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2� 1 ��8��2 <br /> A1� �nsurance po���ies r�quired b� I_ender and r�newa�s of such policies shall be sub�e��t� Lender's right to <br /> d�sapprove such poli��es, �ha�� include a s�andard mor�gage clause, and shal� name Lender as mor�gagee <br /> andlor as an addz�ional Ioss paye�. Lender shall hav��he righ��o ho�d�he p���c�es and renewal cer�i�cates. �f <br /> Lender requires, Borro�er sha�l pr�mptly give to Lender a1�re�eipts of paid premiums and renewa� notices. <br /> �f Borrower ob�a�ns an� fflrm of insurance co��rage, not nth�rwise requ�red by Lender, for damage t�, �r <br /> destruct�an of, the Proper�y, such p�ii�y sha11 include a s�andard mor�gage c�ause and sha�� nam�Lender as <br /> mortgagee andlor as an additional Xass paye�. <br /> �n�he even�of lass, Borrovv�r�hall g��re prompt nat�ce to�he insurance carr��er and Lender. �nder may <br /> make proof of los� �f not made pramp�l�by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower o�herwise agree in <br /> wr���ng, any �nsuran�e proceed�, whether or na�the under�ying insuran�e wa�requ�red by Lender, sha11 be <br /> appli�d to restora��on or repair of�he Pr�per�y, if the resrorat��n ar repair is economical�y feasib�e and <br /> Lender's security �s n��lessened. During such repa�r ar�d re�t�rat�on per�od, Lend�r shai�have�he right�o <br /> hold such insurance proce�ds unti� Ltnder has had an opp�r�unity�a inspec�such Prnper�y to ensur�the <br /> work has be�n comp���ed to Lender's sa��sfac�ion, provided tha�such inspection shal�be under�aken <br /> pramptly. Lend�r m.ay disburse proceeds far�he repairs and res��ra���n in a single payment or�n a ser�es of <br /> progress payme��s as�he work is comple�ed. Un�ess an agreem�n���rnade�n writing or Applicab�e Law <br /> requires �nterest to be paid on such insurance pr�ceeds, Lender sha��not be requ�red to pay B�rrov�rer any <br /> �n�erest or earn�ngs on such proceeds. Fees f�r pu�lic adjusters, or o�her third par�ies, reta�ned by Borrawer <br /> shal� no�be pa�d ou�ot�he�nsurance praceeds and sha�� be�he s�le o��iga��an of Borravver. �f t�e restora�ian <br /> or repair�s no�ecanomica�ly feasib�e or Lender's sec�ri�y would�e�essened, the insurance proceeds shali be <br /> app�ied�a the sums secured by this Securi�y Ins�runlen�, whether or not then due, w��h�he excess, if any, <br /> pa�d�o Borrower. 5uch insurance proceeds sha��be app�ied �n the order prov�ded for in Section�. <br /> If Borrov�er aband�ns�he Proper��, L�nder may f�le, nego��a�e and set�1�any avai�abie insurance claim and <br /> re�ated matters. If Borrow�r daes not respond w�thin 3�days t� a noti�e from Lend�r that the insurance <br /> �arrier has offered�o s���le a claim, �hen Lender may negotia��and set��e�h�claim. The 34µday period wii� <br /> be��n when the notice is gi�en. In eith�r even�, or if Lender acquires�h�Pr�per�y under Section 2Z or <br /> otherwise, Borro►wer hereby assigns to Lender�a} Barrov�r�r's ri�h�s to any insu�ra�ace prac�eds in an am�unt <br /> not to exceed the amoun�s unpa�d under th� No�e or this Securi�y �ns�rum�nt, and�b� any o�her of <br /> Borrower's rights �other�han�he r�ght�a any r�fund of unearned prem�ums paid by Borrower}under a�� <br /> insurance po�ic�es co�vering the Proper�y, insofar a�such righ�s are appl��able to the ca�verage of the <br /> Praperty. Lender nzay use�he insuran�e proce�ds either to repair vr res�ore the Propert�ar�o pa�r amounts <br /> unpa�d under the Note or�his Securi�y�nstrumen�, whether or not�hen due. <br /> �. t]ccupancy. Borr�wer shalt occupy, �stabl�sh, and use the Froperty as Borr�wer's pr�ncipa� residenc� <br /> with�n da days after the ex�cution af this Security �ns�rument and sha11 cont�nue�o ac�upy�h�Prflperty as <br /> Barrov�rer's principal residence f�r at�east one�ear after�he da�e of accupanc�, unless Lender o�herwise <br /> agr�es in wri�ing, which con�ent sha�1 not be unreasona�ly wi�hhe�d, or un�ess extenua�ing circum.stances <br /> exis�v�rhich are beyond Borrower's con�ra�. <br /> 7. PreserWation, tll�aintenance and Prvte�tion nf tne Praperty; [nspect�nns. Borrflwer sha��not destroy, <br /> damage flr impair the Praper�y, allow the Proper�y�o deteriorate or commit was��on�he Proper�y. �he�her_ <br /> or not Barrower is resid�ng in�he Proper�y, Borrower sha��xna�nta�n�he Proper�y �n order to prevent the <br /> Pr�per�� frnm d�teri�rating or decreasing in�a�ue due to i�s candition. Unless�t �s determined pursuan�t� <br /> Sec��on 5 �ha�repa�r or restorat�on�s not�conflmically feasihle, Barrovver sha�l promp�Iy repair�he�'rnpert� <br /> if damaged�o av��d further d��er�ora�ion or damage. �f�n�urance or condemnat�on praceeds are pa�d in <br /> cor�r�ecti�n v�ith damage to, �r the taking of, �he Pr�perty, Barrov�rer shall l��respflnsible far repa�ring ar <br /> r�storing the Pr�perty anl� if Lender has re�eased proce�ds far such purposes. Lender may disburse proce��s <br /> N�BRASKA-Singfe Family-Fann��MaelFreddie Mac UNI�ORM 1N5TRUM�NT �arm 3�28 1141 <br /> VMP� VMP6�NE��13Q2) <br /> Wolt�rs Kluwer�inancial Se��ices Page 7 af�7 <br />