2� 1 ��8�24
<br /> �VARIZANTIES. Grant�r, for itse�f, �ts heirs, personal repres�ntatives, successors, and asszgns, represen�s,
<br /> �arran�s,cavenants and agr��es w�th Lender,�ts�uccessors and ass�gn�,as fo�Iows:
<br /> Perfor�nan�e of �bli:ga�ions. �rant�r prom�ses �� perform �.Il terms, cond�t��ns, and covenan��s of�his
<br /> Securi�y�nstrumen�and Related�ocumen�s in acc�rdance w��h�the terms contaix�ed therein.
<br /> �efens�ax�d Ti��e tv�Property.A��he txme of execution and delivery of this��strument,�ran�or i:��awfully
<br /> sezsed of the es�a�e hereby c�nveyed and has the exc�usive �ight to mor�gage, gran�, cox�ve� and �.ssign the
<br /> Property.�rantor c�v�,nants�hat�he Property is unencumbered and free of al�Iiens,excep�for encu�nbrances
<br /> af record aGceptable ��� Lender. Fu�her, �rantor cav�nan�s tha� �ran�o��ui�� �varrant and defend general�y
<br /> �he title �o �he Prop���ty aga�ns� any and a�� c�a�ms �nd d�mands Wha�saever, �uhj ect �o the e�.sements,
<br /> res�r�ct�ons, or o�her f�ncumbrances of record acceptable to Lender, as may b� ��sted �n �he sc�ledu�e of
<br /> excep�ions ta coverage �n any abstract flf t�tle ar �i�le insurance palicy �nsuring Lender's inter�st �n the
<br /> Property.
<br /> �and��xon af Prop�rf:y. Grantor promises at a�� times �o pres�rve and to ma�ntain �he Property �nd every
<br /> part thereaf�n good rE=pair, working arder, an�. candi�ion and �v�l� from time to time, make a�� rie�dful and
<br /> proper repairs so�ha��:he�a�ue�f the Property shal�na��n any v�ray be�mpaired.
<br /> Removai �f any Par� of�he P�raperty. �rantar promxses nnt to remove any part �f the Pr�per�y fr�m its
<br /> pres�nt Iocatifln,except f�r replacer�en�,main�er�an�e and reloc�.t�on in the ard�nary course of buszness.
<br /> Alterat�ons to �he ���operty. Grantor promises �o �bs�azn �'rom �he commission �f any �vas�e on or in
<br /> connection w�th the Pr{�perty. Fur�her,Gran�nr sha1�make no�aa�terial a�terations,add��xons or impravements
<br /> of any �ype wha�soev�r ta the Property, regardless of wheth�r such al�era��on�, additions or imprQvem�nts
<br /> wou�d i�.crease the value of the Propexty, nor pernn�t anyane ta do so excep� for tena�.� zmpr�vem�en�s and
<br /> c�mp�e�ian af��erns p�xrsuant to approved p�ans and specif���.��ons, vvxthaut Le�ader's �rior wr�t�en consen�,
<br /> vvhich consent may b�� �vithheld by Lender zn ��s s�l� d�scretion. Gra�.tor �vil1 c�mply with a�� �ativs and
<br /> r�gulations of a�I publ�c au�h�rzties hav�ng jurzsd�C�ion over�he Proper�y�nclud�ng, vvithout limztat�on, �hase
<br /> relating to the use, oGrupancy and maintenance th�reof and shall upon requ��� promp�ly submi� t� Lender
<br /> ev�dence of such compixance.
<br /> Due on Sa�e-Lender'"s Cansen�.Grantar sha��not se�l,fur�h�r encumber or o�h.er�vise dispos�of,except as
<br /> her�in prov�ded, any ��r aIl of i�s i�.�eres� in any par� of or aI1 flf the Prop�r�� �ithout firs� obta�ning the
<br /> written consent af Le��der. If any encumbrance, ��en, transfer or sale or agreemen� f�r �hes� is crea�ed,
<br /> Lender may dec�ar��mmediately due and payab�e,t�ie ent�re bal��ce of�he�ndebtedness.
