2� 1 ��8�24
<br /> payment of�unior �rust deec�s, mortgages, flr �ther lxenho�ders and t�1e ba�ance, if any, �o the person o�-persons
<br /> legally ent�tled �hereta. Thf� rec��als in the Trustee's de�d shall be prima fa��e ev�dence of the �ru1:h of the
<br /> statements made in�t. �f Lender chooses�fl invoke the pawer of sa�e,�ender�r Trus�e�ur���prov�de notice nf sale
<br /> pursuant ta appl�cable �a�. .:�ny such sale or a sa�e made pursuan� ta a judgment or a decree for the fa:rec�osure
<br /> hereof may, at the opti�n c�f Lender, be made en masse. �'he commencement of pro�eedings to forec�ose this
<br /> S�curz�y�nstrument in any m�an.ner authori�ed by�ativ shall b�deemed as exercise of the abave option.
<br /> Upon �he oc�urrence of an Event af Defau�t, Lender shall �mmed�ate�y be e�ntitled �o make applicatior� far arid
<br /> abtain�he ap���ntment of a recexv�r for�he Proper�y anc��f�he earnings, �nc�me, issue and prof ts of it, �ith�he
<br /> powers as the c�urt maki�zg the app�intm�nts c�nfers. �rar�tor hereb�y irrevacably consen�s ta such appo�ntment
<br /> and wa�ves no�ice af any�p��lica��on ther�far.
<br /> N� tiVANER. N� de�ay or� fa�lure �f Lender �� exercxse any right, remedy, pawer �r privileg� h�reu�der sha1T
<br /> affect that right,remedy,po�v�er or privilege nar sha��any sin�le or par��a�exercise thereaf preclude the e��erc�se of
<br /> any right, remedy, power or pr�vzlege. No Lender delay or fa��ure �o �emand s�r�c� adherence �o �he �ernxs of this
<br /> Securxty�ns�rument shall be deemed ta canstitut� a course�f cnnduc$xnconsistent w�th Lender's righ�at�ny t�me,
<br /> before or after an event �f��efault, ta demand strzc� adherence to the terms �f thxs Security Tns�rumen� and the
<br /> Re�at�d Documen�s.
<br /> SU�3STITUTE TRUST�E. Lender, at its opt�on, may fr�m��me to ��me rem�ve Trustee and appoznt a�uccessor
<br /> trus�ee to any Trustee appc�xn�ed hereunder b�r an �nstrument r�cord�d in the coun�y in which �hzs Se�uri��
<br /> �ns�rumen� �s re�orded. �1LT��Izou� canveyance of�he Propert�y, �he successor t�-ustee shal� succeed �o a�1 the ��t�e,
<br /> pa�er and duties conferr�d upon Trustee here�n and by app���ab�e law.
<br /> JDINT ANI3 SEVERAL L:�.A�.�ILITY. If this �ecurity Ins�rumen�should be signed by xnore than or�e person,a��
<br /> persons execu�ing thzs Secur:iry�nstrume�.�agree tha�they shall be�oir�tly and severally b�und,where perm�tted by
<br /> Iaw.
<br /> SURVIVAL. Lender's right�� in this Security��.s�rument�vi�� eflnti�ue �n zts successors and a�s�gns. This 5ecuri�y
<br /> �nstrumen�is bin�.�ng on aIl r�ezrs,executors,admzn�stra�o�s,�sszgns and succe�s�rs af�rantor.
<br /> N�TICES AND �VAIV�R ��" N�TI��. Unless other�ise requ�red by app��cable la,w, any notic� or demand
<br /> gz�en by Lender to any part�y �s cflns�dered effectzv�: �i} v��en it �s d.eposited ir� �he United States Mai� w�th �he
<br /> appropr�ate p�stage; �ii} �uhen it i� sent via e�ectronic mai�; ��ii} when it is s�nt v�a facsim��e; �iv} when it is
<br /> depasited w�th a nat��rial��r r�ecogni�ed overnigh�courier servzce; �u} on the day of pers�na� delivery; ar �v�} any
<br /> �ther commerczally reasax�able means. A copy of any notice shall be �en���ea�h par�ty a��he address,.,of�he party
<br /> given at the begznning o�th:is Securi�y �ns�rumen� un��ss a� a�tern��ive address has been pravzded to Lender �n
<br /> wr�ting. T� �he extent permi�ted by lativ, Gran�or waives�.o�ice af L�n�er's acceptance af�his Se�urzt�In��rument,
<br /> defen�es based an suretyship,any defense aris�ng from any election by Lender under�h�United S�at�s Ba�kruptcy
<br /> Code, ZJnifarm Commerc�al �ode, as en�cted �n �he state uher� Lender is I�cated or o�her app�icable ��.v� �r in
<br /> equ�ty, demand, not��e of ac.celera�ion, nfltice of nonpayment, prese��tmen�, protest, nat�ce af d�shon�r and any
<br /> ath�r n�t�ce.
