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2� 1 ��8552 <br /> cont�nue to pay�o Lender the amoun�of th�separa�e�y designa�ed payments that were due w���n the <br /> i��urance�overage c�ased�o be in effect. Lender�v��l a�cep�, use and retain these payments as a <br /> non-refundable loss res�rve in��eu of Mor�gage�nsurance. Such loss reser�e shali �e non-refundab�e, <br /> natv5r��hstanding �he fac��ha�the L,�an is ultimately paid�n fu�i, and Lender sha�I not 1�e required to pa�r <br /> B�rrower any �nterest or earn�ngs on s�ch Ioss reserve. Lender can na �anger require�oss reserve pa�ments <br /> �f M�r�ga�e Insurance co�rera����n the amoun�and for the per�ad that Llender requ�res}pro�ide��y an <br /> �nsurer selected by Lender again becomes avai�a��e, xs ob�a�ned, and Lender requires separately desxgna�ed <br /> paymen�s�oward�he premiums for Mortgage�nsuranc�. �f L�nder required Mortgage�nsurance as a <br /> c�nd���on of making�he Laan and Borrower v�ras r�qu�red��xnake separately designated paymen�s toward�h� <br /> premu.ums for Mor�gage Insuran��, Borr��er sha���ay the premiums required to ma�nta�n Mor�gage <br /> �nsurance in effec�, �r�o pro��de a n�n--refundab�e�oss reser�e, un�x� Lender's requirement for Martgage <br /> �nsurance ends in accordanc�w�th any wr�tt�n agreemen�betwe�n Borrower and Lender praviding for such <br /> �ermination or until term�nat�on is requ�red b�A�p�icable La�. Nothing�n�h�s Sec�ion I�affects <br /> Barrov�er's obl�ga�ion�o pay in�erest a��he rate provided in�h�Nate. <br /> M�r�gage�nsurance re�mburses Lender��r any en���y�ha�purchases the Note} for certaxn los�es�t rnay incur <br /> �f Borrawer does not repay �he Loan as agreed. Barrower�s nat a part�to the Mortgage�nsurance. <br /> Mar�gage�nsurers eva�ua�e their�o�al risk on aII such insurance in force from time�a time, and ma�enter <br /> �n�o agreements wxth a�h�r par�ies that share or madify�heir risk, or reduce�osses. Thes�agreements are on <br /> �erm� and condit�ons �hat are satisfac�or�to the mor��age insurer and the other party �or par�ies}ta�h�s� <br /> agreements. These agreements may requir�the mor�gage insurer to make paymen�s using any�aurce of funds <br /> tha��he mortgage insurer ma�r ha�e a�ailable�wh�ch ma� include funds�btained from Mar�gage�nsurance <br /> pr�miums�. <br /> As a resu�t of these agreem�n�s, Lender, any purchaser of the No�e, another�nsurer, an�reinsurer, any other <br /> �nti�y, or any aff�l�ate�f any of�h�forega�ng, �rnay rec�ive�dire��ly or ind�rectly� amaunts �hat deri�e from <br /> �Qr�g���e eharacter�zed as} a pQ�i�n o��o�ro���r's pa��e�.�� �ar����a�e�n�u�a�c�, in�xchange for <br /> sharin�or mod�fying�he mor�gage insurer's r�sk, or reduc�ng losses. If su�h agreement pro�ide5 that an <br /> aff�l�ate of I.�ender takes a share of the�nsurer's r��k �n exchange fnr a share of the premiums pa�d to th� <br /> �nsure�r, the arrangement�s often ternled "cap�ive reinsurance." �ur�her: <br /> t a� Any su�b agreements vvill not aff�ct the amoun�s that Barrower has agreed�o pay for Martgage <br /> Insurance, or any othe�r terms of the L�an, Su�b agreements wii�not xncrease�he amo�nt <br /> Borrawer will owe for N��rtgage Insurance, and tbey w���not entitle Borrower to any refund. <br /> 4 b 3 Any such agreexnents w���not aFfect t�e rights Borr�wer has-�f any-with respect to the <br /> Mor�gage Insurance under the Ho�cneawners Pro�ection Act of 1998�r any other law. These r�ghts <br /> n�ay inc�ude�he right to recei�e��rtain d�sc�osures, to request and o�ta�n cance�lation of the <br /> Martgage Insurance, to ha�e the Mortgage Ir�.suran�e terrninat�d autamati�a�ly, andlor tv recei�� <br /> a refund of any Mor�gage Insurance prem��ums tha� were unearned at the t�me of such <br /> cance��a�ion or term�nation. <br /> ��. Assignment of M�scellaneous Prviceeds; Fvrfeiture. A�1 M�sce��aneaus Proceeds ar�hereby assigned�o <br /> and sha11 be pa�d�o Lend�r. <br /> �f�he�roper�y is damaged, such Misce�laneous Praceeds sha11�e appired�o restQration ar repair of the <br /> Pr�perty, if�he restoration ar reparr is econ�mica��y feas�b�e and Lender's s�curi�y is not lessened. During <br /> such repa�r and restora��an perxod, I.ender sha�� ha�e �he r�gh�to hold such Miscellaneaus Proceeds unti� <br /> Lender has had an oppartunity�o inspect such Pr�per�� ta ensure the v�►�ark has�een comp�eted ta Lender's <br /> N�BRASKA-5ir�gle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LINIFORM INSTRtJM�fVT �orm 3028 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6{NEf[13�2f <br /> Woliers Kluwer Fin�nciai Ser�ices Page 5 of 17 <br />