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. 2� 1 ��8��� <br /> Payrr�ent of Principal anci Intere�t; Dthe�°C�a�g�s.Borravt��r sha�l promptly pay when due the p�in�zpa�of and <br /> interes�on�he debt�wed under the�ontract and late charges o�any other fees and charg�s due under the C�n�ract. <br /> App�icable Law. As used an �his Se�urity�, the ter�. "Applic��.b�e Law" shall mean all c�ntrfl���ng <br /> applicable federal, state and Ioca� sta.�u�es, regul��ions, ardinances and adminis�rative r��es and arders ��hat have <br /> �he effect af Iavv}as�rell as al�appli�able f na1,�.an-appea�a�le�udi�i��opin��ns. <br /> Charges; Liens. Borrovver sha1� pay al� �axes, assessn�en�s, charg�s, f.n�.s and impos�tions at�ri.bu�a�bl� to �he <br /> Prop�rty which may attain priQrity over this Sec�.rity Instxum�x��, and Ieaseliold paymen�s or groun�r�n�s, �f any. <br /> A��he request af Lender,Borrovver shall prompt���furnish tn Lend�r recezpt��evidencing the payments. <br /> ,. <br /> Borrovver shali pr�mptly discharge any Iien�rh�c�has pri�rity�ver this �e��ur��.y Ins�rument unless B�rrower: �a} - <br /> agrees �n writing �a �he paymen� af the abligatii�n secured by �he lien ir.� a manner acceptable �o Lender; (b} <br /> �an�es�s in go�� fa�th the lien by, or defends ag�ins� enfarcement �f�h� l�er� in, legal proceed�ng� �rh�ch in �he <br /> Lender's opinion operate ta pr�ven� the er�forcernen� of the �ien; ar �c� sc�cures fram �he holder of�e �ien an <br /> agreemen�satisfact�ry�o �ender s�bardi�x�a�ing t�ie Ii��.to � Security Inst:ru.ment. If Lender de�er� that any <br /> par� �f the Property is subj ec��o a Iien tivhich ma�a�tain priority �v�r fhis Securi�y�nstrument, Lend�r m.a�g�ve <br /> Borrawer a n�tice identifying the �ien. Borrourer shall sa�isfy�he l�en or ta��e�ne or mflre of the ac�ians se�forth <br /> abov�within 1�days�f�the giving of natice. <br /> Hazarc� or Pr�perty Insuranc�. Borra�ver shall keep th�improvemen�s novsr exis�ing or her�after erected�n�he <br /> Prop�rty�nsured aga�nst ioss by f�re,hazards ir�c�uded vvithin the�erm"e�te:nded coverag�" and any othe.r hazards, <br /> including flonds or fl�oding, for �vhi�h L�nder requires insurance, Th.�s insurance shall �e ma�nt�.ine� �n �he <br /> amaun�s an�f�r the periads tha�Lender requir�s. The insuranc�carrier p�Q1�id�ng the insurance shall be�ho�en by <br /> Barrower subj ect to Lender's appraval which sh��l na� be un���asonably v��i�hhe�d, �f Barra�ver fa��s to m�.in�a�n <br /> coverage described above, Lender may, at Len�ier's op�ion, ob�ai.rn cove��age �o protect Lender's rig�ts in the <br /> Prop�rty in ac�ordance tivith sec�ion�itled P�ot�cf�on of Lender's I�.i�h�s in the Proper�y. <br /> Al� imsuran�e policies and ren�u�als sha�I be a�ceptab�e �o Le��d�r a�.zd sha�Ll �n�lude a standard mor�gage clause. <br /> Lender sha�l ha�re�he righ��fl hoid�he poli�ies and renevvals. If Lendler r�q��ires, Borrower sha11 pr�rnptl�g�ve to <br /> Lender alI receipts of paid premiums and r�ne�vval n��ices. �n�he event of 1oss,Borrativ�r shal�give pr�rnpt no�ice <br /> �o�h�znsurance carrier and Lender.Lender rnay mak�proof of Ioss if n�t m��de prompt�y by Barrower. <br /> Unless Lender and Borr�vver atherwise agree ir� wr��ing, xnst�ranc� pro�e�eds shal� be app�ied �o restora�ion or <br /> repair �f�h.e Praper�y damaged, if, �n Lender'� sa�e discretzon, the r�estora�:�on or repair is econorr�ically f�a�ible <br /> and Lender's securiry is not less�ned. �f, in Lender's so�e discreti��., �he re:�torati�n �r repair is no� e��ly . <br /> feasible ar L�nder's security W�uld be Iessened,t�.e insurance prQcee�s sha��be appl�ed to the sums secuxed by�his <br /> Security Ins�rument, �vvhether or n�� �hen due, �wi�h any e��ess �a�d �o :BQrrflwer. If Borrawer aban�.ons the <br /> Prop�rty,ar does�o�a�a.swez v�r��hix�the nun�ber of days prescri�b�d by Applicab�e Lavv as se�forth in a n��ice from <br /> Lender�o Borrower that the insurance carrier ha� offered�o s��Ie a�laim, #hen Lender may collec�t�.