without an as�TUnption <br /> _ by Mortgagee of liabilities of Mortgagor under the Lease ot any <br /> such Space Leases by virtue af this assignment) , and Mortgagor <br /> -20- <br /> � , <br /> i <br /> � <br /> ' <br /> T - <br /> � � � � J <br /> � <br /> � . � <br /> Y' i. <br /> �i ,: � <br /> , <br /> � �� � , Lr .�� <br /> ��� . <br /> �rr <br /> 3� <br /> �If. �.• <br /> A� ' ' <br /> � 1 '.: . <br /> . �/ <br />