2� 1 ��8���
<br /> Transfer�f th�Property flr a Beneficia�I���res��n Barrovwer.�f aIl or��ny part of the Pr�per�y or any z�.teres�
<br /> in zt is sold �r �ransferred ��r if a bene���al int�res� �n Borr�tiver is so�d or �ransferred and Barr�vver �s not a
<br /> na�ural persan� u�ithout L�nder's prior uTr-��ten cansen�, Lende� may, a� its opti�n, require imm�diate paymen� in
<br /> ful� ❑f a11 sums s��ured by this 5ecu.rity �nstrurn.en�. However, this op��om shall not be exerc�sed by Len�ier �f
<br /> exercise is prohibi�ed by federal�a�v as of��e dat�of�his Se�urity Ins�rumer�t.
<br /> �f Lender ex�rc�ses this op�i�n, L�nder sha1� g��re B orrovver no�ice of ac�lelera��or�. The no�ice sha�� p�tiv�de a
<br /> period of no� less �ian the minimum number �f days es�ab��shed by Applicabie Lavv from the da�e �h� �o��ce is
<br /> delivered or ma�led v�ri�hin wh��h B�rrowe� m.us� pay all sums secured b�r �his S�curi�y Instrumen�. If�a�rovver
<br /> fails to pay these sums priar to �he e�pira�ion of this period, �.endef- may i�nvvke any remedies perna�tt�d by this
<br /> Secur���ns�rumen�Withou�fur�her notice or demand on Borra�aver.
<br /> Borrov�ver'� �ight to Reinstate. If Borro�ver meets �er�ain condi��ons, F3�rrvwer shall have the right �o have
<br /> enfflrcemen��f this 5e�ur�ty Insirumen� discontinued a�any ti�ne prior�o �1�e eariier of: ta} 5 days (or 5uch other
<br /> periad as Applicable Lavv may spe�ify for reinstatem.ent}bef�re sale of the Praper�y�aursuant to an�po�er�f sale
<br /> contained i�n this 5ecurity �ns�rument; nr �b} en�ry af a �udgmen�. enforcing this Se�uri�y Instrume��. Those
<br /> cond�tions ax� tha�Barrotiver: �a} pays L�n�er alI sums which �hen�vnu.�d�e due under this Securi�y Ins�rum�nt
<br /> and the Contrac�as if no accelera�ion had occu�-red; �b}�ures a���defau�t�f an�o�her covenants or�gr�e�n.ents;�c)
<br /> pays alI expens�s�ncurred�n enfor�zng�his Securi�y Ins�rumen�,inc�udi�g,��ut no�lim�ted�o,reasonable attarne�s'
<br /> fees �� fhe ex�ent permi�ted by laW; and�d} tal�es such ac�ion as Lender ma.y reasonably requ�.re�o as�u.�e tha�the
<br /> l�en of�his 5e�urity Instrumen�t,Lender's rights�n the Proper�y and�arrovv��r's ob�iga�ian to pay�he sums secured
<br /> by �his Securi�y Ins�rument shall c�n�inue unchanged. Upon r�i.ns�a��m�nt by Borrower, this Secur�� Instru.ment
<br /> and the ob�ig�tiflns secured her�by sha11 rema�n fu�1y effective as if no ac�elerati�n had vccurred. Hav�ever, th�s
<br /> right to reinstate shall no�apply in t�e case flf acce�era�ion un�ier�he sectiflr.��i�led Transfer of�he Pr��erty or a
<br /> Benef�cia�Inte�est in Borrower.
<br /> Hazardaus Substan�es.Borrawer sha��n��cause or permit the pres�nce,�:�se,disposal, starage, or release�f any
<br /> Hazardous 5ubstances�n or in the Property.Borrower shall nat do,nor a�Io�v any�ne else to da,any�hing affec��ng
<br /> the Property �hat is in vio�a�ian of any Envir��enta� Lativ. The pr�cedin�; riv� sentences shall no� ap�ly ta �he
<br /> presence,use,�r stflrage on t�ie Property af small�uan�tities�f Hazaxdous 5t�bs�a.nc�s�ha�are general�y r�cobmized
<br /> to be appropria�e ta norma�residential uses and�o main�enance af the Property.
<br /> B�rr�u�er shal�pr�mp��y give Lend�r wri�ten n��i�e❑�any�nv�s�igati�n,�la.im, demand,�av�rsui�or ot�er aC�ion by
<br /> a.r�.y governmen�a� or regulatary agency or pri�rate party invol�r��g ��ie P�o��erty and any�azardous Su�s�an�e or
<br /> Envzronm�n�al La�t7v of which Borrower ha� �.�tua1 1�tiowl�dg�. �f �orr�wer �earns, or �s no�ified by any
<br /> governmental or regula�vey authori�y, �hat any�emaval�r othe�-remediat��n.of�.ny I-iazardous Subs�a�ce affect�ng
<br /> the Pr�perty is necessary, B�rrower shall promptly take a�.l nec�ssary remedial act�ans in acco�-danc� vsrith
<br /> En�rironmen�al Lav�r.
