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� 2� 1 ��85�4 <br /> 11. ENVIR�NMENTAL LAWS AND HA�A�tI]�US SUBSTANCES. As used in �his S�C�1QI�y <br /> �I} Environmental Law nleans, �v��hout �imitati�n, the �omprehensiv� En�ironmental Respons�, <br /> �amp�nsatian and LiabilYty Act ��ER�LA, 42 U.S.C. 96�� et seq.}, and all ather federal, state and �ocal <br /> laws, regula�ions, ordinances, court orders, a��orn�y �eneral opinions ar znterpre��ve letters �ancernzng the <br /> public heai�h, safety, weifare, enviranment or a hazardous subs�ance; and �2} Hazardous 5ubstance m�ans any <br /> taxY�, radioacti�e or hazardous material, waste, pollutant or cantaminan� which has �haracter�stic� �vhi�h <br /> render th� substance dangerous or potentia��y dangerous to the publi� h�alth, saf�ty, welfare or �n�ironment. <br /> The term inc�udes, without limitat�on, any substances defxne� as "hazardaus materiaX," "taxic substances," <br /> "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substance" under any En�ironmental Law. <br /> Trus�or represents, war�rants and agrees that: <br /> A.Ex�ept as previous�y d�sclosed and acknawledged in writing to Beneficiary, no Hazardaus Substance is <br /> or wi�I be located, stored or released �n or in the Properry. This restrict�on da�s nat apply to sma�1 <br /> quantities of Hazardaus Substances tha� are generally re�ogniz�d to �e approprxate for �he normai use <br /> and maintenan�e of the Proper�y. <br /> B. Except as previausly dzsclosed and acknowiedged in writing to Benefic�ary, Trustor and eWery t�nant <br /> have been, are, and shall remain xn ful� compl�ance with any appiicable Envzronmenta� Law. <br /> �.Trustor sha.�� xmmediately not�fy Beneficiary �f a release ar threat�n�d r�lease of a Hazardous Substance <br /> accurs Qn, under or abou�the Property or�here �s a �xolation of any En�ironmental Law concernxng the <br /> Property. �n such an e�ent, Trustor sha.Il take a�l nec�ssary rem�dial action zn accardanc� with any <br /> En�ironmen�a�. Law. <br /> �.Trus�or shal� immedia�ely notify Beneficiary zn wrYtrng as soon as Trustor has reason to belie�� ther� i� <br /> any pending or threa�ened in�estigatian, cla�m, ar pro�eeding r�lating to the releas� flr threa�en�d <br /> r�lease nf any Hazardous Subs�ance ar�h��vzolatian af any EnvirflnmentaX Law. <br /> 1Z. ESC��W F4R TA�ES AND INSU�2.AN�E. UnZess a�herwise pro�ided �n a separat� agr�ex�zent, Trustor <br /> w�ll nat�e required to pay �o B�neficiary funds for taxes and insurance in escrow. <br /> 13. J4INT AND YNDIVIDUAL LIASILITY; Ca-SIG-NERS; SUC�ESS�RS AND ASSIGNS B�UND. Al� <br /> duties under this Securi�y �ns�rumen� are j oint and individuai. rf Trustor sxgns this 5ecurity Instrument �u� <br /> does not sign an ���denc� �f debt, Trustor does sa on�y ta mortgag� Trustor's in�erest in �he Prflp�rty to <br /> secure paym.ent of the Secured Debt and Trustor daes nnt agree to be persona.11y Iiab�e on the Secured Debt. Yf <br /> this Securi�y Ynstrument seGur�s a guaran�y between B�ne�c�ary and Trustor, Trust�r agrees to v�aive any <br /> rights that may prev�nt Bene�ciary from bringing any a��ion or �laxm agains� Trustor or any party �ndeb�ed <br /> under�he abl igat�an. Th�se rights may �nclude, bu� are not 1�mited to, any an�i-de�ci�ncy ar ane-action laws. <br /> The dutxes and benef�ts of this Security Instrument shall bind and henefi�the �uccessors anc�assigns flf Trustor <br /> and Beneficiary, <br /> 14. SEVERAI�ILITY; INTER�'RETATYQN. This Secur�ty Instrument is campie�e and fully xntegrated. Th�s <br /> Securi�y Instrument znay nat be �amend�d or modified by oral agreemen�. Any section in thzs Security <br /> Instrument, attachments, or any agreement related to the Secured Deb� tha� conf�icts with app�xcable law will <br /> not be effectx�e, unl�ss that �aw expr�ssly or impliedly p�rmits the �ariatians by written agreement. If any <br /> sectian of this Se�ur�ty Znstrument cannot be enforced according to its term�, �ha� section wi11 be severed and <br /> wi�i not affect the enforceabx�it� of the remaxnder of th�s Secur�ty �nstrument. Whenever used, the singular <br /> sha�� inclu�e the plural and the plural the �ingular. The �aptions and headxngs of th� sect�ans of this Security <br /> �nstrument are for canven�ence �nly and are n�� t� t�e used �a interpret or define the terms of this Se�urity <br /> Instrument. Time xs af the essence rn thxs Security �nstrument. <br /> 15. SYJCCESS�R TRUSTE�. Benefrciary, at Bene�ciary's aption, may frflm time Co tzzne remo�e Truste� and <br /> appaint a successor trustee wxthout any other formality than the designation zn wr�tzng. The successor trustee, <br /> without con�eyance of�he Property, sha�i succeed to all the�i���, pow�r and du�ies conferr�d upon Truste�by <br /> thi� Securi�y �nstrument and appiicable �aw. <br /> lfi, N�TICE. Unl�ss a�herwise required �y �aw, any natice sha�.I be giv�n by de1�W�r�ng it ar by maxling it by <br /> first clas� mai� to the approprxate par�y's address on page I of �h�s Se�ur�ty rnstrumen�, nr to any �ther <br /> address des�gna�ed xn wrztrng. Natzce �a on� trustor will be d�emed to be no��ce ta all �rustors. Trustor and <br /> Benefi�iary her�by re�ues� a copy af any n�tice of defau��, and a copy af any notice of saie thereund�r, �e <br /> mail�d to each par�y at the address for suGh party set for�h on page 1 of this 5ecurzty Znstrument. <br /> 17. WAIV�RS. Except to the extent prohibit�d by �aw, Trustor wai�es all appraisement an�i homestead <br /> exemp�ifln ri�h�s re�ating to the Praper�y. <br /> 1S. LINE �F �RE�]IT, Th� Secur�d Debt inc�udes a re�alvYng line of cred�t. Althaugh the Secured ]�ebt xnay <br /> be reduced ta a zera balance, this Security Instrument �vili remain in�ffec�un��l released. <br /> 5ecurity lnstrument-�pen-�nd-Cansumer-NE OCP-R�DT-N� 71�1201 7 <br /> VMP�Bankers 5ystemsT"' VMP-�455fNE} (�1 Q7}.D� <br /> Wvlters Kiuwer Finar�ciai Ser�ices�1�94,2�1 1 Page 5 vf 6 <br />