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__ r.. ,_ . ____ . . ;�r.;— _,;"sc: .:i. \: E. <br /> „;. ,�a•. �t 4. ��c. .T�. ;:?- u,5. . r'; ��ti_ '6+.i 'a<^. ,:.. .i t F N`"+_ =� ' _ <br /> .t ,.� ., - - :,� - ,e <�., s. _ 3' .t=-a.., s•..�: <br /> - -?';� a�;.. <br /> -S'q '.`.. ��4 't'" �'SY :•�� Z.=c..+..} \` •K` f _ "(a .i:f; .— <br /> _ ''. _ ''y� �'1�, .s'Ji`. . � c{ .Y'� .1.�:�i:� --�.5.�. <br /> -. :..a;": i:.: `, d� <br /> �... � _ <br />-�-�.�; .-:�.aJr':,r,':.:':. '�; �..�}'.'ti:`` ':iL�;': .J�i '��1.�C: �i <•.b: 3�;7 �� .�t.. .e l.`.� Gi.y:i:�'J���i w,r4k�:c.sYY:.+.i�.�1� �'� �"�4C.c��� atfd��-.i�`i��3�'irf�r'�v_;____— - . <br /> � _ y • ' _ 'l��' _�`t'4�___ _ _ � ti{::;_."'._- <br />_,..�fb�;r:���.�'�#� � - � t` `�� << F"�s.��.:__ -- <br /> �'�`t�.�'�>: <br /> _� � . ._ . � <br /> � � ' � <br /> � . <br /> ; <br /> t <br /> KT��156 1/23/90 (521) Grand island, N� <br /> r 9�-- i�os � <br /> 3.. <br /> (b) Upon written request by Mortgages, Mortgagor <br /> _� shall submit, or cause to be submitte8, to Mortgagee, promptly <br /> after payment thereof, appropriate evidence of the due arld <br /> — punctual pay�ent of alI such Impositions. Ib the event ar�y� � <br /> Impositioa is not paid by the last date payment of such <br /> �mposition may be made without imposition of interest ot a <br /> penalty Esubject to Mortgagor�s right to contest such Imposition <br /> as here3n6efore provided) , Mortqagee shall have the rigl�t to gay <br /> aay sueia T�nposition and to add to the Indebtedness the amount so <br /> pa�d, �agether e�ith all. reasonable attorneys' fees, ceurt costs, <br /> e�enses and other charqes relating thereto, and together with <br /> i.nterest thereon from t�e� date of such paymer�t at a fluctuatiag � <br /> rat� per �nnum equal to four percent (4�) above the rate of <br /> _ inter�s� �stablished from time to tim� by Mortgagee as <br /> ' Mo�tgage�}s °Referenee Rate° but not �o exceed the max3mwn rate <br /> of interest permitted by applicable law (the "Default Rate'�) , a�d <br /> nothina �.erein container3 shall afFect 4uch right ar�d such remec3y. <br /> Any su.�s gaid by Mortgagee in discharg� of aay Impositions shall <br /> — . be secur� by tbis Mortgage anc� sha11, Le �pa;��ble on c3emand. <br /> �c) If an Event af Lefault �l�all have accurred ' ' <br /> and so laa�g as the sarne shall be coati¢uing, Mr�rtgagor upon ' <br /> Mortgag����,� request shall pay to Mro��3�ee ar� amo�:�t equal to � <br /> one-twe�E'tn of the annual Impositior�� reasonably esti�natea by : � .;;;; <br /> M��.�agee sa that Mortgagee sh�ll ha�e suffici�nt fur�ds to gay � � � <br /> ti2e ��^positions on the first d�� of the mo�th ps�ceding the month " <br /> in wn.fc� they become due. In such ev�ai� Mo��gago� �uzther agrees �� _ <br /> to cause �11 bills, sta���tents vr o�.n�� documents relating to �- <br /> Impositfons to be sent ar mail� �irc�t�y to t�ortgagee. Ugen =- <br /> receipt of suc� �ills, statem���,s vs c�ther c���unents, and � -=-- <br /> ' provided Mortgagor has depasite3 suff�zient funds with Mort�agee ' __ <br /> _ pursuant �o this Article 5, Mortgag�� shall pay such amounts as — <br /> may be ��r� thereun8er out of the fun�x�: so deposited with <br /> Me�t�acree. Zf at any time and for any reason the funds de�a�.ited <br /> w�,t-i� l�ort�ar�e are or will be insufficient to pay such amou�ts as �� 'i° <br /> r�ay then or �.��3sQquentl� be due, Mortcagee shall notify Mortgagcr �± <br /> and Mort��3�� si�all ir�urt�diately depo�i� an amount e:c��31 to such <br /> deficiency wi�iz Nartgagee. Notwithstanding the forego�ng, , � <br /> nothing contair��c3 herein shall cause Mortgag� to be obligated to ��' <br /> pay any amounts zn excess of the amount of fu�ds depositec] a�.�th � � <br /> , Mortgagee pursuant to this Article 5. Mortgagee may commingl.e . <br /> suc?n funds with its own funas, and Mart�s�agor shall be entit�.ed to <br /> no interest thereon. Upon Mortgagoz�s cure of the foregoinr� <br /> Event of Default, Mortgagee shall, at its option, either �is <br /> r��a�rn all unexpenc3ed funds (without interest) to Mortgagor for <br /> ��a�.�ent csE Mortgagor�s obligations under thi� Article S or <br /> G s.i} apy��� the unexpend�a funds to any or a13. of the foregoing <br /> -. U��Is cr statemani�s tilat are due and payabl� �nd return any <br /> r�naining fund� 1:� Mortgagor. Should Mortgag��r fail to deposit <br /> wf;�:n Mort.�gagee sums sufficient to pay such Impositions in full at <br /> least thi�ty (30) days before the due date thereof, Mortgagee <br /> .,. <br /> -11- <br /> � � . -- _- <br /> i � <br /> � � <br /> �:. <br /> � <br /> � L. ' � .�.I <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � � � <br /> � <br /> � �� 4 <br /> ,� <br /> � �� � . � <br /> f�!4�. <br /> _/JIf.' <br /> S�ilf� : <br /> J!'ti..' t , <br /> � t.`: <br /> �r, - <br /> .,r- <br />