2� 1 ��8485
<br /> a�Ea �F TRu��'
<br /> �Conf�nued� p��� �
<br /> cvntral of�he praperty; t2} use,aperat�or manage tF�e property;and �3� collect the Ren�s from th�Property.
<br /> D�ty to 11�1�intain. �rustor shail maintain the Prop�rty in tenantabEe condit�or� and promptly pertorm all �epairs.
<br /> reP1 acerrrerrts,and mair�tenance�ecessary#v preserve i#s�a�ue.
<br /> CQmplianGe 11�ith �nvironmen#al l.aws. �'n�st�r represents ar�d wa�rants to Lender that: {1� Dur�ng the periad af
<br /> Tr�tstor's ownership of the Property�there has faeen no use,genera�ivn, rnanufactu re,storage�treatin�nt�d'tspvsal�
<br /> release o�t��eatened release af any H�z�rdous �ubs#anc� by any person on, under, about ar f�flm the Property;
<br /> �2y Yrus#or has no know[e�ge o�, or reason ta be[i��e tf�at there has been, except as previously disclased ta and
<br /> a�knowledged by Lender in �++Jritin g, �a� any f�reach or viol ation of a��r Environmen��l l�a�rs, ��� any use,
<br /> gener�tion, ma�nufa�ture, starag�, treatment, disposal, rel�ase or ti�reatened r�lease of any [�azardous SUbstance
<br /> on, under, abvuf ar frarn t�e I��o�erty by any prior owners ar occupants af tF�e F'roperty, or �c� any actuaE or
<br /> tE�reatened litigation or c[aims of an� kind t�y any person rel�ting #a such matters; and {3} �xcept as pre�iously
<br /> disclos�d to and ackno�v[edged by L�nder in vtirriting, �a} neither i"rt�stor nor any tenant,cantractv�,�gent or other
<br /> aUthorFzed use�of�he property shall use, genefate, rnanufacture,store, fre�t, dis�ose of ar tel�as�any Hazardvus
<br /> 5ubstance on,under,about or fram�F�e�roperty;an� �b� �r�y sucn acti�ity shall be conducted i�corrrpllar�c�with
<br /> all applicable federa�, state, and Iocal I�vws, re�ulations anc� ordinances, including �vi#hout limitation all
<br /> ��vironmental Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and its ag�nts to enter up�n the �'r�perty to make su�h
<br /> inspections anci #ests, at Tr�storTs expense� as Lender m�y deert� apptopriate �o determine compliance vf the
<br /> PropeKy with this sect�on of the aeed of Trust. An� inspec�ians or tests made by Lender shall be far Lende�'s
<br /> purposes on[y and sh�11 r��t�e cor�strued to cre�te any responsibil[ty ar Iiabilit}r an��e part of Lsnder to Tn�stor ar
<br /> #o any other person. The representations and vv�rrant�es cvntained herein are�ase�on Trustor's due diligence in
<br /> investigating the Property for Hazardous Substances. Trustor her�by {'�} releases and waives any future claims
<br /> agains� Lender for indemnity or cvntribution in the event�'rustor becomes liabie for cleanu�or oth�t costs undeT
<br /> any such lav�►s; and �2} agrees to indemnify�defend,a�d hvld harmless�.er�der against ar�y and alI�la�ms,losses�
<br /> liabilities, darnages,�enalties�and ex�enses which Lende�may directly or indirectly s�stain❑r st�ffer�esulting fram
<br /> a breach of this sectiort of the Deed af Trust or as a consequence of any use� generation, manufa�ture, storag�,
<br /> dispasaa,releas�ar threat�n�d re�ease occur�ring privr to Trustor's ownership or interest in the Property,wi�ether or
<br /> not the same vuas or should nav� bE�n known to Trustar, �'he provisi�ns of this sect�on of fhe Qeed of Trust,
<br /> inc�ucfir�g the oE�li�ation to incfemnifjr and defend,shall suTvive the��ymer�t of the Endebted�ess and the satisfaction
<br /> and reaar�veyance of t�e lien of this Deed of Trust and shal�no�be a�fected by L�nd�rs acquisitivn of any interest
<br /> in ihe Proper�}rt urhether�y ioreclos�re or otherwis�.
<br /> Nufs�nce, I�as#e, `Frustor shal� not caUse� conduct or permit �ny nuEsance nor cominit, �ermit� or su�fer a�y
<br /> stripping of ar waste on o�to the propert}r ar any portion af fhe Prope�ty. W�ti�out Iimiti�� the generality of the
<br /> foregain�, Tru sfor�ril! �vt r�tn�ve, or grant to any oth�r party the ci�ht#v remave, any t�mber, minerals��n�luding
<br /> vil and gas�,coal,clay,scoria,soil,gravel or rack products vwiti�out�.ender's prior written consent.
<br /> Rernoval af lmprovements. Trustor shall n ot demvlish or remo�e any I mprovements frv m#he Real Prope�#y�without
<br /> Lenders prior uvr�tten conse�t. As a condition�o i�e�ernovaf�f an�I mp�vvements, Len�er may requ�re Trustar�o
<br /> maEce aRangements satisfa�tory tv Lender #o replace such Improvements rr+,►ith Im��oveme�ts of at least equal
<br /> val�e.