<br /> As used�n this paragraph, "Ha2ardous Subs�anc�s" are those substar�ces define�as toxic or hazardaus sub�tances
<br /> by Environmen�al Lativ and the fo��ov�ring substances: gaso�ime, kerosene, o�her flan�mabl� or ��xi� p�troleum
<br /> products, �oxic pest�c�des and herb�cides, volat��� solv�nxs, materia�� cont:aining asbes�os or formaldeh�r�e, and
<br /> radioactive mater�als. As used in�his paragraph, "Envir�nmen�al L�.v�" mea�zs federal lavws and�av�s�f th�s�a�e of
<br /> Nebraska�ha�relate to health,safety or en�iror�.men�al protection.
<br /> A�ceierati�n; Rem�dies. Lender shall g�ve �o�ice tv B�rrower �rr��r tao acCeieration follnvvi�g Borr�yver's
<br /> breach�f any covenant vr agreernent in this S��urity Instr�ument�r�h�Contract under whi�h �c�e�e�a�ion
<br /> �s perm�tted ��ut not pr�or to ac�e�erat�an under the se�tion t��l�d Tra�r�sfer of the I'rop�rty�r a Be�.ef�cia�
<br /> Int�rest�n Borr�wer, unless AppYicabie Ladv provides atherwise). T�e no�ice shall spe�ify: �a} �h� d�fau�t;
<br /> �b� thQ ac��on required to cure the c�efa��t; �c� a date, n�t less t��an the minimum number �f days
<br /> �stablished by Applicab�e Law from the d�t�the not�ce i5 gi�en �o B�r���wer,by which the de�aul��n��t�e
<br /> cured; and �d� that failure t� �ure the def�ult �n or befo�e the date ;►pe�ified in �he not�ce ma� resu�t �n
<br /> a�celerati�� �f the sum� 5@�Ur�f� �Jy t�115 Se�urity InStx�ment and sale of �he Propert�. T� the ��tent
<br /> permttted by law, �h�nvti�e shai�further ir�farm B�rroyver �f�he rig�,t to re�ns�ate after ac��Ierat��n and
<br /> the x°ight to br�ng a cvurt ac��vn to ass�rt the non�existenc�af a default flr any other d�fense of�o�ro�ver t�
<br /> a�ce�eration and sale.If the defau�t�s no� cur�d on vr befvre th� da�e s�ecif�ed in �he notice,L�nder at its
<br /> vp��on may requ�re �mmediate paymen� �n f�Il of aI� sums secu�e� �y �his Security Instrum�n� w��hou�
<br /> further demand and may invok� the povver o�sale and any ot�i�r remedies permitted by Appl�c�ble Law.
<br /> To the extenf permitted by law, Lender shall be �n�it�ed �o col�e�� al][ expenses in�urred in pur�uing the
<br /> remedies prfl��ded�n th�s Section,includ�ng,but na�lim��e�d��,reas�n����e a�torney�' fees and c��ts�f txtle
<br /> evid�nce.
<br /> If the power�f sale is invQked,Trustee��ai�r�cord a noti�� of defau��i� each �ounty in which�rny part flf
<br /> the Pr�perty is���ated and shall mail�flpies o�su�h n�ti�e in th�a�nanrner pres�ribed by Applic�b�e Lavv to
<br /> Borr�wer and to the �ther per5�ns p�res�ribed by Applicab�e L�w. Af�er the �ime required �y Appli�able
<br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e public ��tice vf sale �v t�e persons and in �he manner pres�ri�aed by Ap�l��ab�e
<br /> Law.Trustee,without demand an Borrn�ver, �ha�l sell thQ Property�t public auct�an t� �he h�g�est�idder
<br /> at the time ar�d place and under�h�term�€i�signated�n th�not��e of sale in ane or�aa�re parc��s and�n any
<br /> vrder Trustee determ�nes. Trustee may p�stpan� sa�e o� all �r any par�e�. of the Property �ry public
<br /> a�n�un�en�er�t at the�ime and piace of any�r��.nus�y scheduXed sal�,I�ender or its d�signee may p��°chase
<br /> �he Prop�rty a�any sa�e.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price �bid, Trr�s�ee shall de�iver to th.e�purchaser Trustee's de�dl co�nveying
<br /> the Prflper�y. The reci�als in the Trustee's dee� shall be pr�ma faCie�viiden�e of th�tru�h ❑f the 5tat�ments
<br /> �2404-2dI5 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc.�18A-7'A58-2415.12,3,1.I 115
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