<br /> Insurance.�ran�or pr��mises to keep the Property insured agaxnst such rzsks and in such farm as rn�y�v�thin
<br /> the sole discretion af��ender �e acceptable, causing Lender to be named a� l�ss payee or �f req�es�ed by
<br /> Lender, as mortgagee. The insuran�e campany sh�.1l be chose,n by Grantflr sub�ec� to Lender's apprava�,
<br /> whxch sha�� nat be ur�reasonab�y withhe�d. All �nsurance polic�es must provide tha� Lender wi�� get a
<br /> m�nimu�n�f 1�days nca�ice prior���ancel�ation. A�Le�der's discre��an, Grantar may be required�o produ�e
<br /> receip�s of paid pre�niums and renewal polic�es. �f�ran�flr fails�o abtain the required coverage,Le��der may
<br /> do so at�rantor'�e�pe:nse. Gran�or hereby directs each and e�ery insurer of the�'raperty to make pa�nent of
<br /> Zoss to Lender with the proceeds�o be applied, only at Lend�r's option, �o the repa�r and rep�ac��nent of�he
<br /> damage or loss or�o be app��ed to the Indebtedness�v�th the s�.rpius,�f ang�,to b�paid by Lender�o�rantor.
<br /> Payment of Taxe� a��d ��her A�plicab�e Char�e�. Craz�t�r promises to pay and ta d�schar�ge �zens,
<br /> e�cumbrances,�axes,a:�s�ssments, lease payments ax�d any nth�r charges rela�ing to the Proper�y v�rh�r�levzed
<br /> or a��essed agains�C�ran�or nr the Property.
<br /> Env�ronmen�al L�w� and Ha�ar�aus �r T�x�c Mater�als. Grantor and every tenan� have been, are
<br /> presen�ly and sha�1 cc3nti�ue to be �n s�rict camp���nce �rit�:� any a�pl�ca�Ie l�ca�, state az�d. federal
<br /> environmental laws ancl regula�ions. Furfiher,nei�her�rantor nor any�enant shall manufac�u.re, stiore,handi�,
<br /> d�scharge or disp�se �aF hazardous or taxic materxals a� m.ay be def ned by any s�a�e ar federal lav�on the
<br /> Pr�pert�, except �o th�� e�ten�t the existence af such materials has been presently disc��sed in ��iting to
<br /> Lender. �rantor�vil�irr�medzately notify Lender�n vvrit�ng of an�asser��on or��aim made by any par�y as ta
<br /> the possi�le violatx�n of applicab�e s�a�e and fed�ral en�iran�nental �av�s inc�uding the Iocat�on of any
<br /> hazardous�r toxic m.atf�r�a�s on ar about�he Property. Gran�or zndemn�fi�s and holds Lender ha�nless from,
<br /> wi�hout I�m�ta�ion, any �iability or expense of what4�e�er na�ure �ncurred dzrectly or indirec�iy ou� of or in
<br /> cannect�an vvi�h: �a}a�..;�env�ranmen�al 1av�rs affect�ng aIi or any par�of the Proper�y or Grantor; �b} �he pas�,
<br /> presen� �r fu�ure exist�.nce of any hazardous mater�a�s in, on, u.nder, ab�ut, or emanatzng fram or pass�ng
<br /> �hrough the Property or any part th�re�f�r any prop�rty ad�acen� thereto; ��} any past, present c�r fu�ure
<br /> hazardaus acti�ity a� �r �n con�a.ecti�n v���h the Proper��or any part �hereof; and �d} the nonco�npX�ance by
<br /> Gran��r or�ran�ar's faz�ure to comply fu11�and timely�vith en�iranmental Xav�s.
<br /> FinanCial Informatinn, Gran�ar agr�es to supp�y Le�der su�h�i�aancial and�ther�nforma�ion coricerning zts
<br /> affa�rs and the stanxs c�f amy nf its asset� as Lender, from t�me �� time, �na� reasonably request. Grantor
<br /> further agrees �a permit L�nder �o �er�fy accounts as �ue11 a� to inspect, copy and to examine th� books,
<br /> rec�rds and fi�es of�rant�r.
<br /> Lender'�Righ�to En��?r.Lender or Lender's agents shall hav�the r�gh�and access�o�nspec�the Pr�perty a�
<br /> all reas�nable tzmes ir� order ta at�end to �ender's �nterests �nr� ensure comp�iance w�th the �erm� �f this
<br /> Securxty Ir�strumen�. �f the Property, or any part thereflf, shall require inspec��on, repair or m.air��enance
<br /> u�hich Gran�or has failed to provide, Lend�r, after reasonab�e nc��xce, may ent�r upon�he Proper�y�� effec�
<br /> tc'�24�4-2�l 5 Complian�e Systei�s.Ir�c.54�B-1 F>�F-?�i�.]2.3.�.i Q39
<br /> Cammer�ia]Rea[�state Se�u�-ity Instz-urn�nt-QI.4D�7 Pa�e?of 5 ��vw��.cvrr}plianc�systems.�orn
<br />