<br /> REQUEST F�R NUTICE��: �rantar requests tha�copi�s o�'�he n�t�ce of defau��and notzce of sa�e be sent to the
<br /> address�f each par�y gxven at�h�begix��aing of th�Secur��y Instrum�nt.
<br /> JUDI�IAL �R �TH�A��'VISE, P1�IaR T� LEN�3E1� ���1�CISIN� ITS I�IG-H'I'S UN�]E� TI3I5
<br /> WAIVER UF APPRAI�EII�IE�T RI�HTS. �ran�or wa�v�s al� ap�raiseme�t rights re�ating to �he Praper�y to
<br /> �he extent permi�ted by lavv.
<br /> LENDER'S E�PENSES. Gra�tar agrees to pay alI expenses incurre�by Len�er in cannec�ion w�th enforcement
<br /> of zts rights under�he �nd�b��.dness, this Securi�y�nstrumen�or ir���e�vent Lender is made party to any Xztigatian
<br /> because of�he exis�ence o�'���e Indebtedness or this Secur��y�ns�ru�n.en�, as we�l as court costs, collec�ion charges
<br /> and reasonable a�torneys'fee=;and disbursements.
<br /> ASSIGNA�3ILITY. Lender may assign or �ther�ise �rax�sfer this ��curity Instrume�� or any of Lendex�'s rights
<br /> under�his Secur��y Instrumer�t w�thout no�ice to �rantor. Gran��r may not ass�gn�his Securi�y Instrumer�t flr a�ay
<br /> part of�he Security Instruxner�t w�thout the expr�ss written cflnsent�f Lender.
<br /> �[)V�RNIN�LAW. Th�s �aecurity Instrument wil�be governed by the Iavvs �f the State of Ne�raska i��c�uding
<br /> alI proceedzrigs ar�sing fr�m this Secur��y Instrumen�.
<br /> SEVERASILITY. If a co�:�r� �f compe�ent �urisd�c�ifl� deterrr��ne�� any tezm or prov�szon of �his Security
<br /> �nstrumen� is �n�al�d or pr���ibi�ed by applicable �aw, tha� term �r -provis�an wi�� be ineffec�ive to th� extent
<br /> required. Any term or provision�hat has been de�erxnined to be �mvalid.or prohib�ted�r���be severed from �he rest
<br /> of th.e Security Ins�rument ��i�haut inval�dating the remai�der of e����er �he affected provisian or th�s �ecurity
<br /> �ns�rument.
<br /> �VAIVER aF JURY TRIA.L, AIl parties �a �his Securxty Instrurnen� h�reby kn�w�ngly and �olun�arily
<br /> waive, �o the fulles�exten���ermitted by�aw, any righ��� trial by�j ur�af any d�spute,w�e�l�er in cvntrac�,
<br /> tort,or a�her�v�se, ari5xng��ut�f,in cannec�ion w�th,re�at�d�o,�r inc�den�a�to�he rela��on5h�p es��hlished
<br /> b�tvveen �hern �n �h�s S��ux•zty Ins�rument vr any o�her �n5�rumen�, document �r agree�n�n� exec�ted or
<br /> de�i�er�d in c�nnecti�on w����th�5 Secu�rity Instrument�r the Re���ed Documents.
<br /> (c)2p�4-2�1 S Cnrnplian�e Systerns,In�.f�4�B-1�?�F-'Q i 5.1 Z.3.1.l 039
<br /> Comrnercial Rea1 Estate Security Inst�-umer�t-UL.4��7 Pa�e 4 of� «n��v.comptiancesystems.�om
<br />