2� 1 ��8558
<br /> DEED �� T'F�LJST
<br /> ��a�ntinued� Pa�e 4
<br /> Taxes. The �olla�ring sha�i constitute tax�s to wf�ich this s�ction applies; �'I� a speci�ic tax upon �his type o�
<br /> Deed �f Tr�st or upan al1 or an�� part vf �he fndebtedness secured �y tl�s �eed of Trust; �2� a specifi� tax vn
<br /> Trustvr vvhich Tru�tor is authori�ed ❑r required to cledu��fror� paymen�s cn�he Indebtedness secu�-ed by�his type
<br /> of Deed af Trust; �33 a�ax on�his type af Deed of Trust chargeable agai�st the Lender or�he hv�der of the C�edit
<br /> Agreement; and �4} a spe�i'�ic �ax on all or any� por�tion af �he lnd�b�edr�ess or an payments of principa[ and
<br /> in�eres�made by Trustar.
<br /> Subsequent Taxe�. If any tax �o which this sectivn appfies is ena�ted �ubsequent t� the date vf this Deed of
<br /> Trus�, this e�ent shall ha�e the same e��ect as an E�ent of Default, an� Lender may ex�rcise an� or al[ o j its
<br /> a�ailabl� remedi�s far an E�ent of �ef�u[t as pro�vid�d below unless �r�stor either �1� pays the �ax b�fore �t
<br /> b�comes delinquen�, or ��} cvntests �he �ax as piro�ided ak�a�e in the T�xes and L�ens sectivn and deposits Erv�th
<br /> Lender�ash vr a �ufficient corporat�sur�ty ��nd��r vther security sa�is�actory tv Lender.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEME�[T; FfNANC�N� STATEIVIENTS. The fol[o�rving pra�isicns reiating ta this I�eed of Trust as a
<br /> �ecurity agreemen�are a part�f this Deed o�Trust:
<br /> S�curi�y Agreement. T�is inst�•ument shaf� cansti�tute a 5e�urity Agreer�ent to the extent any of the Prap�rty
<br /> cans�i�u�es fix�ur�s, and Lender�hall ha�e alf o�the righ�s af a secured p�rty under the Uni�arm Commerc�al Code
<br /> as amended frvm�ime�o tim�.
<br /> Securi�y In��rest. Upan reques� hy L�nder, Trust�rr shall take whate�er ac���n is ��qu�sted hy Lender to perfec�
<br /> and continu� Len��er's securi�y interest in �he Persona� Property. ln addition �o recording th�s i]eed af Trus� in the
<br /> real property reaords, Lender may, at any time and w�thout �urther authc�rization �rom Trus�or, fife execu�ed
<br /> counterparts, eopies or reproductions v� this ❑eed af Trust as a �inar�c:ng state�ent. Trustor sk�all re�m�urse
<br /> Lender fior all expenses incurred in per#ecting or c{�nt�nuing �his s�curity i�ter�st. Upon d�faul�, �rustor shall no�
<br /> r�m��e, se�er a� detach the F'ers�nal Prope�ty fr�m the F'raperty. U�an de�ault, Trusr�r shall assemb�e any
<br /> P�rsonal Propert�• no� affixed �o the Property in a manner and at a p�ac� �easonab�y con�enient to Trus�or and
<br /> Lender and make i� a�ail�ble to Lender v►�6thin thr��e �3f days a�t�r r�ceip� o� written demand #rom Lender to the
<br /> extent permit�ed �y applicable law.
<br /> Address�s. ThE mailing addresses v� Trustor �;debtorf and L�nder 4��c�ared p�rty� frvm whieh informa�:ion
<br /> concerning th� seeuri�y interest granted by this Df:ed o� Tru�t may be o�tained ��ach as required b� the Uni#orm
<br /> Cvmmer�ial Cod�� are as stated on the�irst page o1=thfs Deed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER �15SlJR►4Nf�ES: ATTDR��Y-IN-FA�T. The f�llowing pr��isions �efating to #urther assurances and
<br /> attorney-inTfac�are a p�rt vf�his De�d fl�Trust:
<br /> Further�Issuranc�s. At any time, and from time ��� �ime, up�n request af Lender, Trustor will make, execute and
<br /> deli�er, or will ca�se�a be made, executed❑r de�i�ered, tv L�nder❑r to LEnd�r's designee, and when requested by
<br /> Lender, cause t� be �iled, recorded, r��iled, or rerecorded, a� th� case may be, at such tim�s and ir� such of�r��es
<br /> and places as Le�der may de�m� appropr�ate, any c�nd all such mortgag�s, deeds of trust, securi�y deeds, s�curity
<br /> agreemen�s, fina�cing statements, cvntinuat�on s�ratements, instrurr�ents of furth�� assurance, certificates, and
<br /> o�her do�uments as may, in the �oie opinion o� L�r�der, be n�cessary ❑r desirab�e in order fiv effec�ua�e, compl��e,
<br /> perfec�, con�inuef or pre�er�e �1} Trust�r's ob[iga�ions under th� Cr�dit Agr��ment, th�s ❑eed �f Trust, and the
<br /> Rela�ed Do�umer�ts, and ��3 �he liens and security interests created by th�s Deed o� Trus� an the Prop�rty,
<br /> whether nvw ow�ed or h��-eaf�er a�quired by Trust��r. �niess prohib�ted by I�w or Lender agrees�o the c�ntrary in
<br /> writing, Trus�or s�a11 reimburse L�nder f�r ali costs and expenses incurred in connect�on with the matters refecred
<br /> tv in�his paragraph.
