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2� 1 ��8558 <br /> DEE� �F T'RLJST <br /> �C�ntinu�d� �age � <br /> inspections and �ests, at Trustor's expense, as L.ender r�na� deem appr��pr�ate to de�ermine �orripliance af the <br /> Property with this se�t�on of the Deed vf Trus�. ►4ny inspe�tiflns ❑� tests made by Lender shall be for L�nd�r`s <br /> purposes only and shal� not be construed to create any r�spansibi�ity or li��ifity�n the par�of Lender t� Tr�s�or or <br /> to �ny Qther pers�n. The representati�ns and wariran�ies con�ained her�ir� are based on Trus#or's due diligence in <br /> in�es�iga�ing the Property for �a�ardous Substanc�:s. T�us��r herehy �1} r�leases and wai�es any future claims <br /> agains� Lender �ro�- indemnity or cvntrihution in the ��er�� Tr�s�or becames fi�ble fvr cleanup or other cost� under <br /> any such �aws; a��l ��� agrees t� indemnify, defer�d, and hold harmless Lerader agains�any and alf claims, losses, <br /> liabili�ies, damag�s, pena�t�es, and expen�es which Lender may direc�ly ar ndirectly sustain ar su�fer resul�ir�g fro�n <br /> a �reach of this sectian o�the D��d a�r Trus� ar a:� a �onsequence �f an�,° u�e, generation, manu�acture, s�orag�, <br /> disposal, release�r threatened re�ease aecurring prior�o Trus�or`s ownersh�ip or in�eres�in the Property, whether or <br /> not �he same wa� or shauld ha�e been known to Trustor. The prv�isions a� this sec�ion of the D�ed ofi Trust, <br /> including the obligatian to indernn��y and defend, shall sur�i�e�he payment of�he Indebtedness and the sa�isfac�ion <br /> and recan�eyanc�of the lien o��h�s De�d of Trus�and shall no�be a�fec�Ed by Lender's acquisition 4�any �n�erest <br /> in the Prvper�y, v��hether by�orec[osure or vther�vis��. <br /> Nuisance, Waste. Trust�r shal� not cause, cond���t or permit any nuisance nvr commit, p�rmit, ar suffer any <br /> stripping vf vr wa��e on or to the Proper�y vr any por�ion of �he Proper���. Withou� limi�ing the generality of the <br /> for�going, Trus�o� will nat rema�e, or gra�t�o any other party the righ�tc rem��e, any timher, minerals {in�luding <br /> oif and gas�, �aal, clay, scoriar SL38I, g�a�ef or rock produc�s with�ut Lender's pri�r wri�ten c�n�ent. <br /> Remo�al o#tmpra�ements. Trustvr sha[I r��t demvfish�r remo�e any Impro�ements from the f�eal Property►�vithout <br /> Lender's prior wrrt�en consent. A,s a condition to tl-�e rerno�al of any Imprc��emen�s, Lender may require Trus�ar t❑ <br /> make arrangements satisfiactory #o Lender t❑ replace such Impro��ments wi�h Impro�ements a�r at leas� equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Right ta Enter. Lender �nd Len�er's ager�ts and representa�i�es may enter up�n the Rea� Property� a� all <br /> reasonable tirr�es �o a�tend to Lender's �nter�sts and �o inspec� the R�al Property for purposes of Trustor's <br /> compliance with�he�erms and cvndit�vns a�this D�.ed af Trust. <br /> Cvmpiian�e w��h Go�ernmental Requir�ments. T�rus�vr shall promp�l�y �omply with afl [aws, ardinances, and <br /> regula�ions, now or hereafte� in e����t, of �II g��ernm�ntal au�hori�ies ap�li�able to the use ar occupancy ❑f th� <br /> Proper�y. Trus�vr may cantest