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2� 1 ��874� <br /> DEE� �]F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 'I�'!�9955� �Continued� Page 9 <br /> receipts �rom the Property tess all �ash expenditures made in cann�ction with the operativn�of the Property. <br /> Caption Headings. Cap�ian headings in this Deed vf Trust are far can�enience purpos�s only and are not to he <br /> used ta in�erpret or define the pro�isions vf this ��ed af Trust. <br /> Merger. There shall be n❑ merger�f the interest or estate �reated by this ❑eed ❑f Trust with any other interest ar <br /> estate in the P�operty at any time held by�r for the benefit af Lender in any capacity, without the written cvnsent <br /> af Lender. <br /> Governing Law. This De�d of Trust wi11 be gove�ned by federal law applicable to Lender and. to the extent not <br /> preempted by federal law,�he laws of the S�ate of Nebraska withvut regard tv its conflicts of law provisions. This <br /> Deed vf Trus#has been accepted by Lender in the 5tate af Nebraska. <br /> �hoice of Venue. It there is a fawsuit, Trustv� agrees upan Lender`s request to submit to the jurisdict�on of the <br /> c�urts vf Douglas �vunty� State vf Nebraska. <br /> No Waiver hy Lender. Lender sha�!! not �e deemed to ha�e wai�ed any rights unde�this Deed of Trust unless such <br /> waiuer is gi�en in writing and signed by Lender, �ko d�lay or omissivn an the part❑� Lend�r in exercising any ri�h� <br /> shall vperate as a waiver o#such rtght ar any ather righ�. A wai�er by Lender❑f a pro�ision ❑f this Deed vf Trust <br /> shall nat prejudice or constitute a rrvai�er of Lender�5 right v#herwise to demand strict �amp�iance with that <br /> prv�isian ar any other pro�ision af this Deed af Trust. N❑ pricrr wai�er by Lender, nor any course vf dealing <br /> bstween Lender and Trustvr, shall constitute a wai�er of any vf Lender's rtghts ❑r of any of Trustvr`s obligatians <br /> as to any future transa�tions. Whene�er the consent vf L�nder is required under this Deed vf Trust, the granting <br /> of such consent hy Lender in any ins�anc� shafE not �vnstitute continutng cvnsent to subsequent �nstances where <br /> such consent is r�quirsd and in a!1 cases �uch cansent may be gran�ed Qr rrvithh�ld in the sole discre�ian�f Lend�r. <br /> 5e►►erability. If a court af cvmpetent�urisdiction finds any pro�ision ❑f �his Deed of Trust to be i!legal, in�afEd, or <br /> unenfvrceable as to any circumstance, that finding shall not make the vffending pro�ision ���egal, in�a�id, or <br /> unenforceable as to any other circumstancs. If feasibie, the nffending prv�isivn shal� be considered modified so <br /> that it becvm�s legal, �a��d and enfarceable. �f the vffending pro�isivn cannot be so modified, it shail be <br /> cons+dered deleted from this ae�d of Trust. Unless athe�wis� required by iaw, the iElega�ity, in�al'rdity, or <br /> unenforceahifity of any prv�ision of this Deed ❑f Trust shall not affect the legality, �alidity ar enforceability vf any <br /> other pra�ision❑f this Deed vf Trus�. <br /> 5uccessors and Assigns. Subject to any limitations stated in this Deed v# Trust an transfer of Trustor's int�rest, <br /> this l�eed af Trust shali be binding upvn and inure ta the benefit af the parties, their suc�essors and assigns. If <br /> ownershi� af the Property becomes �es�ed in a person other than Trustar, Lender, without notice to Trustor� may <br /> deal with Trustor's successvrs with reference to this Deed ❑f Trust and the Indebtedness by way vt fivrbearance or <br /> extensivn without reieasing Trustor fram the obligations ot this Deed ofi Trust or liability under the Indebtedness. <br /> Time is vf the Essence. Time is af th�ess�nce in th� performan�ce❑f this Deed of Trust. <br /> Wa��er of Homestead Exemption. Trustar hereby releases and wai�es all rights and benefits ❑f the homestead <br /> exemption law� ❑f the Stat� of Nebraska as to a�l Indebtedness secur�d by this ❑eed vf Trust. <br /> DEFINITIQNS. The fallowing capitalized words and terms shall ha�e the fallvwing meanings when used in this Deed af <br /> Trust. Unless specificalEy stated t� the cantrary, all re�erences to dollar amounts shall mean amounts in �av►rful maney <br /> of the United States of Amer�ca. Vll�rds and terms used in the sin9ula� sha11 inc�ude the plural, and the plural shall <br /> incfude the singular, as the context may require. Wvrds and terms not otherwise defined in this ❑eed of Trust shall <br /> ha�e the meanings attributed t❑such terms in the Uniform �ammerc�a� Ccrde: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "Benefi�iary" means Fi�� Paints Bank, and ifis successors and assigns. <br /> Borrower. The wvrd "Borrvwer" means 3SHEETS, L.L.C, and includes all c�-signers and co-makers signiny the <br /> Note and a�1 their successors and assigns. <br /> Deed of Trust. The wvrds "Deed at Trust" mean this Deed vf Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> in�ludes without limitatton all assignment and security interest prv�isions relating tv the Pers�nal Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> Default. The wvrd "�efault" m�ans the Defau��set forth in this �eed of Trust in th�section tit�ed "Default". <br /> Environmental Laws. The ►rvords "En�ironmental Lav►►s" mean any and all state, federal and loca� statutes, <br /> regulativns and ardinances relat�ng to the prvtecfiion ofi h�man hea�th or the en�irvnment, in�luding withaut <br /> limitat�on the �omprehensi�e En�ironmental R�sponse, Gampensation, and Liabifity Act o� 198�. as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. Section 96��, et seq. �"CERCLA"�, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorizatian Act of �986, Pub. L. <br /> Na. 99-499 �"SARA"�, the Hazardous Materia�s Transpartation Act, 49 U.S.C. Se�tion 'I$fl�, et seq., the Resvurce <br /> Cvnser�atian and Reco�ery Act, 4� U.S.C. Sectian �9��, et seq., ❑r ❑ther applicable state or federal laws, rules, <br /> or regulativns adopted pursuant thereto. <br /> E�ent af Default. The w+ords "E�ent af Default" mean any of the events flf default set�Qrth in this Deed ❑f Trust in <br /> the e�ents af defau�t sectian o�this Deed of Trust. <br /> Guarantor. The wvrd "Guarantor" means any guarantor, surety, ❑r accammadatEvn party vf any ar all of the <br /> �nde�tedness. <br />