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2� 1 ��8558 <br /> �EED �F TRLJST <br /> {�a}r�tinued} Pa�e s <br /> N�TICES. Any no�ic�: requir�d �o be gi�en under this ❑eed o�Trust, includ�ng v4►ithout i'smitation any no�ice of de�aul� <br /> and any notice �f sal� shall be gi�en in writing, and sha[f be effe�ti�e when a�tually defi�e�ed, when a��ually rec�+�ed <br /> b�te[efacsimife �unless otherwise required �y �aw}, wh�:n deposit�d with a natEE�nally recogn���d o�ernight cou�ier� ��r, if <br /> rna��ed, when depvsrtEd in�he Uni-�ed States mai�r aS �i�.�t c[ass, certified o� registered rr�ail postage prepaid, dire�ted to <br /> �he addresses shown n�ar�he beginning Df th15 Deed o�Trust. A�! copies af natices of��rec��sure #rom �he halde� of <br /> any lien which has pr ority o�er this De�d o�Trust shal� be �ent tn Lend�r's �ddress, as shown near the beginnin�� af <br /> this ❑eed o� Trust. �ny person ma►� ch�nge his or he�• addr�ss �or notices und�r this Deed of Trust by gi�ing �ormal <br /> vvritten notice to the other p�rson or p�rsflns, speci�y�ing that the purpas� of �he notice is to �hange the persvn's <br /> address. For natice p�rposes, Trus�or agrees to keep L��nder in�o�med at a�l fi�mes ❑f Trustor's current address. UnJess <br /> �therw�se pro�ided �� required by la�►rvf, if there is more than on� Trustor, any n��ice gi�en �y Lender�o �ny Tr�,stvr is <br /> deemed to �e notice g��ren to all Trus�vrsa [t w�l� �e Tru.�t��'s resp�nsi�i{ity t�t����the�thers o�the no�i�e fram Lend�r. <br /> �VIISCELLANEC�US RR�3111SIDNS. Th�foll�wing miscellai'��ous pra�isions are a part��this Deed of Trus�: <br /> Amendments. ill�'hat is wri��en in this Qeed ❑�Tr�,�s� and in �he Related Documents is Trustvr's en�ire agreement <br /> with Lender�on��rning �he mat�ers co�ered hy thi.s D�ed a�Trust. Ta be effecti�e, any change ar amendment�o <br /> �h�s Deed of Trust must be in writing and must b� signed by whoe�er will be b�und or ohligated �y�he change or <br /> amendment. <br /> Caption Heading�. Caption headings in this Deed o� �rust are fior con�e�ience purposes only and ar� not ta k�e <br /> u�ed to €nterpret��r define the pro�isions of this De+�d o�Trust. <br /> iVl�rger. Th�re shall �e no merger�f th� interest or estate �r�ated by�his Deed of Trust with any other interest or <br /> �state in the Property a��ny t�m� held hy ❑r f�r th�� ben��it o� L�nd�r in any capacity, without the written cvnsen� <br /> o�Lender. <br /> Governing La�►. This D�ed ❑� Tu�us� will be goWern�d by federa� la►tv app�ic�ble �o Lerader and, tv the extent nvt <br /> preempted by federal law,the [�►lvs �vf th�5ta#e of�lebr�ska withvut re�ard�o its conflicts of lav+�pro�isions. This <br /> De�d of Trust h�s been a�cepted hy Lend�r in the L�#ate�f N�braska. <br /> Chvice of Venu�. �f there is a I�wsuit, Trustor ag���s upan Lender's reque�t to subm�t to the jurisdiction ofi �he <br /> courts of guffalo �ounty, S�a�e af Nehraska. <br /> Nn Vlla�ver by L�n�er. Trus��r �r�derstands Lender wiif not g��e up any vf Lender's rights under�his Deed o�T�us� <br /> un�ess Lender do�s sa in writin�g. The �act that L�nd�r de[�ys or omits �a exer��se any right wiil not mean tha� <br /> Lender has gi�en up that �ight. Ifi Lender dves ac�ree in wr�ting �o give up vne o� L�nd�r's right�, that does no� <br /> mean Trust�r wi�� nvt have �� cvmply w�th the vt�her pro�isions of this C3eed of Trust. Trus�ar also und�rstands <br /> that if Lend�r does consent t❑ a requ�s�, that d�es nat rnean that Trustc�r wil� nofi ha�e tv get Lender's can�ent <br /> again if�he�ituation happens again. Trustar�urther understands that just be�ause Lender cons�n���o❑ne o�more <br /> ❑f Trus�or's r�ques�s, tha� does r�ot mean Lender wilf be required to �ons�nt to any of Trustor's �uture requ�sts. <br /> Trustar vvai�es presen�ment, �ernand�or paym�nt, p�otest, and nati�e o��ishonar. <br /> Se�erab�l�tya If a cvur� �inds �h��� any pro�ision of this C��ed of Trust �s nvt �afid or shou�d not be enforced, tha� <br /> �aCt by i�self will no�t mean that the rest af this ❑e�}d o�Trust wi�l nv� b� �°afi� ar enforced. Therefore, a �ourt will <br /> enforce the rest e�f the pr��isEons o�this Deed o�T�-ust e�en i�a pro�ision of�his D��d of Trus#may �e found tv be <br /> in�alid or unenfor�eable. <br /> S�ccessors and �ssigns. Suhject to any limitat�ans stat�d �n th�s Deed o�Trust on