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<br /> apgoint a receiver, or speci€ically enforce an�p of the covenar►ts i�ar�af.;
<br /> � (c) Deliv�r to Trustee a written declar�tion of default and_d�and for
<br /> aale, unc3 � aritten notfce o€ dnfault and e3�ection to cause Tr�stor'� is�t�►r�st
<br /> ir, the Trust IIstate ta be sold, w}�ich notice Trustee� shal2 cause ta b� duly � �
<br /> €iled for record in the appropriate Offiaial Recor3s of the C�unty in whzah �
<br /> the Trust Estate is located.
<br /> � 11. FORECLOSURE BY POi�IF.R OF SALE. Should Benefici,ary�eleat �
<br /> foreclose by exercise o t e Fower o Sate herein coptain�,. Beneficf,� sh�I.l .
<br /> notify Trustee and sha12 deposf.t with Trustee this Qeed of �:st;. an:� tha Nat�e
<br /> and such receipts and evidence of expenditu�es mac3e and sect�r��i �iRr�b�� as
<br /> Truste� may require. � �
<br /> , (a) Upon receig�t of such notice from Seaef iciary, Trustee s:h;�].l�.caus�
<br /> to be recorded, publisheci and delivered to Trustor such Kotice af� I�c�F�a�:� an�i .
<br /> Notice of Sale as then required by law and by this Deed of Trust:.,� T�,^.��t:�aa ;
<br /> shall, without demaad an Trustor, after such �time as may then be,sr��.ts:���1 by�-.�
<br /> Iaw an�i aftar recordation of such Natice of Default.and after Notie� i�f��8� : ��•`�` .
<br /> • ha7ing been given a�_required by law, sell the�•Trust Estate at the t.�r� �;��:°
<br /> pl.ace of sale fixed,tiy it in such Notice of Sale, either as a whole,, o�.���.ri
<br /> s$parate lots or parcels or items as Trustee shall deem expedient, and�in such '
<br /> order as it may determine, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, _
<br /> in lawful money of the United States, payable at the time af sale. Trustee � -
<br /> shall deliver to suc�z purchaser or purchasers thereof, its good and sufficient
<br /> deed or aeeas, conv�qing the property��so sold, but without any cavenant or
<br /> warran�y, express or implied. The r�citals in such deed of any c�atters or
<br /> facts shall be conclusive praof of �h� truthfulness thereof. Any person,
<br /> " including, without limitation, Trus+;az, Trustee, and Beneficiary, may gurchase
<br /> at such sale, and Trustor hereby covenants to warrant �n� defend the title of �. � .�
<br /> suah purchaser o� purchasess. ,
<br /> . ,
<br /> (b} � �s may be pern�itted by law, after deducting all costs, fees, _,,:;��
<br /> expenses aE,Trustee and of this Treist, including costs of evidence of title in � �i�.
<br /> . connection with sale, TruEte� sha11 apply the procee@s of sale to payr�ent of - -
<br /> (i) all sums expended under the ter�ns hereof, not then repaid, with accrued ;r=
<br /> interest at 12 percent per annum, (ii) all other �ums then secured hereby, and _
<br /> � �iii) the remainder, if any, to the person or persons legally entitled � -_�'�'
<br /> , .therPto.
<br /> (c) Trustee may, in the mannes pravicted by law„ postpone sale oE a11 or
<br /> any portian of the Trustee Estate.
<br /> 12. REMLDIES NOT EXCLS�SIVE. �rustee an3 Beneffciary, and each af them, � `:�
<br /> shall be ec�C=tled to enforce payment and perf�s^:�ance o£ any indebtedness or
<br /> ob�.i�aticnu secured hereby and to exercise all rights �nd powers under this
<br /> B�e� of irsyt or under any Loan Instrument or ather a?rceement or any laws now .
<br /> . ai 'r.ereaft�C� 3.n fcrce, notwithstanding so�e or all of the such indebtedness
<br /> ar.d obliq�;�:�^� secured her��y may now or her�after be otherwise secured,
<br /> wY:ether by� :-artgage, deed of trust, pledge, 1.��=n, assignment or otherwbse. '
<br /> Nc:.'.:her the accept���ce af t�:is Deed af. Trust :or its enforcement whether by ''`"
<br /> , cclart actian or psrsuant to the pc+��r �f sale or oth�r powers herein
<br /> � ceZtained, shal� prejudice or in an�r manner affect Trustee's or Beneficiary's � _
<br /> � right to r��lize upan or ent���ce any other se��rity now or hereafter held by ' :
<br /> Trustee or 3eneficiary, it I:�Ging agreed that fi=T�stee and Bene�iciary, and each �
<br /> of them, scall be entitled �a enforce this Aeed of Trl's� and �,i1y other
<br /> security now or he�r�fter held by Beneficiary vr Tru�tc�, in such order a:�c3
<br /> manner as they or F.�:her af th�m may in their ab��lute discretion detercr�ine.
<br /> No remedy herei:� canferred upon or reserved to ir:�tee or Beneficiary is
<br /> intended to �e erciusive oP any other remedy h�:•ein or by law provided or
<br /> permitte8, Jszt each shall be cumulativq and 4}��L]. }�e in additian to every
<br /> atl�er reme8y given� h-r_reunder or now or hereafter existing at la�v or in ec�xi�y �
<br /> v� by Statute. �v�erT,� power ar remedy given by any of the Laan InsLruirrjnr� �o .
<br /> � Trustee or eeneficiary or to which either of them ma� b� otherwise enti�led, '
<br /> . ' may be exercisec7, concurrentZy or independently, from time to time, and as �
<br /> often as may be cieemed e:�ec3ient by Trustee or Beneficiary; and eithex of them
<br /> may pursue fnconsistent re;nec]fes. tlothing herein shall be construed as
<br /> prohibiting Beneficiary from seeking a deficiency judgment against the Trustor f=-----
<br /> to the extent such actfon is permitted by law. •
<br /> 13. RE U85T FOR NOTICE. Trnstor hereby requests a c�py of any notice - .
<br /> of default� and t at anp natice of sale hereunder be mailed to it at the . ,
<br /> � addreGS set forth in the first paragraph of this Deed af Trust.
<br /> � _
<br />' � 14. GOVERPING LAW. T33f6 Deetl of TrusL sneii ue yc�veiiacv uy i.ii8 Iai�� oL"
<br /> L the State a Ne ra�.In the event that any provision or clause of any nf the
<br /> La�n Iastrum�nt, conflicts with app2ic$ble laws, scch ctinflicts shall, nat
<br /> �ffect othar provisions of �uch La�n Instruments which c�n be yiven effect
<br /> without L'ne r.onf2icting pxovi�fons; and to this end, the provzsions of the
<br /> baas� Ir�strum�nt� �rQ decY�red to be s�v�r�blo. This instrumer�t c;�nriot �e ,
<br /> wr�ivec�. ��anq�d, di��harg�:�, vr te�t�ir�r�t�c� c�rally, but c�nly �y �r� inst�u:rent � �u
<br /> in writiny elgn�d bp th� par*y �gains' wha:n enforcement of anp waiver, c:i�.�nyc�,
<br /> d'xschurqe nr tet-tr..in�t.ivn is r;nuqht .
<br /> . �
<br />