2� 1 ��8��2
<br /> Any app�ica�xon of payments, insurance pra�eeds, or Miscellaneflus Pracee�s to principa� due under the Note
<br /> sha��n�t ex�end o�r postpone�he due date, �r�hange th�amount, af t�e Peri�dic Pa�m�ents.
<br /> 3. Fund�far�scrow I�ems. Borrower shal�pay to Lender on the da� Periadic Paymen�s are due und�r the
<br /> Note, unti� the Na�e is pai�. in fui�, a sum��he "Funds"} �a pro��d�for payment of amoun�s due for: �a} tax�s
<br /> and assessmen�s and o�her i�ems whiGh can attain priori�y av�r this Security Instrument as a l�en ar
<br /> encumbranc�on th�Proper�y; ��b} leasehold payments or graund r�n�s an the Proper�y, if any; �c}premiums
<br /> for any and a�l insurance requzred by Lender under Sect�on 5; and �d� M�r�gage �nsurance premiums, �f an�,
<br /> or any sums payable b�r Barrower to Lende�r�n�ieu�f�he payment of Mor�gage Insurance prem.zums in
<br /> accordance v�r��h�he pr��isions�f Secti�n �D, Thes�i�ems ar��a�led "Escrov� Items." At origina�i�n or at
<br /> any time during the�erm of th�I.oan, Lender ma�require that�ommunity Ass�cia�ion Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessrn�n�s, if any, be escr�wed�y Borrflwer, and such dues, fees and assessm�en�s shal� be an Escr�v�r
<br /> Item, B�rrawer sha��pramp�ly furnish to I.ender a11 notices of amoun�s to be paid under this Section.
<br /> Borrower shall pay Lender th�Funds far Escrow Items unless Lender v�aives Borrower's obligation to pay
<br /> �he Funds for any or ali E�crow �tems. L.ender may waive Borrower's obligat�on ta pa�to Lender Funds for
<br /> an�or all Escrow ��ems at any tirn.e. Any such wai�rer may onl�be in writ�ng. Zn the even�of such wa���r,
<br /> Borr�wer shai�pay d�recf�y, when and where pa�abie, �he amaun�s due far any �scrow �tems for v�ahic�
<br /> payment of Funds has been wai�ed by Lender and, if Lender requires, sha�1 furnish�a Lender rece�pts
<br /> evidenc�ng su�h pa�ment w�thin such t�me per�od as Lender may requ�r�. Borro��rer's obiigatinn to make
<br /> su�h paymen�s and�o proW�de r�ceipts shal� far al�purpose�be deemed��be a co�enant and agreemen�
<br /> cantained in th�s S�curity�nstrurr�.en�, as�he phrase "co�enan�and agreement" is used �n Sect�fln 9. �f
<br /> Barrovver�s ob�igated to pay Escrow Items directly, pursuan��o a wa�v�r, and Borrower fai�s to pay the
<br /> amount due for an Escrow ��em, Lender ma�exercise i�s righ�s under Sec�ion 9 and pay such am�unt and
<br /> Barro�r�r sha�l �hen be obiigated under Section� to repay to Lender any su�h amoun�. Lender ma�r��roke
<br /> �he v�ra��er as�o an�r or a�� �scrow �tems at any �ime b�r a not�ce�i�r�n �n accordanc�with S�c��on �5 and,
<br /> up�n such reuoca��on, Barrow�r�hall pay to Lender a�� Funds, and in such amounts, �haf are then require�
<br /> und�r this Sect�an 3.
<br /> I.�nd�r may, at any �ime, cal�ect and ho�d Funds �n an amoun� �a} suffiCienY ta perm�t Lender��app��r�he
<br /> Funds a� the tim�specif�ed under RESPA, and ��}n�t �o�xceed�he max�mum amount a l�nder can require
<br /> under RESPA. L.ender sha�� es�ima�e�he amount of Funds due on�he basis of current da�a and reasona��e
<br /> es�ima��s af expendi�ur�s of future Escr�v�a I�ems or otherwise in a�cordance�vi�h App�icable Law.
<br /> The Funds sha11 be held �n�n.institut�on whose depos�ts�re insured b� a federal agenc�, instrumenta�ity, �r
<br /> enti�� �inc�uding Lender, �f Lend�r is an ins�i�u�ion whose deposits are so insured}�r�n any Fed�ra� Ham�
<br /> Loan Bank. L.�nder sha�� apply�he Funds �a pay the Escrow Items no la�er than the�ixne sp�cified under
<br /> RESPA. Le�.der sha11 n��charge Barrawer fflr ho�ding and app�ying the Funds, annuall� ana�yzing�he
<br /> escraw account, or verif��ng the Escrflw �tem��, un��ss Lender pays Borrower interes�on the Funds and
<br /> Applicable Lavw pernn.��s L�nder to make such a charge. tlnl.ess an agreem�en�is made in�v�rrzt�ng�r
<br /> App�icab�e Law requires in�eres��o be paid�n the Funds, Lender shal� no�be requ�red to pay Borrov�er any
<br /> interes�or earn�ng�on the Funds. Borrov�er and L.ender�an agree in wr��ing, h�w�ver, that �nterest shall�a�
<br /> paid an the Funds. L.ender sha��gi�e�o Borrower, withQut char�e, an annua� accoun�ing�f the Funds as
<br /> r�quired by RESPA.
<br /> �f�here is a surplus of Funds h�ld in escrov�, as def�ned under RESPA, �:nder sha11 account to Borrawer f�r
<br /> the e�cess funds in accordance w�th RESPA, If there is a shortage of Funds held in escrow, as d�fined under
<br /> RESPA, Lender sha�l notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrov�rer sha��pay t� Lender�he amount
<br /> necessary�o make up �he shortage in acc�rdance with RESPA, but �n na n�.ore�han ��month�y payrn.�nts. If
<br /> �here�s a de�ciency�f Funds held �n escrow, as def�n�d under R.ESPA, Lender shali not�fy Borrowe�as
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�amily-Fannie MaelF�edr�ie Mac UNIFORM iNSTRUM�NT Farm 3D�8 11�i
<br /> VMP� VMPfi�NE)t13d�3
<br /> Walters Klcawer Financial Ser�i�es Page 5 vf 17
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