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2� 1 ��85�4 <br /> Property C�nditYan, A�t�rations and Insp��tion. Trustor will keep the Prop�x�ty in good condit�on and <br /> make ail r�pairs that are reasonabl� necessary. Trustor shall not commxt ar a��ow any waste, �mpairment, ar <br /> deteriora�ion of the Prop�rty. Trustor agrees tha� th� nature of the occupancy and use will nat subs�ant�aliy <br /> change without Benef�c�ary's pr�or wr�tten can�ent. Trustor w�l� not permit any change in any �icens�, <br /> restrictive co�enant or easement v�rithou� Ben�ficiary's prior wr�tten �ons�nt. Trust�r wili not�fy Bene�c�ary <br /> af all demands, proceedings, �Iaims, and a���ans agains�Trustar, and af any loss ar damage t�the Froperty. <br /> B�nefxcXary or�eneficiary's agents may, at Benef�ciary's option, enter the Property at any reasonable�ime for <br /> th� purpose af �nspecting th� Praperty. Benef�ciary sha�I gx�e Trustar natzce at the �ime of or b�fore an <br /> inspec�ian specifying a reasonabie purpase for the xnspectYan. Any znspect�on af�he Prop�rty shali be�ntirely <br /> for Beneficiary's b�ne�t and Trustar v�iil in na way re�y on B�ne�cxary's �nspectian. <br /> Au�thor�ty ta Perfarm. �f Trustor fai�s to perform any duty or any af the co�enants cantain�d in this Security <br /> 7nstrunzent, Beneficiary may, withaut notice, perfarm or cause them to �e p�rform�d. Trust�r appoznts <br /> Beneficzary as at��rney in fact �o sign Trustor's name �r pay any amaunt necessary for perfarmance. <br /> Benef�c�ary's right �o p�rfflrm far Trustor shall nat create an obligation t� perfarm, and Ben�fic�ary's fa�lure <br /> to perforn� wi�l nat prec�ud� Beneficiary from exercYsing any �f Ben�fic�ary's other rights under th� Iaw or <br /> th�s Security Instrumen�. <br /> Leaseha�ds; Condomin�ums; P�anned Un�t I]eve�opments. Trus�or agrees to �ozr�gly wYth the provisYons of <br /> any leas� if this Security �ns�rument is an a 1ea�ehold. If the Property in�ludes a un�t xn a candflm�n�um or a <br /> p�anned unit de�e�opment, Trustor vvi�I perf�rm all of Tru��or's duties under the co�enants, �y--laws, or <br /> regu�ations of�he candaminium ar planned unit development. <br /> �ondemnatian. Trustor wiil give Benefi�iary prorr�pt noti�e of any pending or threatened act�on, �y pri�a�e <br /> or public entities tfl purchase ar take any or ail of�he Praper�y through candemnation, eminent donzain, or <br /> any other means. Trustor a�tharizes Benefi�iary_to �ntervene in TrusCar's nam� in any of the above des�ribed <br /> act�ans or �laims. Trus��r assigns ta Benefic�ary the proc�eds of any a�ard or claim far damages connected <br /> w�th a condemnatian or oth�r taking of aIl or any part af the Property. Such proceeds sha1� b� considered <br /> payments and v�ili be app�i�d as pra�ided in this Securz�y �ns�rument. This ass��nment of proc�eds �s subject <br /> to the terms af any prior martgage, deed af trust, securxty agreement or ather lien document. <br /> Insurance. Trustor shaii keep Praperfiy insured aga�nst loss by fire, f�ood, theft and other hazards and risks <br /> reasona�ly assflciated with the Proper�y du� t� its type and lacation. Th�s �nsurance sha1X be mainta�n�d in �he <br /> amounts and far the p�riods that �eneficiary r�quares. Wha� B�n�ficiary requ�res pursuan� tfl �he pre�eding <br /> two sentences can change during �he term of t�a.e Secured Deb�. The insurance carr�er pra�iding the insurance <br /> shall be chasen �y Trustor subj ect to Beneficiary's approvai, which shall not �e unreasonably withheld. If <br /> Trust�r fails �a maintain the co�erage descri�ed abo�e, Beneficxary may, at Benef�eiary's option, abtain <br /> caverage tfl pro�ect B�neficxary's rxghts xn the Property accarding to �he t�rms of th�s Securxty Instrument, <br /> AII insurance po�xczes and r�newa�s shall be acceptabie to Beneficiary and sha.Xi include a standard "mor�gage <br /> ciaus�" and, where applicable, "loss payee clause." Trustor sha.�� imm�diately notify Beneficiary af <br /> cancelia�zan or �ermxnation of the �nsurance. Beneficiary shall have �he right to hold the polic�es �and <br /> r�newa.l.s. �f Beneficiary requzres, Trustor shall immediately give to Bene�ciary aIi receipts of paid premiums <br /> and renewa.� notices. [Jpon loss, Trustor shall gi�e immediate notice to the insurance �arr�er and Benefxciary, <br /> Bene�ciary may make proof af Xoss if not made xmmediately by Trustor. <br /> Unless atherwise agreed xn wr�t�nb, all insuran�e prac�eds shall be app�ied ta the res��ration or repair �f the <br /> Prop�rty �r to the Secured Debt, whe�her ar not then due, at Beneficiary's �ptifln. Any appiication of <br /> proceeds to prin�ipal shall not extend or posfip�n� the due dat� of the schedul�d payment nar change the <br /> amount flf any payment. Any excess w��� be paid to the Trus�or. �f the Prap�r�y is acquxred hy Beneficiary, <br /> Trustflr's righ� to any insuranc� palicies and pro�eeds resulting from damag� ta the Property �efore the <br /> acquis�tion sha�l pass �o BenefYciary ta the extent of the Se�ured �ebt immediat�ly before the acquis�tion. <br /> F�nancia� Reports and Add�txanaI Docum�nts. Trus�ar will provide ta Benefic�ary upon r�qu�st, any <br /> �nancxal stat�m�nt or information Benefi�iary may deem reasonably ne�essary. Trustor agx�es to sign, <br /> deliver, and file any additianal dacuments or certificatians that Beneficiary may cons�der necessary to perfec�, <br /> continue, and preserve Trustor's obligatians under this Security Instru.m�nt and Beneficzary's Iien �tatus on <br /> the Proper�y. <br /> 6, 'L�L�' TY �F TITLE. Trustflr warrants that Trustor is or will be lawfully sexzed of�he estate con�eye� <br /> by�his Secur�ty Xns�rument and has th�right ta �rre�a�ably grant, convey, and sell the Pr�perty to Truste�, xn <br /> trust, w�th power of sale. Trustor als� warrants �hat �he Praperty �� unencumbered, except for encumbrances <br /> of record. <br /> � 7. D�.TE �N SALE. Benefic�a.ry may, at i�s option, declare the entire balance of the Secur�d Debt to be <br /> immediately due and payable upon the �rea�xon of, ar contract for �he creation of, a transfer or saxe af aIi or <br /> any part of th� Prflperty. Thxs rrght is subject t� �he restrictions impflsed by federal law �12 �.F.R. S9�}, as <br /> applicable. <br /> Security Instrument-��en-�nd-Cansumer-NE �CP-REDT-NE 712l2D11 <br /> VMPC�sankers 5ystemsr"^ VMP-C465�NE) f1�Q7�.Q❑ <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Finan�ia!Servi�es�1 994,2��� Page 3 of 6 <br />