in good fai�h any su��h law, ordinan�e, or regu�a�ion and withhold camp�iance during <br /> any proceeding, ir�cluding apprap�iate appeals, so long as Trus�or has noti#ie�d Lender in writing p��or tv d�ing so <br /> and sv Iong as, ir�L�nder's sole a��n�an, L�nder's ir�teres�s in the Property �re not jeopardized. Lende�may require <br /> Trustor to post adequate se�urit�or a surety bvnd, reasanably sa�isfactvey tv Lenderr to prvtect Ler�der's interest. <br /> � <br /> .Duty tv Prvtec�. Trustor agrees neither �o abandcyn or �ea�� una�tended the P�oper�y. Trustar sha�! da aEl v�her <br /> acts, in addi�ion t�thvse acts set forth aba�e in this section, whi�h��om the �hara�ter and �€se o#the Prop�rty are <br /> reasanably necessary�o prvte�t and pr�ser��the Prvperty. <br /> DLIE�N SALE� ��N�ENT BY LENDER. L�nder may, a1: Lende�'s op�ion, de�laXe �mr�-�ediately due and payable all sums <br /> secured by this Deed of�rust upon��� sa�e ar transfer, wi#h�ut L�nder's prior�vri��en consen#, vf a(I ar an� par�af the <br /> Real Pr�perty, ❑r any �n�erest in the Real Prap�rty. A ";�ale ar transfer" means th� c�n�eyance of Rea� Proper�y or any <br /> right, ti�le or �n�eres� in the Rea� Praperty; v►rhether ��:gal, benefi�ial or equitable; whether Wolun�ary or in�olun#ary; <br /> whe�her by ou�right �ale, deed, insta��ment sa[e contr��Gt, �and c�ntrac�, contra�t �vr deed, leaseho�d �nterest ►rvith a <br /> terr�n grea�er than thre� �3} years, I�ase-aptio� con�ra��, or by sale, assignmen�, �r fi�-ansfer af any bene�icial in�erest in <br /> ar�o any land trust hv�ding title to the R�al Prop�r�y, �r by any v�her method af con�eyance af an interest in �he �eaf <br /> Proper�y. Howe�e�, this aption sha�I nat be exercis�d by L�nder �f such exErcise is prohibited by federal law ar by <br /> Nebraska 1aw. <br /> T►��CES AN[3 LIENS. Th� #ollvwin� pro��sians r�la�ing �ta the �axes and I�ens on the Pro�er�y are part o� this Deed o� <br /> Trust: <br /> Paymsnt. Trus�a�shai� pay when due �and in all �v�ents privr to delinquency� all taxes, special tax�s, assessments, <br /> charges �including water and se�erj, �Fines and im��ositions I��ied against�r on account ofi the Property, and sha�� <br /> pay when due a�l �laims for w�rk d�ne on or for ser�ices rendered or ma-erial furnished tv the Pr�perty. Trustor <br /> shall maintain�h� Property free o�a[� liens ha�ing priori�y o�er❑r�qual to �he inter�s�of Lender under this ❑e�d af <br /> Tr�st, ex�ept �or the lien o� tax�s and assessmen�s no� due, excep� far �he Exis�ing lndebt�dness r�ferred ta <br /> below, and exc�p�t as fltherwise pror�ided in this De��d of Trust. <br /> Righ��v Con#��t. Trustor may w�thh�ld paymen�of any tax, ass�ssr�en�, or claim in cvnnecti�n w�th a good faith <br /> dis�ute ��er the a�ligation�o pay, so long as LendExr's �n�eres��n the Property is no�jeopardi�ed. I�a lien arises or <br /> is filed as a resu�t of nonpaym�r�t, Trus�tvr shall vu�ithin �if�e�n {15� da�s after the lien arises or, i� a lien is f�led, <br /> within fi�t�en {1� days a�ter Trus�tor has n�tice ❑1= the fil�ng� secure the dis�harge ❑f �he li�n, or if reques�ed by <br /> Lender, deposi�v��th Lender cash or a sufificient corparate