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2� 1 ��8515 <br /> ASSfCN���f�' �F ��NTS <br /> ����t I��e d} Page � <br /> LE�IQER'S RIGHT TO RECEIV� AND C�LLECf RENTS. Ler�der shall have ihe right ai any tirne, and eWen though na <br /> default shall have occu�red ur�der this Assignme�t, to coilect and receive the F�ents. For this QurQase, Lender is her�by <br /> given and granted tfne fa�Iov�ri ng rig his,powers and au tho rity: <br /> �!o#ice to Tenants. Lende� �rtay send notices to any and a!1 tenants of f he Pra��rty advis�ng the m o f th is <br /> Assig nment�nd di recting all Rents to be�aid d�rect�y ta Lender or l�end er's a ge�t. <br /> Enter the Property. L.ender may enter upon and take possessivn of th� Property;den�and,collect and receive from <br /> the tenants or fram a�y aiher pe�sans liable therefor, all of the F�ents; instit�te and carry on a�i legal Prviceedings <br /> nec�ssa�}r fo r th e protection of the Property, inc�Uding such proceedi ng s as may �e necessa�r to recaver <br /> possessia�ai the Property;�o![ect#he Rents and remave any tenant or tenants ar vfF��r Persons f�om the Propetty. <br /> Maintain the Property. Lender rrtay enter upon the P�oper�y to m ain ta�� the Prope�ty a nd keep ��e same i n repa ir; <br /> ta Pay fhe costs thereaf and�f all services af a[I emplo}rees,including li�eir equip�nent� and ot aIf continuing casts <br /> and exp�nses of maintaining the Pr�per�y in proper r�pair and condition,and a�sa to �ay aIE taxes,assessmenls and <br /> vtirater utili#ies,a�d the premiutns or�fire and other insurance effectec�b�Le�der on the�roperky. <br /> Compl�ance with Laws. Lender may do any an� all things to execute an� comp�y with th� la�vs af #�e �tate of <br /> Nebraska a nd a[so a!I of h er laws� rules� orders, ordi na nces and req u irements oi afl ot�er g vve rnme n tal agencies <br /> affecting the Properly. <br /> i.ease#he Properky, L�nder may re r�t o�-lease th e whale vr any pa rt of the Property for sU ch �e rm or f�rm s and v� <br /> su�F�condiiions as Lender m ay deem app rop riate. <br /> Emplvy A�en#s, Lend�� may engage such agen� ❑r agEnts as L�nder m ay d��m a ppropriate� ef th er in �end er's <br /> name or in Grantor's nam�, to rent and manage the Prope�ty,including tf�e co[�ectio�and applicafion of Rents. <br /> �ther Acts. Len�er may do aI� such oth�r things and ac�s with respect to the Prop�rty as Lender may deem <br /> ap�rop�iafe and rna�r act exclusively and solely�n the place and stead of Gran�or and to �ave a!l of t[�e powers of <br /> �rantor fo r the p�rpos es st2�ted above. <br /> �V v Requ irernent to Act. Lender shall not be required t❑ da any o f th e foreg ving acts or t�ing s, and t�e f 2�ct tha t <br />��er shali �ave pe�iormed vne or mare of t�e foregoing acts ar things shall not require Lend�r to d�any other <br /> speci�ic act or t�ing. <br /> ARPLICAT[�N QF REN�"S. Al[ costs and exp�r�ses incurr�d by Lender in conn���ion v�rith the Prape�y shal� be for <br /> �rantor's ac�ount �nd L��der rnay pay suc� costs and expenses from the Rents. Lend�r, in its sole discretian, shal] <br /> deterrnine the application of an��nd all R�nts received by it; h�vwever, a�y such �ents re�eive� by ��nder which are <br /> not applied to such �osts and expenses sh�l! �e�p�l�ed to the Indebtedness. All expenditures m�de by L�nr��r under <br /> this Ass�g nment and not reimbursed fram the �ents shal[ become a pa�rf of the �ndebtedness secure� by th is <br /> Assignmer�t�ar�t�s�tall be pa�able on demar�d,v+�ith interest at the f�flte rate�ram date of ex}�enditure until pa�d. <br /> ��LL PERFQRi�ANCE, If Grantor pays all af the In�ebtedness v+�hen due and ot�erwise performs a11 fhe obl�gat�ons <br /> �rnposed u�aon Crantor u�nder tf�i�Assignmen�,the Nate,and the Relatec�Documents,Le�dcr�ha[I execute end deliver�a <br /> Gr�ntor a sui#ab�e satisfac�ion�f this Assignrrient and suitable statements of terminatian vf any fin�ncing stater�nent on <br /> fr�e e�idenang Ler�der's security interes� in t�e Renfs and the Property. Any termination fee rec�uired by law sha11 E�e <br /> pa=d by Grantor�if permit�ed by applicable�ar�r. <br /> L.EN�ER'S E1{p�N�171��t�S. I f any action or proceedin�is romme�ced that�rvoufd rnaterial�y affect Lende�s lnterest in <br /> the Prop�rty or if Grantar fails ta r�m�ly with any pra�isior�of this Assignmer�t ar a�y Rela�ed Documents,includi��but <br /> not limit�d t��r�ntors fai lu�e to dischar+ge ar pay tinrh�n due any amounts Gran�or is required fo dlscharge or pay u�der <br /> this Ass�gnment or any �elatecf I�ocuments� Ler�der on Gr�nto�s behalf may �but shall not be obligated fo} f�ke any <br /> action th�t Lender deems appropnate, including �ut not «mited to �ischarg�ng or paying a11 taxes, Iiens, security <br /> int�rests,en�umbranoes and ather cl�im.