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<br /> L'�osn�Ca��t IS af tn�Secuaity Ias�ummt is ammded to read as follows:
<br /> � !S. Uiifon�eArity[�ahsireat;Co�endsj Lw;Ses�q�.This fome of Securicy Insuument comtrines qniform covenants for national ux
<br /> aad aort uniform coveaaats with limited vuiations by jur£adiction ta canstitute a unifotm security instrument cavering rral property.ThEs
<br /> " ' �ecurity in�trument ahall b�e govsrned by Fec[erai ta�r aad the ia�e of the jaris�ctian ia rvhich tha Praperty is iocated. In the evmt that any
<br /> grovisian c,r ctaase of tbis Security Ins�c�t or the Na:e conflicts with app�icabte taw,such canflict shall not�'fect other provisions of this '
<br /> _ Security Iastruaxns or tbe Note whieh caa be given effect withont the conflicting provision,and to tbis end We provesioas of tivs Security
<br /> ta4trumentand che Note ue dectared w be severable. •
<br /> � . ' � Unifcsrm Covenaat 17 of tt�ee Se�-ety Iastru�ent is am��+�+�to rqd as foll4ws:
<br /> 17. Yn�sfer ot tle pcopatt or a anel�6i IsKt�[st it Borrower.If ai!or any part of the Frapercy or an i�terest therein is sold or trar,�f�rx! .
<br /> (cr i�a beacfrdal iataest in Eocrowtr is�4�or transferred aad B�*zawa is not a nawraf pe���w'st�cui�er's prior written cs�i, �
<br /> � t,mter tr?s�,r"e f,e�sder's agtion,decl�.��s�s�ns secvred by t�s 5esu�:tv Ins�ument to lx�rt���:at=1y dcs��»ayaM�.4�owev�,t[is ._ .
<br /> . q�c��e��xtt���cis�}.t�r3�f.eadstif���.seisnrE�t�crizsdbg���"I��.f:,��erma.pw�.iszL�.:ez�c�..�..tiy,lt�;���n�:ia).Ba_*r,�.+�. �
<br />_ �:�'���.:��r��for.aa...*�:�:�g�.'"c3:'`�:�ier z���;�rte i�eri���`�ec as sf 2 xn��!�i�s vver fi�:.g r..adt�s���.'ttc. ' . . � , .
<br /> �.';�"�e."�'�1,('�%u�'•'�r�=ablY det�,�s.�'r:���i�w ss�-,��-.w:�rx bc��:.w i�-r%iha ica�as.�.�...-�oa and i�,fis>t:..'�e*sIi�,��i.�.
<br /> h.c�iof:as�esvras��=��:•��enti�.r!�i���z3!-�z�r�.cs�.�,i:Fi�r:�G:�3er. . .. ' .
<br /> . ' ,.;'
<br /> . ' 'd'o ti�e�tl'.�s y+�:s..�itci.U,�,F.;.�.:�:��"^v�,I��s:�a�-�r'-..arge a?�.�sanabfc�e:�a.cca��a<<a��:�*`s c',,�.seai ts��.1�.a`s��s�sz�.�. . .
<br /> � ��.i�ermayatsoreqvire 't�i•i�r�,��2n:�:_,�rtpa�3l��ar,i��rsandagreeraentsma�:i.,�eNet��*;����a5�x;i�.r.��. .
<br /> � � . •"If Leadu esaases�n�.*r•��.+cr:���e&rrate,3�:i���a11 mail Barrower notice of accelW+^-�y:;�a:°.ti<zt:����`:�.�a2rr��i 14 hcc�f" .
<br /> , .� '��n notice shall provide a p�,ir�of dct`.�i.�an 3C�s���.��the date ttre notice is mailed with��w�.ch BonaK:r raaY AaY�.n se�ms declare� .. "� ,.�,:-... .
<br /> 3a�.If Borrower fails w pay such sums prior to the er,�sir�on of such period.Lender may,withaut fusther noqce or demand on BarraR•a,
<br /> _ i��c"se any remedies permittcd by this Savriry Insuum��2."
<br /> _ "lYoiwithstanding a sate or transfer,Borrawer will continue to be obligated under the Noie and this Security Instrvmeat unless Ltnder h�ts
<br /> � , rcttased Barower in writ8ag."
<br /> F. IAAN CHANCFS �
<br /> _ If the loan sicurcd by the Secariry Instrumcnt is subject to a law which sets maximum loan chargrs,and that law is�nally interpreted so •
<br /> that the intaest or othcr loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the loan cxceed permitted limits,then:(1)any such loan
<br /> charae shall be reduced by lQ►e amount necessary to reduce the chargc to the permitted timit;and(2)uny sums alrcady coflxted from barrower
<br /> which eaGeMed permitted Nmits will be refundtd to Borrower.Lender may choose to make this refund 6y reducing the principal�a�d vnsier the � � -
<br /> Note or by mxkiag a direct payment to Barrowrr.tf a refund reduces principal.the reduction will be treated as e partial prep�yrn�t un3tr the -
<br /> � Note.
<br /> — IN W17`NF.SS WHEREOF,eorrowcr has exoc�tM lMls AdJ�tabk Rah Rider. � _
<br /> � � .�"' ;•
<br /> �-•--- � �L-!�1)
<br /> Norman A. Rohwede$�RRUwEA
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<br /> Suza Rohweder Botttto�VF3A :,�,�
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