surety bond vr v�h�r securi�y sa�isfactory to Lender in an <br /> amount su�ficient to discharge the lien plus any �v:�ts and atto�neys' ���s, or other charges�ha� cou�d ac�rue as a <br /> resu�t of a forecio�ure❑r sale und�:r�he lien. In any�ontest, Trustor sha�!de��nd itselfi and Lender and shail sat'ssfy <br /> any ad�erse judgr�nent bsf�re enfvrcemen�against t�e Prope�ty. Trustor shali name Lender as an additianal vbligee <br /> under any surety bond furnished in�he cvntest proc:��d�ngs, <br /> E�idence of Payment. Trustvr shall upon demand irurnish to Lender �atis�act�vey e�iden�e �f payment a�th� �axes <br /> or ass�ssm�nts a�d shall authorize the apprapria�e go�ernmenta� af�icial tv d��i�er to Lender at any tim� a wri��en <br /> statement a�the�axes and as�es�men�s against th�: Prvperty. <br /> Nvti�� ❑� Constr��tivn. Trustar �hall natify Lender at ieast f��teen �15� ddys he�vre any work is cvrr�menced, any <br /> ser�ices are furni:�hed, ar any materials are supplied �a t�e P�operty, ifi an� r�echanic's li�n, ma�erialmen's lien, flr <br /> o�h�r [��n c�u[d be asserted �n accoun� afi the v��vrk, ser�i�es, or m�te�ials and the cas� exceeds $1,fl�3�.��. <br /> Tr€�star wikl upon request af Ler�der �urn�sh to Len�ier ad�anc� assurance� satisfact�ry tv Lender that Trustor c�n <br /> and wilf pay the �ost of such impro�emen�s. <br /> PRUPERTY DAMACE �NSURANCE. The fo��odnring p�o�€,�ions refating to insur�n� t�e Praperty are a par�af this ❑��d af <br /> Trust. <br /> Main�enance vf ��surance. Tru��or sha�l pr�cure ��nd maintain policies o� fire insurance with standard exten��d <br /> co�erage endors�ments vn a rep�acement basis for� the #ull insurable �alue c�a�ering a�f �mpra�ements �n the Real <br /> Property in an ar�flunt suffici�n� t� a�oid application af any coinsuran�e clause, and with a standard mortgagee <br /> clause in fa�or vf Lender, tvgether with��a�h�ther hazard and liability 'rnsu�ance as Lender may reasonably r�quire. <br /> Poli�ies shall be ��rri�ten in �orm, amaunts, cv�erac�es and basis reas�nabl�y acc�ptable to Lender and issued hy a <br /> company ar campanies reasana�fy accep�a��e to�der. Trustor, upon �equest af Lender, will deliver to Lender <br /> �rom �ime�o�im�the policies or�cert€f�cates of�ns�arance in f�rm satisf�ct�ry to Lender, including stipulations that <br /> �v�erages will r��fi be canceiled o�diminished withc�u�at�east thir�y {30� d�ys privr►►vritten r�afiice �o Lender. Each <br /> . ins�rance policy a�sa shall includ� an endorsemen� pro�iding �hat �o�rerage in ���or of Lender wii� not �e impa�red <br /> �n any way �y any act, om�ssion �r defauft of Trusl:vr ar any ��her person. �hould the Real Praperty be loc��ed in <br /> an area designat�d hy th� Administratar of �he Fecleral Emergen�y �Illanag�ment Agency as a special flo�d hazard <br /> ar�a, Trustv� agr�es �o ohtair� and main�ain Federal Flood �nsurance, if a�ailable, #or the maximum amount o� <br /> Trustvr's credit lin� and the full unpaid prin�ipal balance ��any prior ��ens nn the prvper�y securing the loan, up ta <br /> the rr�aximum pof�cy �imits set under�he National Fl��vd Insurance Program, ��as o�herwise required f�y Lend�r, and <br />