2� 1 ��8727
<br /> in�he Proper�y ar�d rights under�his Security �nstru.ment; and�d}�akes such act��n as Lend�r may
<br /> reas�nably require to assure�h.at L.ender's �nter�s� in�he Prop�r�y and ri�hts under th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�,
<br /> and Barrower's ob�igat�on�o pay the sums secured by�h�s S�curi�y �nstrumen�, sha�� con��nue unchang�d.
<br /> Lender may require that Borrow�r pay such reins�a�emen�sums and expenses in one or m�r�of the fo�lovving
<br /> forms, as se�ec�ed by Lender: �a}cash; �b} rnoney�rder; �c}cer���ed ch��k, bank�heck, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashi�r's check, prov�ded any such check�s drawn upon an�ns�itution whase depasi�s are insured�y a
<br /> federa� ag�nc�, �ns�rumen�a��ty or entity; or�d} Eiec�ron��Funds Transfer. Upon reins�atemt�n�by B�rrov�er,
<br /> �his Securi�y �nstru�nen�and�b��ga�ions �ecured hereby shal� remain fully eff�ct�v�as if na a�ce�eratian had
<br /> occurred. Hnwe��r, th�s r�gh��a reinstate shall na�apply�n�he case of accelerat�an under S�ctivn �8.
<br /> �[3. Sa�e of Note; �hange of Laan Servicer; Nvtic� of Grie�ance. The No�e or a part�al. in�er�st in�he
<br /> N��.e��og�th�r with�h�s Security �nstrurnen�}can be sflld one or m�r�times wi��.aut prior not�ce to
<br /> Borrower. A saie might resul�in a change�n the enti���known as the "Loar�►Servicer"} �ha�co���cts Periadic
<br /> Paymen�s due under the Note and��is Se�uri�y Ins�rument and performs�t��r mor�gage loan serv�c��.g
<br /> ob�igations under the IVo�e, this S�cur�ty �nstrumen�, ar�d Appiicab�e Law. 'There alsa m�ght be one or�ore
<br /> changes of the Lvan Ser�icer unre�ated ta a sa�e af�he Nate. If�here�s a change of t�ie i.�oan Servicer,
<br /> Borr�wer wiZ�be��v�en vvr��ten no��ce of�he change wh�ch v��11 s�ate�h�name and address of�he ne�v �an
<br /> Serv�cer, the addr�ss�o wh�ch paymen�s shou�d be made and any o�her informat�on RESPA requ�re���
<br /> Connection wi�h a no�ice of�ransfer of serv�cing. �f the N�te is so�d and�hereaf�er�he Laan�s service�by a
<br /> Loan S�r�v�cer a�her�har��he purchaser of the Na�e, �h�mor�gage loan ser�ricing obiigations to �orrow�r v�ill
<br /> remain with�h�Loan Ser�vi��r�r be�ransferred�o a successor Loan Se�-�v�cer and ar�not assumed b�the
<br /> No�e purchaser un�ess��herv��s�pravided by�h�No�e purchas�r.
<br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender�may commence,join, or be�o�ned�o any judicia�aC���n�a�ei�her an
<br /> indi�idua� 1�tigant or the membe�r af a c�ass} �hat arises from the o�her par�y's actions pursuant to th�s
<br /> Secur��y �ns�ruxnen�or that a1leg�s tha��he other party has�breached any pro�isi�n of, or an�dut�owed b�
<br /> reasan vf, �his Securi��r�ns�rum�nt, untii such Borrower or Lender has no��f�ed the a�her par�y �with such
<br /> not�ce given�n�ompiiance with�he requirements�f Sect�on I5}of such a�leged breach and afforded�he
<br /> o�her par��here�o a reasonable period after the giv�ng af su�h no�ice to�ake correc�i�e ac�ion. If A�plicab�e
<br /> Law pr�v�des a t�me p�r�od which must elapse'�efor�cer�ain action can be�aken, that��m�e period wi11 be
<br /> de�med t�be r�asonab�e far purpases of�his paragraph. The nat�ce of acce��ra��nn and oppor�un�ty�o cure
<br /> g�ven�o Borrowe�r pursuant�o Sec���n�2 and the no�ice of a��e�era�ion gi�ven to Borrov�r�r pursuan��o
<br /> Section �8 sha�l be deemed to sat�sfy�he not�ce and opportuni�y�o�ake�orrec�ive act��n prov�sions of this
<br /> �ec�ior���.
<br /> Z�. Hazardou� Suhstances. As used in this Section�1: �a} "�Ia,�ard�us Substances"are�hose subs�ances
<br /> d��ned as�oxic or hazardous substances, pollu�ar�ts, ar was�es b�r Environmen�al Lav�r and�he fol�ow�ng
<br /> substan�es: gasa�ine, ker�sen�y o�her f�ammable or�a�ic pe�ro�eunl prQduct�, to�.�c pes�icides and herhicides,
<br /> �v�la�ile solvents, materia�s conta�n�ng asbestos ar forma�dehyde, and radioac�i��ma�erials; �b}
<br /> "�r�vzron�n�ntal.L.�w"means federal Iaws and�aws of the jurisdiction where the Proper�y xs�ocat�d that
<br /> re�ate�o hea�th, safet�or en��ronmenta�protec�xon; �c} "Envirortmer�ta� Cleartu�"�nc�udes any resp�nse
<br /> action, remedial action, or remo�a� action y as de��.ed in Environmental Lav�r; ar�.d�d} an "E�tvirar�mental
<br /> �'onditio�t"means a condi�ian t.ha�can�ause, �on�ribu�e�a, ar��herw�se trigger an.Env�ron��n�a� ��eanup.
<br /> Borrower sha��no�cause or permi.t�he presence, use, d�spasal, s�orage, or r��ease�f any Hazardous
<br /> Substar�ces, or threaten to relea�e an�r �azard�us Subs�ances, �n or�n the Pr�per�y. Borrov�r�r shall not da,
<br /> nor a��ow anyone��se tfl do, a.ny�hing affec��ng�he Proper�y�a}that �s in v��latian of any En�ironmental
<br /> Law, �b}which creates an Env�ronmental �ond��zan, or�c} which, due to the pr�sence, use, or r�lease of a
<br /> �3azardaus Subs�ance, cr�ates a c�ndi�ion tha�adve�rsely affe��s the va1u�of the Proper�y. The preced�ng�wo
<br /> N�BRASKA-Singte Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac�1N1F�RM 1N5TRUM�NT �orm 3028 11�1
<br /> VMP� VMPfitNE}�1302y
<br /> Wotiers Kfuwer Financial 5er�ices Page 13 of i 7
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