2� 1 ��85�2
<br /> 11. ENVIR�NMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARI]�US SUBSTANCES. As used in this sec�ion,
<br /> �I} En�ironmenta�. Law means, withau� limita�ion, the Compr�hensive Environmental Response,
<br /> Compensa�ion and Lrabx�ity Act �CERCLA, 42 U.S.�. 96D� et seq.}, and a�I ather federaJ., state and �o�al
<br /> laws, reguiatians, ardinances, court orders, a�orney general opinions or interpre�ive Ietters concernxng the
<br /> pubxic health, safe�y, welfare, envxronment flr a hazardous substan�e; and��.} Hazardous 5ubstance means any
<br /> taxic, radioactive or hazardous material, waste, pollutant or can�aminant which has �haract�risti�s which
<br /> render�he substanc� dangeraus or pot�ntxal.�y dangerous to �he public health, safety, w�lfare or en�ironment.
<br /> The term includes, without lrm�ta�zan, any substances de�ned as "hazardous material," "toxic substan�es,"
<br /> "hazard�us waste" or "hazardous �ubs�ance" under any En�iranmenta.X Lau�.
<br /> Trustar represents, warrants and agrees�hat:
<br /> A.Except as previ�usly d�scXased and ac�a�.�Wledged in wr�ting to Bene�ciary, no Hazardous Substance is
<br /> or will b� located, stored or released on or xn the Property. This res�ric�ion daes nat apply �❑ smal�
<br /> quan�i��es af Hazardaus Substanc�s that are generaxiy recognrz�d to be appropria�e far the normal use
<br /> and maintenan�e af the Propez�ty.
<br /> B. Except as pre�xausly disclosed and acknowledged in writrng tc� Beneficiary, Trustar and every tenan�
<br /> hav�been, axe, and sha11 remain zn fu11 �ampliance w�th any applicable Environmental Law.
<br /> �.Trustar shal� immediately notxfy Ben�ficiary af a release or threatened reXease of a Hazardaus Substance
<br /> oc�urs Qn, under�r about the Praperty �r there �s a vYolation of any Environmental Law cancern�ng the
<br /> Praperty. In such an event, Trustar shall �ake a11 n�c�ssary remedial ac�ion in accardance w�th any
<br /> Environmenta.l Law.
<br /> D,Tru�tar shall imm�diately notify Beneficiaz� in writxng as soon as Trustar has reason�o belie�e there is
<br /> any pending or threat�ned 'znv�stigation, cla�m, or proceeding rela�ing to the release or threatened
<br /> releas�af any Hazardaus Substa.n.ce or the vioXat�on of any EnviranmentaX Law.
<br /> 1�. ES�R4W F4R TA�ES AND INS�JRANCE. Unless otherwis� pravided in a separate agreemen�, Trustar
<br /> wilx nat be requir�d�o pay to B�n�ficiary funds for taxes and insurance in escraw.
<br /> duties under this Security Instrumen� are j oint and indYvxdual. �f Trustor s�gns th�s Security Instrument but
<br /> does no� s��n an e�idence of debt, Trustar does so anly to mortgage Trustar's znterest in �he Propexfiy ta
<br /> secure payment of th�Secured D�bt and Trus�or does not agree ta be personally l�able an the Secured D�bt. If
<br /> thas 5ecurity Instrument secures a guaran�y �etweer� Benef�ciary ancl Trustor, Trustar agrees ta waive any
<br /> rights that may pre�ent B�nefrcxary from bring�ng any actxan ❑r ciaim agai.nst Trustor ar any party in�ebted
<br /> under the obligatian. These rights may include, but are not 1�mxted to, any anti--defic��ncy or one-actzon Iaws.
<br /> The duties and�enefits of this Securxty �nstrumen�shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Trustor
<br /> and Seneficxa.ry.
<br /> 14, SEVERA�3ILITY; INTERPRETATI�N. This Securxty �ns�rument �s complete and fully integrated. This
<br /> Security rnstrument may not b� am�nded or mod�fied by aral agr��men�. Any sectxon in this Security
<br /> �nstrum�nt, atta�hments, or any agreement related�o the S��ured Debt tha� conflzcts wi�h appi�cable law wiZX
<br /> not be effecti�e, unl�ss that �av� expressly or implredly p�rmits the variations by wrztten agreement. �f any
<br /> sect�on of this Se�urity �ns�rument cannot be enfarced ac�ording ta its terms, that sectY�n w�Ii be se�ered and
<br /> wY11 no� affect the enforceability of the remaind�r of this Securi�y Znstrument. Whene�er used, the singular
<br /> shall include the plural and the p�ural the singular. The cap�ions and headings of the s�ct�ons af thzs Security
<br /> �nstrument are for convenience onxy and are not to be used to interpret or de�ne �he t�rms of this Securxty
<br /> �nstrument. T�me is of the essen�e in this S�cur��y Instrument.
<br /> 15. SU�CESS(]R TRU�TEE. Benef�ciar�, at Benefxcxary's option, may fram tim� tfl txme remove Trustee and
<br /> appoznt a successor trustee v�ithou� any other formalxty than the designation in writing. The su�cessor trus�ee,
<br /> vv�thaut conveyance of�he Praperty, sha.l� succeed to all the title, power and duties �onferred upon Trustee by
<br /> thrs Secur�ty Instrument and applicabie Iaw.
<br /> 16. N�TICE. Unless otherwise required by Iaw, any no�xce shall be giw�n by delivering x� ar by mai�ing �t by
<br /> first class mazl to the appropriat� party's address an page 1 af this Security �nstrument, or to any other
<br /> address des�gnated in writing. Not��e ta one trustar will be deemed to be notYce to a�� trustors. Trustor and
<br /> Beneficiary hereby request a copy af any notice af defau�t, and a �opy af any natrc� of saie thereund�r, be
<br /> mailed ta each party at�h�address for such party set f�r�h�n page 1 of th�s Securx�y Instrument.
<br /> 17. WAIVERS. Except �n �he extent prohibi�ed by law, Trus��r wai�es all appraxsement and homestead
<br /> exempt�on rights re�ating to �he Property.
<br /> 1S. LINE QF �REI3IT. Th� S�cured D�ht inCludes a re�ol�xng �ine of credit. Although �he Secured Debt may
<br /> be reduced to a zer�ba.Iance, this 5��urity �nstruxnent will remain in effect unt�l released.
<br /> Security Ir�str�ment-�pen-�nd-Consumer-N� ❑CP-R�DT-NE 7��12���
<br /> VMPa Bankers 5ystems�" VMP-C465�NE7 t1 1 D7�.D0
<br /> W�Iters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices�'1994,2p 1 1 Page 5 af 6
<br />