2� 1 ��8� 1 �
<br /> Payment❑f Princ�pa�and In�er��t; �th�r I�h�rges.Barrawer sha�l promp��y pay vv:hen due the principal o�and
<br /> �nteres�on the deb�o�ved under the C�n�r�.ct a.nd late charges ar any��h�r fees and cha�rges d�xe under the�antract.
<br /> Applic�.bie Lavv. As u�ed �n this S�cur�ty In�trument, the �erm '°Applicable Law" shall mean all co��rolling
<br /> app�icable f�dera�, s�ate and loc�.1 sta�tu�es, regu�ations, ordinances and adrnin�stra�ive rules and arders �that have
<br /> the effe�t of law�as v�ell as all a�p��cab�e f na�,non-appea�abl�jud�c�a�apin�ons.
<br /> �harg�s; L�ens. B�rrower shall pay a11 ta�:es, assessments, charg�s, f�nes and xmpositi�ns att�ibu�a.ble ta �he
<br /> Froper�y w�ich may att�.in priority ov�r th�s `.�ecur��y�nstrumen�, and leasehold paym�x�ts �r ground rents, if any.
<br /> A��he�equ�st�f L�nder,B4rroWer shall pro�tp�ly furnish to L�nder rece�p�s ev�denc�ng the paymen�s.
<br /> Borrov�ler shall promptl�r discharbe any Iien ya�hi�h has pr�or�ty over thxs Security��st�umen�un�ess Borrotiver: �a3
<br /> agrees in writing �o the payrnez�t of the o}���gatxon secured by �h� lien in a manne�� acceptable �� Lender; �b�
<br /> cantes�s in g�od faith the lien by, or defend:s agax�.st enf�rcemen� �f the �ien in, ��g�I proceedings which in �he
<br /> Lender's op�nion �perate to pre�ent the enf��rc�ment af the ��en; or �c} secures frox�.. the hfl�der of�he ��en an
<br /> agreen-�ent satisfac�ory�o Le�der subordz�.a�ir�g�he lien tt� this Security Instrumen�. If Lender de�ermines�ha�any
<br /> part of the Property is subjec�to a lien�vh�c�r xrnay atta�n pr�or�ty fl�er this Security��Zstrurr�en�, Lender may give
<br /> Barrav�er a not�ce �den��fying the lien. Borra-�uer shal� satisfy the lien or�ake one �r r.r��re �f the ac�ions se�for�h
<br /> above�vz�h�rz �.�days of the g�vinb of�otice.
<br /> Hazar� or Pr�per�y I�surance. B�rrovver sha�I keep �he �mprovex��nts now existing or h�reafter erected a�flie
<br /> Pr�per�y znsured agains�loss by fre,haz�rds �ncluded vvithin t�e term"ex�ended co�e���ge" �.nd any other ha2ards,
<br /> includzng fl�ods or flood�ng, far �vh�ch Lex�der requires ir�surance. This insurance sha�� be ma�nta�ned xn the
<br /> am�un�s and f�r�he per�ods�ha�Ler�der requires.The�nsurance carrier provid�ng the ir�surance sha11 be chos�n by
<br /> B�rrov�rer su��ect ta Lender's appr�val whicl� shall no� be unreas�nab�y w�thhe�d. If�orrower fails �o mairita�n
<br /> coverage descr�bed above, L,ender may, at Lender's op�ion, ob�a�n coverage to pro�ect Lender's righ�s in the
<br /> Prop�r�y�n accordance w�fih sect�on t�tled�'rote��ion of Lender'S R.��h�s in�he Prap�rt�.
<br /> A�� �ns�rance pol�cies and renewals sha�I he acceptab�e �� Lender and sh�1l include a standard mor�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha�l hav��he right to ho�d the p�Zxci�;s and reneu�als. �f Lend�r requ�res, Borr�ower shall promp�ly give�o
<br /> Lender a11 rece�p�s of p�.id prem�ums and ren��w�.�not�ces. In�he event of�oss, Barroyver sha��g�ve prom�st notice
<br /> �o the i�surance carrzer and Lender. Lender m�.y�nake proflf af Ios��f not made promp�Iy by�3orro�er.
