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2� 1 ��8��2 <br /> sa�isfac�ion, prov�d�d�ha�such inspeGtion shall be undertaken pr�mpt�y. Lend�r may pay f�r the repa�rs <br /> and restora�ion �n a sing�e dis�ursement ar in a s�r�es of progress payments as the work�s camp�eted. <br /> Unl�ss an agreemen� xs made in writing ar Applicable Law requ�r�s znt�rest t�be paid an such <br /> Miscel�an�ous Proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay B�rrow�r any interes�or earnings an such <br /> Miscellan�ous Proceeds. �f�he rest�ration�r repair is no�ecanom��a�iy f�asible�r Lender's securi�y wfluld <br /> be l�ssened, �he M�sce��aneaus Proceeds shal� b�applied�a�he sum�s se�ured by this Security Ins�rumen�, <br /> wheth�r or n�t then due, w�th the excess, if any, pa�d to Borr�wer. Such M�sce��aneous Pr�ceeds shall be <br /> app��e�.�n the ord�r pravided for�n�ect�on�. <br /> �n the even�of a tata��aking, des�ructi�n, or�ass in value af the Pr�perty, the M�sc���aneous Praceeds shai� <br /> b�app�ied�o�he sums secured by�his Security Instrument, whether ar no��hen du�, ��th the excess, �f any, <br /> pai� t� Borro��r. <br /> �n the�vent of a partia� taking, destruct�on, or�oss in value�f the Proper�y �n wh�ch�he fair n�arke�vaiue of <br /> the Praper�y immedia�e�y before the par�ial tak�ng, destruction, or Ioss�n va�ue is equa� to or grea�er than the <br /> amount of�he sums secured by�his Securi�y Instrument immediat�ly before the partzai �a.king, destruct��n, or <br /> l�ss in va�ue, un�ess Borrou�er and Lend�r a�herwise agree �n wrzt�ng, th�sums secured b�this S�curity <br /> Instrumen�shal��e redu�ed�y th�amount�f the Miscellaneau� Proc�eds mu�tip�ied by the f�ii�wing <br /> fracti�n: �a} the�a�a� amount�f the sums secur�d immedia�ely bef�r�the�ar�ia� taking, destruction, or lass <br /> �n wa�ue div�d��by �b} �he fair nlarke�va�ue of the Proper�� immediately before the part�a� takxng, <br /> destruct�on, or�oss in�a�ue. Any balance sha�l be pa�d to Borr�wer. <br /> �n the�vent of a part�a� taking, de�truc�ion, or loss in Wa�ue af the Pr�p�r�y in which�he fair market va�ue of <br /> the Pr�per�y immed�ate�y b�fnre the par�ial tak�ng, destruction, or��ss �n�a�ue is less than the amount of the <br /> sums secur�d immediat�ly before the par�ial taking, destruction, �r l�ss �n va�ue, un�ess Borrower an� <br /> Len��r otherwise agree in writ�ng, �he M�sce�lar��ous Praceeds shall be app�ied to�he sum� secured by this <br /> Security �nstrumen�wh��h�r or not the sums are then due. <br /> �f t�� Proper�y �s abandoned by Borrov�er, or i�`, after nQ�xce b�r Len�er to Borrower�hat th��ppos�ng part�r <br /> �as defin�d in the nex�s�nten��} off�rs�o make an award t�se�t�e a�la�m for damages, Borrower Fails to <br /> respond to Ler�d�r w�thin 3�days after the da�e th�n�tice is g�ven, Lend�r�s au�hori�ed���ollec� and apply <br /> �he Miscellaneaus Proceeds e��her ta res�oration or repair af the Pr�per�y ar�o the sum�secured by�his <br /> Se�ur��y �nstrum�n�, wh�ther�r not then due. "�pposing Fa�.y" means the�hird par�y�hat owes Barrnwer <br /> M�sce��ane�us Proceeds or�he party against tivhflm�.Borrflwer has a r�ght of action �n regard�o Miscel�ane�us <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Barra�v�r sha�I be �n defau�t if any ac�ion�r proce�d�ng, whether c�vi�or�r�mina�, is begun�hat, in Lend�r's <br /> judgment, c�uld resul� in�orfei�ur�of the Pr�per�y or ather ma�er�al impa�rmen�of L�nder's �n�eres�in the <br /> Praper�y or r�gh�s under this Securzty �ns�rument. Borrower can cure su�h a defau�t and, if acce�era�x�n has <br /> accurr�d, re�ns�a�e as provided in S�ction �9, by causing �he acti�n or proceeding�o b�dismi�sed w�th a <br /> ruling that, in Lender's judgment, prec�udes farfei�ure of the Praper�y or oth�r material impairment of <br /> Lender's interest �n�h�Prnp�r�y ar rights under�his Securi�y �nstrumen�. The pr�ceeds�f any award or <br /> c�aim for damages �ha�are attributabl�ta the impairm�nt of Lender's �nteres��n the Praper�y are hereby <br /> assigned and sha�I b�paid�o Lender. <br /> All Miscel�ane�us Proceeds that are no�app��ed�o res�orati�n ar r�pair of the Froperty shali be applied in the <br /> arder pra�ided for in S�ct�on�. <br /> N�6RA5KA-Single�amily-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UN1FDFtM 1NSTRUMENT Farm 3�28 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMPC�NE��'�3�2y <br /> Walters Kluwer�inancia�5er�ices Page'�0�f�7 <br />