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2� 1 ��8552 <br /> A11 in�uranc�palicies required by Lender and renewals�f such polic�es shall be suhject�o L.�nd�r's r�ght to <br />. disappro�e such policies, shall inG�ude a standard mor�gage clause, and sha��name L�nder as mor�gag�e <br /> andlor as an addi�ianal Iass payee. Lender sha�l ha�e�he right to h��d the polici�s and renewa� cer�ificates. �f <br /> Lender requires, Barrower sha�i promptly giv�to Lender a�� receipts of paid premiums and renewa� no��ces. <br /> �f Barr�wer�b�ains any farm of insuran��co�verage, no�a�herv�rise r�quired by Lender, for damage to, or <br /> destruct�on of, �he Property, such pol�cy sha�� �nclud�a s�andard m�rrgage clause and shali name Lender as <br /> rnortgagee andlar as an addi�iona� �oss pa�ree. <br /> �n�he even�of�oss, Borrower shall give promp�not�ce to�h�insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may <br /> ma.k�proof of lass if not made promp�Z�r by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borra�ver�therwise agree in <br /> wr�t�ng, any insurance proceeds, whe�her or not th.e under�y�ng �nsurance vvas requir�d by Lend�r, sha�i be <br /> app�ied�o res�ora��on c�r repair of�he�'raperty, �f�he r�stora��an or r�pair�s e�onomica�ly feasible and <br /> Lender's security is na��essened. I]uring suc�.repair and res�orat�on period, Lender sha�� have the rxght t� <br /> hoid such insurance proceeds un�i� Lender has had an o�por�uni���o �nsp��t suc� Property t� ensure�he <br /> work has been c�mpleted to Lender's satisfa���on, prov�ded that such inspeGt�on sha��be undertaken <br /> promp�ly. L�ender may disburse prflceeds for th�r�pairs and restoration in a single payment or in a s�ri�s of <br /> pr�gress pa�ments as the work is com.p�eted. Unless an agreement�s made in writ�ng vr Applicable Law <br /> requires �nterest�o be pa�d an such insurance pracee�s, Lender sha�l n�t be requxred to pay B�rrower any <br /> interes�ar earn�ngs on such proceeds. Fees far public adjus�ers, ar�ther�hird par�ies, re�ained by Borrower <br /> shal� not b�pa�d out af the insurance proceeds and sha11 be the sole obliga�ion of BQrrower. �f the restoration <br /> or repa�r xs not economical�y feasible or Lend�r's s�curi�y wouid be lessened, �he�nsurance praceeds shal�be <br /> app��ed���he surr� secured b� this Securi�y Znstrument, wh�ther or no��hen due, vvz�h�he excess, if any, <br /> paid ta Borrnv�er. 5u�h insurance praeeeds shall be appl��d in the order pro�ided for in S�ctxan 2. <br /> If Borr�wer abandons�he Proper�y, Lender ma�file, n�gotiate and se�tle any a�ailabie�nsurance claim and <br /> rela�ed matters. If Borrower does no�resp�nd w��h�n 34 days t� a noti��from Lender that th� insurance <br /> carrier has offered t� set�le a�la�m, then Lender�nay nego��ate and se��ie the claim. The 3�-day perxod wi11 <br /> begin when the notxce is gi�en. �n��t�ier even�, or if I�en�er acquires t.�ie�roper�y under 5ection�Z�r <br /> o�herwise, Borrower hereby ass�gns�o Lender�a} Borrnv�rer's r�gh�s�a any insuran�e praceeds in an a�.ount <br /> not�o exceed the am�unts u�paxd under the No�e or this Secur����nstrumen�, and �b} any other of <br /> Borrower's rights �other�he right to a.ny refund af unearned premiums paxd b��arrower}under a�� <br /> �nsurance policies�o�er�ng the Proper�y, �ns�far as such righ�s are appl�cable to the co�erage of�.ie <br /> Prop�r�y. L.ender may use�he insurance pr�ceeds either�o repair or restore the Proper�y or to pa�amoun�s <br /> unpa�d und�r�he Nnte or this Security�nstrumen�, vvhether or no�then due. <br /> �. �ccupancy. Borrow�r�ha�l oc�upy, establish, and us�the Property as Borrower's pr�ncipa� res�dence <br /> w��hin�D days after��.�e�ecut�on of this Security �nstrument and sha��continue to oc�upy the Proper�y as <br /> B�rraw�r's principal residence for at�east one�ear after�h�da�e af occupanc�, un�ess Lender a�herw�se <br /> agrees �n writing, �vhich consent shal�not be ur�reasana���r wi�hheld, or un�ess extenuat�ng Gircun�tances <br /> ex�st which are�eyond Borrower's�on�r��. <br /> 7. Preser�at�vn, Maintenance and Pr�tect�nn nf the Property; �nspe�t�ons. Borrov�rer shall not destroy, <br /> damage or impair the Property, a11ov� �he Praper�y�o deteriorate or�omrrut waste an the Praper�y. 'L�Vh�ther <br /> �r not BarrovWer�s residing in the�'roper�y, B�rrower shal�ma�n�a�n�he Property in order to pre�en�the <br /> Prapert� from deteriorat�ng or decreasing�n value due�o its condi�ion. Unless i� is de�erm�ned pursuant ta <br /> Sectxon 5 that repair or restarati�n �s no�e�flnom�.ca��y feas�b�e, B�rravwer shali promp�I�repair the Property <br /> �f damaged�o a�roid further deter�oration or damage. �f�nsura.�ce or condernnat�on proceeds are paid in <br /> connec�i�n wi�h dama��ta, or the tak�ng of, �he Proper�y, B�rrawer sha�l be responsib�e for repairing or <br /> restaring the Praperi��n1y if I.ender has released praceeds for such purp�ses. Lender may disburse pro��eds <br /> NEBRASKA-5sngle�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNlF�RM INSTRUM�NT Form 3�28�141 <br /> VMP p VMP6�NE}{13Q21 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 7 af i 7 <br />