<br /> LJnless Lender and B�r�rower otherwise agree in wri��ng, �nsurance proceeds sha�� be applied �o restora�i�n or
<br /> repair of the Property damaged, zf, �� Lende:r's sole discr���oxz, the restora�i�n or rep�a�r is ��anom.�ca��y feasible
<br /> and Lender's security�s not �essened. �f, in Lender's s�le discre�ion, �he rest�ra�ion��r repair is no� economzca�ly
<br /> feasible or Lender's security urou�d be lessene�3,�he znsurance prflceed�sha11 be appl�e�'l�o�he sums secured by this
<br /> Security �n�trument, whether or not the� d��e, with any excess pa�d t� Barrov�rer. �� B�rrower abandons the
<br /> Property,or does not answer with�n the num���r of days pr�scrzbed by Applicab�e Law as set for�h in a n��ice fram
<br /> I�e�.der to B�rrower tha�the �nsurance carrier has offered�o set�le a claim, then Lend��r may collect�he insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender na.ay use the proceeds to repair or r�s�are the Prop�r�y or �o pay su�ms secured by �his Security
<br /> �nstrumen�,�vhether or m�t then�iue.The peric�d�f time far Borr�wer�o ansvver as set forth in the not�ce w���begin
<br /> when the no��ce is given.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borr�tiver oth�rw�se agree in wr���ng, any appl�cation�f proceeds�o principal sha��nat extend
<br /> or post�ane the due da�e of the p�yments due under the Con�r�ct or change the amnuz��of�lae payments. If under
<br /> the sec�ion�itled Aeee��ratii�n; l�emed���, t�e Proper�y�s acc�uired�y Lender, Borr�wer's right to any insurance
<br /> po�icie� and proceeds resuXt�ng from damage to the Praper�y pr�flr to �he acquisition sha�l �ass to Lender �o the
<br /> ex�en�af th�sums secured by this Securit���.�tru.ment immed�a�e�y pmiar to the acquzsztxon.
<br /> Preser�vativn, NYain�enance an�i P�ot�c�ioar� af the Pr�perty; L��rrawer's Loan .A.pp�icatfon; Leaseho�ds.
<br /> Borro�rer sha�l not des�troy, dam�ge or zmpa�� �h�Proper�y, a��o�the Property ta deteri�rate, or commi��vas�e on
<br /> the Proper�y. �3orrower�ha11 be i�default if a��y f�rfe��ure action or praceed�ng,wheth�r civ�l ar crim�nal,is begun
<br /> that zn Lender's go�d faith�udgna.en� �ou�d r�;su�� xn f�rfei�ure of�he Praper�y or othe�rw�s� ma�eriaily im�air�he
<br /> ��en created by �h�s Security �ns�run�en� ar Lender's securi�y �nterest. Borrower m��y cur� such a default and
<br /> rexns�a�e, as prov�d�d in sect�on���led Bo�ra�ver's Righ� to Reinst�te, by caus�n� th� ac�ion or prnceedxng ta be
<br /> dzsmissed v�i�h a ruling�ha�,in Lender's g�od faz�h de�ermina��on,precludes forf��ture��f�he Borrovver's znterest�n
<br /> the Pr�pertyr or other xr�a�erial impairm��.t o f ��e l�en crea�ed by this Securi�y �nstrumen� or Lender's security
<br /> in�erest.Borrower shal�a�so be in defau�t�f B��rrower,dur�ng�he loa�app��cation process,gave materially false or
<br /> inaccura�e �nfarma�ion or sta�emen�s to Lenc�er �ar fa�led to prov�de Lender with any ma�erial infarma�ion} �xz
<br /> connec��on��rith the �oa� evidenced by the �t�ntract. If this Secur�ty�nstrument is �n �. �easeho�d, Barrower shall
<br /> comply wzth a�l the praviszons of�he��ase. If Sorrower acquires fee��t�e to the Proper�y,�he leasehold and the fee
<br /> �itle sha��no�merge un�ess Lender agr�es to tr.e merger in wri�t�ng.
<br /> Pr�tec��an �nf L�nder'S Rights �n �he �'ro�rerty. �f Borrower fails t� perform t�e covenan�s and agree�en�s
<br /> contained in�h.is Securit��nstrum�nt, or there is a�ega1 proce�d�ng that may s�griif�ca�r�t�y affect Lender's r�ghts in
<br /> the Property �such as a�roceedi�g �n bax�ruptGy, probate, f�r �ondemnation or forf�,zture �r�o enforce �a�s or
<br /> regu�atians}, then Lender may d� and pay f�r v�hatever is necessary to pr�tect the value af the Property and
<br /> Lender's r�ghts in�he Prtiperty. Lender's act�o��s may inc�ude payin�any sums secured by a lien�vhich has priority
<br /> over th�s Se�urity I�strumen�, appearzng in co�a�r�,paying reasonab�e attorneys'fees and�ntering an the Pra�erty�o
<br /> make repairs.Although Lender ma�take actian�nd�r�his secti�ri,Le�.der does na�have to do so.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this sectian sha�� become additiona� debt o:f Borrower secured by this
<br /> Securi� Instrument. Iln�ess Borrower and L,ender agree to o�her �erms of pay�nen�, thes� amaunts sha1� bear
<br /> Cc��2004-20I��nrnpliance Systems.InG.618A-6?74-2D I�.�I S
<br /> Cansur�ier Rea�Estate-Security t�strumc;nt DL2036 Pa�e 2 nf 5 ��nvw.c�mpliancesyste�ns.co�n
<br />