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2� 1 ��8�2� <br /> DEE� t]F TRUST <br /> Loan Na: 'I�1��3D63� {��nt�rlued� Pa�e 3 <br /> en�umbrances, and oth�r claims, �6y tv pra�ide any required insurance c�n the Praperty, t�f tv make repairs to the <br /> Properry or to comply with any vbligarion ta maintain Existin� Indek�t�dness in �ood st�nding �s r�quired below, then <br /> Lender may do so. If any action vr proceeding is commen�ed that woufd materially afifect Lender's interests in the <br /> Prvperty, �then Lend�r on Trustvr's behalf may, hut is n�t required to, take any actian that Lender belie�es tv be <br /> apprQpriate ta pratect L�nder's interests. All expenses incurred ❑r paid by Lender far such purpo�e� will then �rear <br /> interest at the rate charged under the Credit Agreement �rflm the date incurred or paid by Lender ta the date af <br /> repayment by Trustor. All such expenses will became a part of the Indebtedness and, at Lend�r's option, will �A} be <br /> paya�le on demand; �B} be added t❑ th� balanGe ❑f the Gredit Agre�ment and b� appvr�ioned among and b� payable <br /> uvith any in�tallment payments t❑ be�vme�ue during either ��} the term vf any ap�pli�able insurance p�licy; vr ��� the <br /> remaining term of th� Credit Agreement; ar �C� be treated as a ba�loon payment which will b� due �nd payable ��th� <br /> Credit Ag�eem�nt's rnaturity. <br /> WARR�INTY; DEF�NSE QF TITL�. Th� fallvwing pro�isivns relating tv own�rship af the Property are a part o�this deed <br /> ❑f Trust: <br /> T+t�e. Trust�r warrants that: �a� �`�`rustQr hofds good and market�ble title ❑f record �Co �he Property in fee simple, <br /> free and �lear ❑f ail liens and �ncumbrances other than those set forth in the Real Praperty description or in the <br /> Existing indebt�dness sectian k�e�ow ❑r in any titie insurance paliGy, title report, vr final titl� op+nivn issued in favor <br /> v�, and �ccep��d bV, Lender in cvnnec�i�n wi�h this ❑�ed of Trust, and �b} Trustvr has the full right, pawer, and <br /> authority to execute and deli�er this Deed vf Trust to Lender. <br /> aefense af Title. Subject ta th� excep�ion in the paragraph a�a�e, Trustor warrants and will fore�er def�nd the <br /> title t❑the Property again�t the �awful claims❑f all persans. <br /> E�ISTING II�C]EBTEDNE�S. The following prfl�isivns �nncernin� Exis�ing Ind�btedness are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Existing Lien. The li�n of this Deed of Trust se�uring the Indebtedness may he secandary and inferior t❑ an <br /> existing ften, Trustor expressly cv�enan�s and agrees to pay, ar s�� ta the payment ❑f, the Ex�sting Indebtedness <br /> and tv pre�ent any default�n such indebtedness, any default under th�instruments e��d�ncing su�h indebtednes�, <br /> or any default under any security dvcument� fof sueh indebtedness. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT, Trustc�r will be in d�fault under�his Deed of Trust if any of the following happen: �A� Trustor <br /> cammit� �raud or mak�� a rnaterial r�isrepresentativn at any time in c�nnectian with t�e C��dit Agreernent. This can <br /> include, for example, a false st�tement about Trustvr's in�ome, assets, liaailiti�s, ❑r any oth�r asp�cts of Tru�tor's <br /> finan�ial �onditian. �B� Trustor does not meet the repaymen� terms of the Credit Agreement. ��} Trustvr's actian or <br /> inaction ad�ersely affects the cv��ateral or L�nder's rights in the cvlfateral. This can inGlude, for exam�le, iailure tv <br /> maintain requir�d insurance, waste or destruCti�e use af the dwelling, failure to pay taxes, �ieaCh vf all persans liabi� an <br /> the account, transfer of tit�e or sale of th� dwelting, creativn of a senia� lien on the dweliing without Lender's <br /> permissian, fare�losure by the hvlder af anvther lien, or the use of funds ❑r the dwelling tor prohibited purp�ses. <br /> RlGHTS AND REMEDIES �N QEFAI�LT. Upvn the accurren�e af any E�ent of Default under any indebtedness, or <br /> should Trustor fail t4 �omply with any of Trustvr's vbiigativns under this ❑eed af Trust, Trustee vr Lender may exer�ise <br /> any one �r more af the ft�llawing rights and r�m�dies: <br /> Acce�erativn Upon Qefault; AddEtionai Remed�es. If any E�ent vf Default v�curs as per'the terms af the Cred�t <br /> Agreement se�ured hereby, Lend�r may decEar� all Indebtedness s�cured by this Deed ❑f Trust ta be due and <br /> payable and the same shall thereu��n became due and payable without any present�ment, d�mand, protest ar <br /> nQtice o��ny ksnd. Thereafter, Lender rnay: <br /> �ay Either in �ersvn or by agent, with or without bringing any action or praceeding, or by a recei�er <br /> appointed �y a �ourt and withaut r�gard tv the adequacy of its seeuri�y, enter upan and take possession <br /> flf the Prvperty, �r any part therev#, in its ❑wn n�me c�r in the name af Trustee, and da any acts whi�h it <br /> deems necessary �r desirable tv pr�ser�e the �alue, marketability❑r rentability of the PrQperty, or part of <br /> the Prap�rty or interest in the proper�Cy; increase the incc�me from the Prvp�rty car prQte�t the securiry of <br /> �he Property; and, with or withaut taking possessivn of the Property, sue far or otherwEs�e ea�lect the <br /> rents, issues and profits vf the PrQperty, inGluding thQse past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less <br /> cas�s and expens�s of apera�ivn and collectian a��arneys' fees, t❑ any indebtedness secured by this Deed <br /> vf Trust, all in such arder as Lender may determine. The entering upon and tal�ing possession of the <br /> Prap�rty, th� �olf�ctivn vf such rents, issues and profits, and the appli�ation th�reof shall not �ure or <br /> wai�e any defaul�or nvtice of default under thi$ i�eed ❑f Trust or in�alidate any act dr�ne in resp�nse tv <br /> such default or pursuant to such notice af default; and, notwithstanding the �vntinuance in possessian af <br /> the �roperty ar th� cofle�tion, receip� and appli�ation vf rents, issues or profits, Trustee ❑r Lender shall <br /> he entitled to exercise e�ery ri�ht pro�ided fvr in the Credit A�reem�nt vr the aelated ❑ocuments ar by <br /> law upvn the oceurrence vf any e��nt a#default, including the right tv exercise the pav�rer af sale; <br /> f�� CQmmence an ac�ion t� fareclose this Deed ❑f Trust as a mortgage, app�int a recei�er or spe�i�i�ally <br /> enf�rce any of�he co�enant� herec�f; and <br /> �c} ❑eli�er to Trustee a written declaration of default and demand far sale and a w�itt�n noti�e �f de�auit <br /> and ��ection to �ause Trustor's int�re�t in the Property tv be s�ld, which natice Trustee shall cause t❑ be <br /> duly filed �4r r��vrd in the appropriat�vffi�es of the Caunty in which�he Property is Iac�ted; and <br /> td7 With respect t❑ a1i vr any �art�f the Personal Pro�erty, Lender shaRl ha�e all the rights and rem�die� <br />