<br /> A��orney-in-Fact. [�f Yrus�ar fails �o dv any of ti�e i:hings referred to in �h� preceding paragraph, Lender ma� d�a so
<br /> �or and in the name of T�ustor and �t Trustor's expense. F�r su�h purpoae�, Trustor he�eby ��re�ocably appa�nts
<br /> Lender as Trust�r's attorn�y-in--�act for the purposE.af making, exe�u�ing, deli�ering, fiiing, record�ng, and doin� all
<br /> o�her things as may �e necess�ry �r des�rabfe, in L�nder's �ole opir�ion, =o a�Gomp��sh the matters ref�rred to in
<br /> the prec�ding pa�graph.
<br /> FULL PERFDRMANCE. lf Trustor pay�s all the lndebtedn��ss�vhen due, terminat�s the cred�t��ne accoun�, and otherwise
<br /> performs all the vblig�tions imp�sed upon Trustor under this Deed of Trust, Lender shall exe�ute and deli�er t� Trustee
<br /> a requ�st for full rec��n�eyan�e and sha[f �xe�ute and deli�er to Trustor suitable statements o# terminativn o� any
<br /> �inancing st�tement an ��le e�idenci�g Lend�r's security inter�st in the Rents and the Personal Property. .Any
<br /> �ecan�eyanc� �ee required by �auv shall be paid by Trus#{ar, if perm��ted by applieable law.
<br /> ElJENTS �F DEFALJLI'. Trustor wi�� b�e in de�ault under this Deed ❑f Trust i� a�y af the foliowing happen: �A� Tr�stor
<br /> �vmmits fraud a� ma6��s a materia� misrepresentation at any tim� in conne�ticn wi�h the Credit Agreem�n�. Th�s can
<br /> inGlude, far exampl�, a �alse statement about Trus�or's incorne, assets, liabil��ies, or any othe� aspect� of Trust��r's
<br /> �inancial condition. =E�� Trustor does not me�t the repriymen�terms of the Credi�Agreement. ��� Trustor's act�on or
<br /> ina�tion ad�erse�y af��cts th� c�ffat�ral or L�nder's rights €n the �olla�eral. �hi� Gan include, �ar example, �ailur� �a
<br /> maintain requ�rer� insu�ance, v�aste o�d�structi�e use a1�the dwelling, �ailure ta pay taxe�, death�'�a!! persons liab�e on
<br /> th� account, transfer o� titf� or sal� af �he dwelling, creation ❑f a seniar 9ien on the dr►ve�[ing without Lend�r's
<br /> p�rmissian, �areclasur� by the holder af anvther lien, vr the use ❑f funds o�the�v�relling far prvhibited pu�poses.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDI�S ❑N DEFA�1��. �f an E�ent of Defauit o��urs under tF�is Deed af Trust, at any �ime therea�ter,
<br /> Trustee�r Lender ma� exercise any one or mvre of�he��ollovuing ��ghts and rerrediese
<br /> Accetera�ion Upon Defaul�;►4ddi�ivn�N Rerr�edie:s. If any E�en�of ❑ef�ul�vccurs as per the term� of the Cred�t
<br /> Agreemer�t se�ured hereby, Ler�der�nay declare all Indebtedness sec�red by this Deed of Trust to be due �nd
<br /> payab�e and the �ame shall �hereupon become due and payable withctut any presen�ment, demar�d, �rote�t or
<br /> noti�e of an�• kind. Thereaf�er, Lend�r may:
<br /> �ay Either in person ar b� agen�, with ar without bringing an� a�tivn vr proceeding, or by a rec�i�er
<br /> appo�nted by a �ourt and �rvi�ha�t regard �:o the adequacy o��ts �ec�rity, enter upon and take pvssession
<br /> of the k�rop�r�ty, ar any �ar�ther�o#, i� its ow� nam� or in the name o�Trustee, and do any a�ts whi�h it
<br /> d�ems necessary or�desirable t❑ preser�e the �a�u�, marketahil�t� o� renta�ility of the Property, or pa�t vf
<br /> the Prop�r�y or interest in the Properfiy; increas� �h� incom� from �he P�operty or pro�ect�he sec�ri�y of
<br /> the Pr�per�y; and, with ar without �akin�� p�ssess�on ot �he Pr��pe�ty, sue far or a�herwise �011��� the
<br /> ren�s, i�sues and prt��€�ts o�the Proper�y, in�luding �hose past due �nd unpaid, and apply the same, #ess
<br /> cost�and expenses❑�c+peration and collec�ion attvrneys' ��es, ta any inde�tedness secure�f by this C�eed
<br /> vf Trus�, all in su�h ord�r as Lender ma�y determir�e. The enterin� upan and taking possessi�n afi the
<br /> Propert��, the collect�or� v� such rents, issues and �rvfits, and the a�p�ication thereof sha�f not cure or
<br /> wai�e a�ny de�ault or n�tice of def�€ul� un{�er this Deed of Trust vr in�afidate any act done in resp�ns� to
<br /> su�h de�au�t or pursuant t�su�h n�tice o�=default; �nd, no�wi�hs_ar�ding the continuance in pvssession of
<br /> the P��perty or �he �allecfiion, receip� anc� appli�a�ian of �en�s, i:�sues or profits, Trustee a� Lende� �hall
<br /> be enti�ed ta exerc�se e�ery right pro�id�:d for in �he Credi� p►gr�ement or the Related Documents o� by
<br /> law upv�n the o�currenGe vf any�e�ent of s��fault, including�he ri�h��o�xercise th� power v�sale;
<br /> �b3 Cornmen�e an actian t��ror��lose thiC; Deed of Trus�as a mc�r�gage, appaint a recei�er�r specificaliy
<br /> en�orce any��the�a���ants h��eof; and
<br /> �c� a��iUer ta Trust�� a vuritter�declaratian o�de�faul�and deman�d for sale and a written notice of de�au�t
<br />