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2� 1 ��85�5 <br /> Property Cond�t��n, A�terations and Inspect�or�. Trustar will keep the Property in g�od cond�t�an and <br /> make a1.I repairs �hat are reasonably necessary. Trustar shall nat comm�� or a11ow any wa�te, impairmen�, ar <br /> det�riora�ion of th� Praper�y. Trustor agrees �ha� �he nature of the accupancy and use will nat <br /> change withaut Benefxc�ary's priar wr�tten cons�nt. Trustor w�ll not permit any change in any �ic�nse, <br /> r�strictive covenant or easement without Beneficiary's priar written cansent. Trustor will notify Beneficiary <br /> of all demands, proceedrngs, claims, and actians agains�Trustor, and of any lass or damage�a the Praperty. <br /> Ben�ficiary or Beneficiary's agen�s may, at Beneficxa.ry's aptian, enter�he Property at any r�asonable txme for <br /> the purpase of xnspec�ing the Proper�y, Benefxcxary shall give Trustor notice at the txme af ar before an <br /> inspe�tian �pecrfying a reasanabie purpase for the xnspectian. Any inspec�ion af the Property sha11 be en�irely <br /> for Beneficiary's benefi�and Trustor will in na way rely on Benefi�iary's �nspe��ion. <br /> Auth�rity to Perform. Yf Trustor fai�s to perform any du�y ar any of th� co�enants contained in this Security <br /> Instrumen�, B�nefYciary rnay, without notice, perfarm ar cause them to be performed. Trustor appoints <br /> B�neficiary as a�tarney in fac� to sign Trustor's name �r pay any amaunt necessary f�r p�rfarmance. <br /> Ben�fi�iary's rrght ta perform for Trustor sha11 not crea�e an o�Iigat�on t❑ perform, and Benefi�iary's faiiure <br /> to perform will not pre�Xude Beneficiary from exercising any af Benefi�iary's other rYghts under the iaw flr <br /> this Security �nstrument. � <br /> Leaseholds; Con.dam�niums; Planned Unit Developments. Trustor agrees to comply wYth the prov�sYons �f <br /> any lease if�hxs Securr�y rnstrument is an a leasehald. If�he Property includes a unit �n a condom�nium or a <br /> planned unit de�elopment, Trustor w�ll perform al� of Trustor's duties under the ca�enants, by-laws, or <br /> regulatians of�.ie candominium or planned unit de�elopmen�. <br /> �ondemnation. Trustor w�ll giv� Benef�czary prom�t notice of any pending ar threatened actian, �y pri�a�e <br /> or public entities to purchase ar take any or a11 of the Pr�perty through candemnation, eminent domain, or <br /> any other means. Trustor autharizes BenefY�xary to inter�vene in Trustor's name in any af the a�ove described <br /> act�ans or claims. Trustor assxgns to B�neficxary the pr�ceeds of any award or �laim for damages connected <br /> with a condemnatian or other � of a11 or any part of the Property. Such proceeds shall be �onsidered <br /> payments and wili be applied as provided in this Security �nstrument. This assignmen� of proceeds is subject <br /> to the terms of any prior mortgage, de�d af�rust, security agreement ar other lien d�cum�nt. <br /> Insurance. Trus�or shall keep Froperty insured against Ioss by f�re, flaod, theft and o�her hazards and risks <br /> reasonably assaciated With the Property due ta its�ype and Xocat�on. This �nsuran�e shall be ma�ntain�d in the <br /> amounts and for th� p�r�ads that Benef�cYary requzres. What Benef�c�ary requires pursuant to the preced�ng <br /> two sent�nces can�hange during the term of the Secured Debt. The insurance carrier pro�iding the insurance <br /> shall �e chosen by Trus�or subject to BenefYciary's approval, wh�ch shall na� be unreasonably withheld. Zf <br /> Trustor fails to main�ain the ca�erage descrxbed aba�e, B�neficiary may, at Beneficiary's optYon, a�tain <br /> coverage to prate�t B�nefxcxary's rights rn the Prop�rty according ta the terms of this Security Instrument. <br /> All �nsurance polici�� and renewals sha11 be acceptable �o Benefic�ary and �hall include a s�andard "mo�tgage <br /> clause" and, where applzcable, "loss payee clause." Trustor sha11 immedia�e�y natify SenefY�iary of <br /> cancellatian or termination af �he insuranGe. Beneficiary shall ha�e the right to hoid the policies and <br /> renewals. If Beneficiary requires, Trustor shali immediately gi�e to BenefYCYary all receipts �f paxd premiums <br /> and renewal n�tic�s. Upon �oss, Trustor sha.11 giv� immediate notic� �o �he rnsuran�e�arrier and Ben��ciary. <br /> Benefzciary may make proaf of loss Yf not made immediately by Trustor. <br /> Unless o�herwise agreed xn writing, all rnsurance praceeds shall be applied to the restoration or repair of the <br /> Praperty or to the Secur�d Debt, whe�her or n�t then due, at Beneficiary's flptian. Any appli�ation of <br /> proceeds to principal sha11 not ex�end or postpone the due date of the scheduled payment nar change the <br /> amount of any payment. Any ex�ess wi�l b� paid t❑ the Trustor. �f th� Propezrty is acquired by.Ben�ficiary, <br /> Trustor's r�ght ta any insuran�e poli�ies and proceeds resultxng from damage ta the Prap�rty befare �he <br /> acquzsztion shall pass ta Benefi�iary to the extent of the Secured Debt immediately before the acquisition. <br /> FinanczaI Reports and Addxtiona� Dacuments. Trustor wxll provide to Beneficiary upon r�quest, any <br /> financial sta�ement or informa�ian B�neficiary may deem reasanably necessary. Trustor agre�s to sx�n, <br /> de�iver, and fixe any a�lditional do�uments or certifications that Ben�ficiary may consider necessary to perfect, <br /> continue, and preserv�e Trus�or's ob�igatians under this Security �nsCrument and Beneficiary's li�n status on <br /> the Prop�rty. <br /> 6, W TY ��TITLE. Trustor warrants that T`rustar is or will he �awfully seized of the estate con�eyed <br /> by this SeGur�ty Zns�rument and has th�right t� irre�ocably grant, con�ey, and sell the Property to Tru�tee, xn <br /> trust, with power af sale. Trustor a.lsa warrants �ha� the Froper�y is unen�umbered, e�ccep� for en�umbrances <br /> of record. <br /> 7. DUE QN SALE, Bene�cYary may, at its op�ion, declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to be <br /> xmmed�ately due and payable upon the creation of, or �ontract for the creation af, a transfer or sale of aIl ar <br /> any par� af the Prop�rty. Thxs right �s subj e�� ta �h� r�strictions imposed by federal 1aw �1 Z G.F.R. Sg I�, as <br /> applicable. <br /> 5�curity lnstrument-�pen-Er�d-Cvnsumer-N� QGP-REDT-N� 712I2D�1 <br /> VMF�Bank�rs Sys�ems"U' VMP-C465�N�y {1 1�7).OD <br /> WaIters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices��994,2D 1 1 �'age 3 of 5 <br />