�,at any tir�r�e leviet�o�placed on the I�e��s or the F��operty and�aying�lf costs <br /> for insuring, main�ai ning and preserving the P�aperty. A!I such exp�nditures incur�ed ar paid by Len�er far suc?� <br /> purposes wril] tf�en bear interest at the r�te charg�d under fhe Note from ti�e da�te incur�ed or paid by Lender to the date <br /> of repayrr�ent by Gr�ntor. Al! su�h ex�enses�n►ill became a p�r�of t�e Ind�htc�dnes.�and, at L�nde�s optian, wifl ��� <br /> be payabfe an derr�and; �By be added ta the balanoe o�the�Iote and b�appartioned amons�nd be p�yable�rith any <br /> installment �2�yrr�ents to beoome du� dur�ng eithe�- �'i� t�e �erm of any a�p�icabfe insurance policy; or ��} tns <br /> remaining terrn of the Nv�e: or {C3 be treafed as a bal�oon paym�nt �vhich will be due anc� payable a# the Note's <br /> maturi�r. The Ass�gnment�1so v�ill secure payment of these amau�ts. �uch right sra[I be in a�di�ian#o a!I ot�er rights <br /> �nd rerrre�ies ta whi�h Lend�r rr�ay be enti��ed up�rr def�ult. <br /> DEFAULT. Each�f tF�e fol Iowing�at Lende r's o pti on�shall�o n stitu�e an Fven t a f D efault under t��s Assig nme nt: <br /> Payrnent default. Crantor fails to make any payment when due unc�$r the Ir�debtedness. <br /> Ot�er Qefau Its. Grantar fails io comply with or #a pe�forrn any oth er term, vb[ig�t�on� cover�ant or �onc�iti�n <br /> cvntained in this Ass�gnment or in any af fhe Rela�ed �ocumenfs or to comply with or ta perforr�n any term, <br /> obl�g��ion,covenant or condition contained�n any of�er agreemer�t�etween l.ender and�rantor. <br /> Default on�ther Payments. Failure af Crantor w ith i n tF�� �im e requi�'ed �y khis Assign�'n e�t to m ake any payment <br /> for taxes or insuran��,or any other payrnent necess�ry to prevent fifing of�r ta eff�cf discF�arge v�a�y lien. <br /> �efa�lt �n �avor af Third Partie�. G rantor d ef�ults un�er any Ioa�� extens�an of cred it, secu rity agreement� <br /> purchase or sales agreernent, or any o�her agreet�nent, in �avvr of any ather cr�di�vr or person that may me�eriall�r <br /> affec# any of Gr�ntor's pr�perty or �bi[ity to perforrn Grantor's obli�ations unde� iF�is Assignment or any of the <br /> Related Docurnents. <br /> Falso StatQments. Any warranty, representatian or statement made or �urnishad ta Lender by Grantvr or on <br /> �r�ntor'xs batir�lf undesr thi� A�=s�t�mm�nt vr tl�c� Rv[cilvd vocum�ant� ir� fu1�v car ml�lvadlrti9 in uny rnute�rlrs[ rd�pe�et, <br /> ei�her now or$t the fime m�de ar furnished or becames fa[se or mis[eading at any time t�er��fter. <br /> aefective Collate�-alfzation. Th is Assi�nment or any o�th e Refated Dv�u ments ceases to be in fu II farce and eff�ct <br /> �including failure of any colla�eraE cfocument tv create a Wal�d and perfecte�secu�ity interest or lien�at any time and <br /> fo r any reasan. <br /> D�ath ar[ns�IWency, Tne dea�lh of GranEvr,the insvlvency�f Grantor�t�e appvintrnent of a re�eiver fo�any pait ai <br /> �rantor's property� any assignment far the benefit of creditars� any type of creditar workaut, or th� <br /> cvm m er�cem ent of any Q roceeding under any ba nkru ptey or insolvency laws by a�against G ra n�or. <br /> Creditor or Forfei�ure Proceed�ngs, Commencement of for�closure or forfeiture proceec#�ngs, ��ether�y juc���ial <br /> proceeding�seEf-h��p,repossession vr any ather metf�ad�by any c�-eciitor of Grantor or by any�overnmental a�ency <br /> against tf�e Rents or any praperty securing t�e �ndebtedness. This includes a �amishment of ar�y o� �rantor's <br /> sccounts, includ ing deposft accou nts, w i�h Lender. Hovvever� tf�is Event of D efa�lt shall n ot �pp�y �f there is a <br /> �ood faith dis�ute by Grantot as�o t��validity or reasanabler��ss af the claim which is the basis af the creditor or <br /> forfeiture procee�ing and it Granto�'gives Lender v�rritten notice of the creditor or fflrieiture proceeding and deposits <br /> w�tF� �e�der rnoni�s or�surety band for the creditor or for�eiture proceeding� in an amoun�determined by Lender, <br /> in its so[e discretEon,as being an adequate rese�re oT bond for the dEspute. <br /> Praperty Damage o�Loss. The ProperEy is lost,stvlen,substa n tially da mag e�,svld, or borrowed ag ainst, <br />