tra�s�er of Trus�vr's inter�st, <br /> �h�s Deed of Trus# shall be b�nding upon and '€nure to the benefi� of the �arties, their SUCC�55flf5 and assigns. ff <br /> vwnership �f th� Proper�y becarr�es v�sted in a person afiher than Trustor, L�nder, rovithout natice to Trusto�, may <br /> deaf wi�h Trus�or`s successars v�ith re�erenc�t�this Deed af Trust and fih� I ndebtedness �y way o#forbearanc�or <br /> ex�ension wi�hou�releasing Tr�st�r�rom the obliga-tions of this Deed af Trust or liabi[ity under the Indebtedness. <br /> T�me is o�#he Essence. Time �s a�the essence in tl�� performance of this �]eed ❑f Trust. <br /> Vlla��er af Hvr�es�ead Ex.empt��n. Trust�r hereby �eleas�s �nd wai��s alf �ights and bene�its of the homestead <br /> exemp�ivn laws❑#the State of I�ehraska as to afl lr�debtedne�s se�ured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> []EFiNITIDNS. The f�l�owing wvrds�haf� ha��the f�f��W,�i�g rneanings wh�n used in this �eed o�Trust: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "Bene�riciaryre means Ex�hanjge Bank, and its suc�essors and assigns. <br /> B�rrvwer. The w•ord "Borrowe�" m�ans L�sa M Dunn and in�ludes all co-sign�rs and co-makers signing the �r�dit <br /> Agreemen�and a�l their successc�rs �nd a€ssigns. <br /> Credi� Agreemen�. The words "�redit Agr��ment" rnean the credit agreEment dated �ecembe� 15, �D'15� with <br /> credit lim�t of �'i�.���.����am Tru�tor to Lender, together with all ren�wals af, extensions vf, modif��at�ons <br /> of, refinancings vf, consvlidati�ans o�, �nd subsi:itutivns �or the prc�mi�sory note flr agreement. NflTI�E T� <br /> TRUST�R: THE�RED�T AGREEN'IEIVT C�NTAINS►4 VARIABLE INT'EREST R�4TE. <br /> Deed of Trus#. The words "De�d of Trus�" mear� this Dee� �f Trust amvng Trus�or, Lender, and Trus�ee, and <br /> inGludes withaut limitatian a[I assignmen� and se�:uri�y in�erest pro�isior�s rela�ing ta the Personal Property and <br /> Ren�s. <br /> En►►iranmen�al L�vvs. The virords "En�i�onmen�al Laws" r�ean �ny ar�d �11 sta�e, �ederal and Ivcal s�atutes, <br /> regulatians and ordinances relat�ng �a the protec.tion af human health or the en�iranment, including witl�out <br /> limitation the Co�prehensi�e Er��rironmen�al Response, �vmpensation, and Liabili�y Act of �984, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. Section 9�i01, et seq. �"CER�LA"}, �he 5u��er�und Ar�endments and Reau�hori�a�ian Act o� 198fi, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-499 t"S�I�A"}, th� Haza�dous Ma�erials Transpor�ation Act, 49 U.S.C. 5ec�ian 18�1, et se�., the Resource <br /> Conser��tion and R��o�ery A�ty 42 1J.5.C. Sec�ior� 69�1, et seq., v� vthe�applicable state flr federal laws, rules, <br /> or regulations ade�pted pursuar,t there�o. <br /> E►►ent of Defau�t. The wards "Even�vf Default" mean any af the e�ents o�de�au�t set for�h in th�s Deed❑�Trus�in <br /> �h����r�ts vf defauft section of�his fJeed of Trus�. <br /> ExEst�ng Indebtedness. The�wa�ds 'rExisting fndebl:edness" mean the indebtedness described in the Existing L ens <br /> pro�ision of this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Hazardvus 5ubst�nces. The v+rards "H��ardQus 5�bstances" mean �nateria�s that, because of their quantity, <br /> concentrati�n or �hysical, cherr�ical or infectious character�s�ics, may cau�e �r pose a present or pa�entia� ha�ard <br /> to human health or�he en�i�onment wh�n �mpropeirly used, treated, storec, dispvsed v�, generated, manufactuYed, <br /> transpv��ed or o���rwise handler�. Th� wvrds "Ha:Tardou� Substan�e�" are us�d in �hei� �ery broades� sense and <br /> �n�lude withau� �irriitatiar� an� �nd alf hazardous or �oxic su�stances, m�teriafs vr waste as defined h� or listed <br /> under the En�i�oRmen�al Laws. Th��erm "Hazardous Substances" also in�ludes, withaut limitati�n, petro�eum and <br /> petroleum by-produ�ts or any fraction thereof and G:sb�stos. <br /> lmprv�ements. The wo�d "Impro�eme�ts" means all existing and future impro�em�nts, buildings, struct�r�s, <br /> mvbile homes a��ixed on the R��� P�operty, facifities, addi�ions, replacem�nts and �ther construction on the Real <br /> Praperty. <br /> Indebtedness. T�e word "Indebtedness" means <�II principal, in�eres�r and other amounts, casts and exper�ses <br /> payable under th� Credit �4greement �� Related Dc�cur�nents, together wi�h all renewa�s vf, extensions a�, <br />