� xnsurance <br /> pr�ceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds to repair or restore th� Prop�rty fl�-t� pay sums secured b��h�s Security <br /> �nstrumen�,whe�her ar not then due.The perzod of�im�for Bor�rower��ar�s��ver as se�forth in the notic���vil1 beg�n <br /> vvhen the natice is given. <br /> Un�ess Lender and B�rravver otherwise agree in�r��ing, any applica�ion of proceeds�o principal shall r�ot extend <br /> or p�s�pone�he due date of�h�payments due under�he Con�raC�or�ha�ge the amaurit of th�paymen�s. If under <br /> the s��tion tit�ed A��e�.�ra�ivn; R�medies, �he Property is acqu�red vy L�nder, Borro,wer's righ��o ar�y insurance <br /> policies and proceeds resulting from darnage t� �he Praperty�ri�r t�a th� �.cqu�si�ifln sha�� pass to Lender to the <br /> exter�t of�h�sums secured by�his Secur�ty�nstrur�ent immedia�ely prior to tihe ac�uis���on. <br /> Pres�r�afi.on, l�ia�ntenance and Prot�ctio� �� �he Propert�; �+�rr�w�er's Loan Appiica�ion; Lease��Id�. <br /> Borrawer shal�not destray, damage ar impair the Property, al��w�h�Prope�rty�� de�eri�rate, ar�ornr.�i�vvaste on <br /> �he Propert}�.B�rrower sha�l b�in defaul�if an�forfei�ure ac�ion�r p�oceed:ing,�rhe�her civil or cri�.ir�a�,is begun <br /> that in Lender's ga�d faith judgment could result in fflrf�iture flf�he �r�perty or otherwise ma�eriall�i�pair the <br /> Iien �reated �y �his Security �ns�rument ar Len�er's security intex�s�. Ba�rravver may cure such a d�faul� .and <br /> re�ns�a.te, as pr�v�ded in section�i�led Borr�w�r'� Right tfl Re�nsta��, by rausing the ac�ion ar pr�ceeding to be <br /> d��m�.ssed��th a ruling�ha�,in Lender's go�d faith�eter�nina�ion,precludes forfeiture of�he Borr�wer's�nte�est in <br /> the Froper�y or other ma�eria� �m�airmen� of th� lzen �reated by this 5e�:urity Ins�rumen� or Le�der'� security <br /> in�erest.Borraujer sha11 als�be in default if Borrflvver,during t�e�oar�appli�a��on process,gave ma#�rially fa�se or <br /> inaccura�e i�forma�ion or s�a�ements �o Lender �;or fa�led �o pr�vide Len��er vvith any ma�erial �nf�rm�txon� in � <br /> conne�tzon vvi.�h�he loan evidenced by the �ontract. If�his Se�urity Instrunnent is vn a leaseh�ld, Borrawer shall <br /> comp�y wi�h a�l�he provisians nf�he lease, If��rro�rer acquires fee��le�o�the Pr�perty,the�easeh��d and��.e fee <br /> �i�Ie sha��not r�erge unless Lender agrees tv�h�merger in wr��ing. <br /> Prot�ct�ian of Ilender'S Rights in the Pr�pert�. �f B�rra�v�r fail� �o p�;rf�rm �he covenants and a�;reernents <br /> contained in this Secuarity Ins�rument, or there is�Ie�al pr�cee�ing that ma�,�s�gn�f cantl�r affect Lender's rxghts �n <br /> the Property �such as a pr�ceeding in ban.�r�ptc�, praba�e, far cond�mnatior� or forfei�ure �r to enforc� lav�rs ar <br /> regu��txans�, then Lender may do and pa� far tivhatever zs n�cessa� t� ��ratec� the value of the Pro�er�y and <br /> Lend�r's righ�s�n�he Property. Lender's actions may include p�ying any sunYs secured by a��en�vhich has priar�ty <br /> �ver this Security Ins�rument,appea.ring in cour�,paying reaso�a�Ie a�t�rneys'fees and entering on the Pr�p�x�y ta <br /> make repairs.Although Lender may take ac�ion under�h�s sec��on,Lender does no�ha�e to da s�. <br /> Any �moun�s disbursed by Le�der ur�der this sect�on sha�l be�ome additio�.al debt of�.3orrawer sect�r�d by this <br /> Security �nstrument. Unl�ss Borrower and Lender agree �o flth�r t�rms �f paymen�, �hese amount� �hal� beax <br /> C�3 2444-201 S Campliance Systems,Inc.G l 8A-7A68-ZQ 15.I2.3.1,l 1 I5 <br /> Consurr3er ReaI Estate-Sec�xrity Instrument DL2436 Pa�e 2 af 5 www.�omplian�esysterns,c�m <br />