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- . • <br /> - Cx`i .z... `. � r r. _ ::a'; ..r7 -° - �t,.. =" .y:�, tc^.'•.': <br /> r, -1�: '�'1i� ' d. '�}v - ''li ��`�.�v:Y�.:'..�yv..�� :•3!. - .C•_+`.. l':FV�a- " <br /> __ ;:�,+i;' ;y 4..'r4•. :�:r'`. «�. ��vi, af'�wu�i�.,rofi.s •L:�'�y� c�_��i•,,.x'3;i' :�F ::t',.�` �;::;,:::�.. 'F_-�'� _3sc rsn. �` - <br /> -;y;�:, `--r(.: � .,� q,;�q.,,�,:.= '.�..r �i�,�.,�• �;�.._-__�s-_'ii�������=.�;_-= s��,: _ �� a ,v a .x, �J;_ �:` `}3F. � .,S �r.•=3' ��: .F.�. f;" rY,,,.a_,. }`� .ti= <br /> ��,z�-���y?, c� ���s7:'s'.�¢iiRP� "'foi�.S:iE.-_f•Y.r�vi����.!eZ�t.. - - i 4 i=�, �'':*�`il�( ` 4�" y y:.^}+��t t;v:i�+' �_� <br /> -- _ -�' ���:�sr���'�•".••.�'� _ <br /> f � � <br /> # �, . <br /> � . <br /> KTV-156 1/23/9� �521) Gr�nd 2sland, NE <br />- (- 90-- 10�63� <br /> Mortgagor sha11 furnish a gaod anr7 sufficient bond, surety or . <br /> other sece�rity as may be necessary under applicable law to cause <br /> a sta}� of levy or exscaition or to discharge such cla�im or a��a. <br /> Not�ithstanding the foregoing, fn the case of aay mechanics, <br /> materialmen, labor�rs er similar lien is reqeiired ta l�e <br /> discharged by the Tenant pursuant to the provisians of the �ease, <br /> _ Mor�gaqor shall �cat be requfred to discharge or bond any suclt <br /> lien so long as tgte Ten�it is p�r�ceeding diligentlp aad i.ta <br /> accor8ance with tYu�. prmvfsions r�£. the Lease to discharge ans� <br /> satisfy aay such �c-�t o� ..teco�t��: .: . <br /> (b) Moi�c��ar shaZ� pay, or cause tv t�e paid, � ��:`'�<"�`� . <br /> w�-�e�,. due, �a7�1 utility ciia�qes wh.ich are incurrea by it for gas, � . � <br /> el��ricity, wate� ar sewer services and all other assessments or <br /> charges of a�r nature, whether public or private and `' �-� <br /> �• � ��:`,.,:;�:. <br /> whetk�er or:�ot such taxes, assessn�ents or charqes are liens on <br />_ � the Mortg:�gea �Property. . � � ` � � . <br /> tc) Notwithstanding ariy contrary provisions o�' � <br /> this Artiicle 9, Mortgagor sha1.I &ave the right to grant Del-V� � <br /> -� Financial Cc�rparation ("�1-�t�l�j a Second Mortgage .aaa.d: Second <br /> Collatera� �Assignment of.�&eases (together, the "Secc� .�lortgage") ' . . <br /> securing a I,oan in an amount not to exceed $521,-�f��.6�, (*Second � � <br />_ � Note"� , pr���ided tt�.at Del-val shall enter int� r,� satisfactory • � <br /> ; subordinat�.c�n agr�ement with Mortgagee. Mortgagor eovenants tha� � . <br /> Mortgagor r��3� promptly perform all of its obligat�.ons under the � ! <br /> r Secend No�� and Second Moctgage within the periods (exclusive of <br /> grace or no�ice periods) provided therein. Mortgagor shall not, � � <br /> wlthout the prior written consent of Mortgagee, enter into any --_ <br /> agreement or accept the benefit of any arranqement amending, � >; <br /> modifyingk �xtending, senewing or replacing the Sec��.rZ Mortgage . - <br /> or the Se�¢r�.� Mortqaqe Note. � � , <br /> , .��� <br /> � 3�. Esto el Certificates. From t.f�a�� to time, within <br /> ter (10) i�$ys a er receipt o a wr tte:�. re�u�st by Mortgagee, <br /> _ Mortgagor� �:�all furnish a written statet.rr�nt, signed and, if � , <br /> requestes3, ackno�aledged, certifying the amo�nt then owing on the j <br /> . Indebtedness and whether or not any offsets or c7efer�ses are <br /> cla#med to exist against the inaebtedness or any Obligations, <br /> and, at ��.e request of Martgagee, the th.en state of f�.�ts �.:j�.. <br /> relevant t:a the conc7ltion of the Mortgaged Property. .� <br /> 10. Boaks and RecordslAccounts. � <br /> (a) Mortgagor shall at a.I.l times keep anc7 <br /> maintain reeords and book3 of account with respect to the <br /> Mortgaged Property in accoraance with generally accepted <br /> - accounLing principles on a basis consistently applied and will <br /> make available such books and records to Mortgagee and its <br />� . representatives for exami.nation, at anytime or times during <br /> normal business hours after two days� prior notice. Mortgagee <br /> -18- <br /> � <br /> � <br />� • �M <br /> � � � <br /> ti <br />,� �� <br /> ;. <br /> � r _ <br /> � <br /> � � 1.� � <br /> �%�''•` <br /> r r � .:. <br /> :T- �u� <br />