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2� 1 ��8� 1 � <br /> Tr�ns�er af the Pr�pert�ar a I�enefic�a�Ir�te�-es�in Eorrodver.If al1 or any par�of�the Property or an.y interes� <br /> in �t �s sa�d or �ransferred ��r if a b�nef�c�al in�erest �n Borrovver i� so�d flr �ransferred and Barrav�er is no� a <br /> natural person} without Lender's prior writ�e r� cansent, Lender may, at �ts optian, re�uire immediate payment in <br /> full of ai� sums secure� by this Security In�;trurnent. H���ever, this op�i�n shaX� �xot. �e e�.ercised �y Lender if <br /> exercise is prohib�ted by federa�la�as�f the da�e of�hzs Secur�ty�ns�rumen�. <br /> �f I.�ender exercises thi� aptian, Lender shall give BQrro�ver n�tic� of accelerat�on. The not�ce sha�� prov�de a <br /> period of�.at �ess than �he mix�i�um number of days established b�r Ap�licable La�w frflm the date the no�ic� is <br /> de��vered or ma��ed vvzthzn wh�ch Borr�wer mus� pay a11 sums s�cured by this Securi�y �nstrument. �f Borrou�er <br /> fai�s to� pay �hese sums prior to the expiratio r� af this per�od, Lender may �nvoke �.ny�remedxes perm���ed b��h�s <br /> Security Ins�rument wi�hou�furth�r na�ice or+ienland on Borrower. <br /> �3orrowver's Righ� �o R�in��ate. �f Borrotiv�r meets c�rtain condi�ions, Borrower sha11 have �ie right t� have <br /> enfarc�men�of this Security Instrument d�scc3n��nued at any t�me priar to the ear��er of: �a} 5 days �or such�ther <br /> perifld as Applicabie Lav�may spe��f�fo�-re��s�atement}befo�e sa�e of�he Praper�y pursuant to any power o�sa�e <br /> contained in this Security �nstrument; or �i�} �entry of a judgmen�. enforcing �his Securzty �ns�rument. Those <br /> cond��ions are that Borrower: �a� pays Lendfar al� sums u�hich �hen ��ou�d be due un�er �h.�.s Sec�r�ty �ns�rument <br /> and�he Con�rac�as if n�acce�era�z�n had occ urr�d; (b}cur�s any defau�t of any o�her c�oven�nts or agreemen�s; �c� <br /> pays all expenses incurr�d in enforcing this S+�curity�nstr�rment,�nclu�ing,but not��m;��ed to,reasonable attorneys' <br /> fees �� �he ex�ent permi�ted by lavv; and (d} �,�k�s such ac�ion as Le�der may reasana��ly rec�uire to ass�are that�he <br /> lien of�his Secur�ty Instrument, Lend�r's rig�ts in the Propert�and�orrower's oblzgatx�n�o pay the sums secured <br /> by this Secur��y Znstrun�en� sha�� con��nue unch�nged. Upan reinsta�ement by Borrou�er, �h�s Securi�y�nstrumen� <br /> and fihe ob��gatiaris secured hereby shall remai� fu�Iy eff��tiv�e as if no ac�e�era�ifln�iad occurre�. Ho�e�ver, this <br /> right to reinsta�e shal�no�app�y in�h.e case o�`accelera�ion under�he sec�ian�i��ed Tr�EnSfer of the Prope�ty�r a <br /> �enef�cial In�erest in�arrower. <br /> �Iazar�daus Substanc�s.�3orr�wer shaX�no�c�a�se or permi�the presence,use,dispos��l, s�arage, or release of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances an ar in the Property.�3orrovver shall not do,nor a�lov�anyone€s�se t�do,anyth�ng affectzng <br /> the Property that is in viola�ion �f any Env��-or�menta� La-�. The precedzn� two sent���ces shal� na� apply to the <br /> presen�e,use,ar storage on the Property�f srna�l quantities af Hazardous Subs�ances tha�are generally recognized <br /> �o be appropria�e to normal residentia�uses a��d�o maintenance af the Proper�y. <br /> Barrov�er sha��promp�l�give Lender vv�ri��exz�.o��c�of any inv�s�iga�i�n,c�aim,derr�and, Iawsuit or other a��ifln by <br /> any g�vernmental �r rebulat�ry agen�y or p�-iv�t� party invo�vin� the Proper�y and a�ny Hazardous Subs�ance or <br /> Environmental Law of which �orr�v�rer h,�s actua� �.ow��dge. If Borrower Iea�rns, or is notif ed by any <br /> governmental or regu�at�ry authar�ty,that an��removal or��her rem�d�at�an�f any Ha.zardous Substance affec��ng <br /> the Pr�perty is necessary, Barrower shall prampt�y �ake al� nece�sary remedza� <��t�ans �n accardance vvi�h <br /> Environmenta�Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous Sub��i�nces" are th�se su�s�ances defined as toxic or ha�ardous substances <br /> by En�iranmenta� Lavv and the follow�ng s�ub�tances: gas�line, k�r�sene, �ther fla:mmable or ��x�c petro��um <br /> praducts, toxic pest��id�s and herbicides, vtfla�ile solvents, ma�erials c�ntaining asbestos or f�rmaldehyde, and <br /> radi�acti�e materza�s. AS used in this�aragra��h, "Environrr�en�a1 La�v" means federa�l:a�s a�.d lav�s of�he state�f <br /> �ebra�ka�hat re�a�e to heaTth,safety ar envir�rnr�enta�protec�i�n. <br /> Ac�eleration; Remedi�s. L�nd�r sha�� g��e� na���ce �v Borr�w�r pr�or to acce��ra�ian follow�ng Borrower's <br /> breac�.of any c�venant�r agreement i��his�ecur�ty Instrumen�or�he C�ntracf:under wh��h a��eleration <br /> �s perr��f�ed �but not�r�or �o accel�ration u�der �he sectian �itl�d Transfer of�h.e Property or a�ene�ciai <br /> Intere��in Barrawer, axnle�s A�plicable L��w provides oth�rw�s��. The na��ce �h:��l �p�cify: �a} the def�ult; <br /> �b} th� action requir�d to cure �he def�i���; �c} a da�e, nvt less than the �r��n�xnum number of days <br /> es��b��shed �by Appgicab�Q La�v from th.e d��te �h�n�t�c�is�i�en t+��3arrovver, b�vvh�c��he defauit must be <br /> cured; and �d} tha� fa��ure to �ur� the de�Ea��t on ar �efvre the date spe��f�ed i�n �he noti�e may r�sult in <br /> acce�erat�on af th� �ums SEC�.i�'�C� �� ��115 ��cur��y Ins�ru�nent and �a�e of �h� Property. To the e�t�nt <br /> perm�tted by�aw, the notice sha��fur�her inf�rm Sflrrvwer vf the right to rein5i:ate a�ter a�celerat��n and <br /> the right to bri�g�c�urti a�tior��a as��rt tl�e man-existence of a default or any��h�r defen5e of Sorr�wer to <br /> accelera��an and saie. �f�h�defaul��s nat �u�-ed on �r �ef�re �he date specxf�ed. in �he nvtice, Lender at�ts <br /> op��an may require �xn.xmed�a�e p�.yrn�nt �n full of alI sum� se�ured by �his Set�urity Ins�rumem� �v��hout <br /> furthe�- de�x�.an� and rnay �n�oke �he pvvve�r �f sa�� an�. ar�� a�her remed�es perrnitted by App���ab�e �aw. <br /> To �h� e�te�t permitted by law, L�nder sha�l be en�i��ed to co��ecf a�l e�penses incurred �n pursuing the <br /> remed�es pr��ided in �his Section,��nc�uding, lbut not��rnit�d ta, r�asanab�� att�r�a�g�s' �ees and�costs af��tle <br /> ev�d.ence. <br /> If the�ower of sal�i��nvo�ed, Tru��ee sh�����-ecord a �a���� of defau��in each c�tunty in wh��h any part❑f <br /> �he Pr�per��is I�cated and shall mail��p�+�s�f 5uch notic��n �he man�er pres�ri.bed by App��cabie Law�a <br /> Borro�ver a�d �� the ��her persons p�-�scr�b�d by Applic�b�e Law. Af�er the tin�e rey�uired by .A�ppiicable <br /> Lawv, �'rustee s�aa�� g�ve public nv��ce �f S;�Ie �o the �aersons an�. in the manner prescr�bed by Applicabie � <br /> Lavv. �'rustee,vvi�ho��demand on Borrow�er, shall sel��he Prop�rty at pub�ic aur�t�on �a the highest b�dder <br /> a�rhe�ime�.nd place and under�he terms+�e��gnat��x�the noti�e of sale in vne o�r mnre parce�s an�in any <br /> �rder Trus�ee determines. Trus�ee r�ay jpo�tpane sale of �11 or any parcel a�� the Prop�r�y by pub�ic <br /> annou�cemen�at the��me an�p�a��vf an��p�evxous�y scheduled�ale.Lencler or i�s d.e�ignee ma�pur�hase <br /> the Prvperty at any sale. <br /> Up�n �eceipt af pa�ment of�he pr�ce bid, Trus�ee �hall deli�er t� the purcha�er TruS�ee'S deed conveying <br /> the Pr�perty. The rec��als in �he Trus��e's de�d shall b�pr°ima f���e ev�de�rce of t:�e�ruth af�he sta�em�nts <br /> C�?4��-2�1 a Ca�pliar�ce Systems,Ir�c.5]�A-6?74-LO 15.12.3.].1 1]5 <br /> Cc�nsu�x�er Real Estate-Se�urity Instrumer�t DL2�3� Pa�e 4 s�f 5 w-��n� <br />