<br /> Lender's t��ght#o Enter. L$nder�nd L�nder's a�ents and re�resentatives ma}�enter upon the Re�l property a�all
<br /> reasonable times to �tfer�d to Lender's interests and to inspect fhe R�a� Prope�t}� for purposes of Truskar's
<br /> comp�ianc�v�r ith f h e tetms and cor�dition s af th�s Qeed of�'rust.
<br /> Compl�ance with �overnmental Requ�rements. �rustor sF�all �romptly c�mPly vuith a11 laws, ordinan�es, and
<br /> regulations, now ar' �ere�fter in effe�t, of all �o�ernmental authori�ies applicable to the use or occupanc�af the
<br /> �'roperty, including witF�ouf limit�tion, tl�e Amer�c�r�s V1Jith Disa�ilities�1ct. Trustar may�ontest in gaad f�itf� ar�y
<br /> such 1 a�r, vrdi nance, or regulatian anci vvithhold cvrnpl ianc� durin� �ny pro�eed Ing, includ ing apprapriate appeals,
<br /> so(ong as Yrustar F�as�ati�ed Lender in wri#ing priar to cifling so and so�ong as, in�ender's sole opinior�,Len�l��'s
<br /> interests in the Property are nat jeopardi�ed. Ler�der may requfre Trustor to post adequate security or a sureiy
<br /> bor�d,reasonab�y sa�isfactary to�ender,to protect Lender's interest.
<br /> Duty#o Protect, Tn�stor agrees nei��er tv abandon ar leave unattended the Pra�erty. Trusfor sF�ail dv all vther
<br /> acts, in a�fditivn to thase�c�s set tort�above�n this section,rrvhich from#i��character and use of the Prap�rty are
<br /> reasonab�y necessary to protect anci preser��t�e Property.
<br /> DUE QN SALE-C�NSENT BY LE{�DER. Lender may� at L�nder's option,declare immediately due and payable alE su�ms
<br /> secur�d by this Deed ot Yr�cst upan th� safe or transfer�withaut Le�der's p�io�written cv�sent�of aal or any part af the
<br /> Real Propert}r, or any it�terest in the Reaf Properfy. A "sa�� or transf�r" means the conveyance vf F�eaj Proper#y ar any
<br /> right� t�tle or int�rest ir� the Real Propetty; whe�her legsl, ben�fcial or eq�itabfe; whether v�iun�ary or i�voluntar�;
<br /> wE�etheT by vutright safe, deed� insfallrnent sale cvntract, lan� cor�tract� c�ntract far deed� ��asehold interest wit1� 2�
<br /> term g reate r than three t3�yea rs� lease-opfion co ntract, ar by sale, assignrnent� or tra nsfer of any b en�ficia[ inferes�in
<br /> vr to any land trust hol�ing tit[e to the Real Proper�y, or by any ather n�ethod of canveyance af�n interest in the Rea[
<br /> �raperiy, Howeve�-, this opt[an shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohihited by ���eral law or by
<br /> N ebraslca 1 aw.
<br /> "�AXES Al�� Ll�NS. 7he foI[owing �ravfsf�ns relating �o the taxes and liens on the Properiy are part of this De�d of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustor s�all pay r�hen due{and in ali events prior to del inqu�ncy}af i taxes,special#axes� assessments,
<br /> cF�arges�including water and sewer�, fnes a�d impasitlons levied a�alnst or vr� account of tf�e Prope�ty� anc�shall
<br /> pay rMhen due a11 c�aims for work done on or fvr services rendered or mater�al furnished to the Prvpe�ty. i"rustor
<br /> sha�l ma�ntain the Propert}r free of aIl liens having priarity o�rer or eq�af t❑#he Interes�of�e�der under this I�eed o�
<br /> Trust, excapt for the lien of taxes and assessments no# due anc� except as ot�arwisa pro��dod in this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Right to Co ntest. Yrustar m�y w�thhold payrnent of any tax� assessment�or clalm f n connection w ith a good fa it�
<br /> dispute over the obl�gatian t�pay, so�ong as�.ende�s in#erest in the Property is not jeopardized, I�a l�en arises vr
<br /> is ti�ed as a r�sult of �onpayment� Trustor�shal� withln fiit�en �1�} days after the lien ar[ses ar, if a lien is filed,
<br /> witi�in fifte�n �'�5} day�after Trustvr has �ot�ce of t�e filin�, secure the discharge a�the i�en, vr i� r�qu�sted by
<br /> Lender�dePosit with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfacto�r ta �ender in an
<br /> amaur�t suff c�e nt to disch�rge the 1 ien plus any eosts and a#torn��s'f��s, or other charges#ha� could accn.re as a
<br /> result of a foteclosure or sale under the lier�. Ir�any confest,T�ustor shall defend itself and�ender and sF�a[1 satisfy
<br /> �ny ad�►erse judgment befare enforcernent against th�Praper#y. Trustor sh�i[nam�Lender as an additional obllgee
<br /> undet any surety band furnished��the contest pfoceedings.
<br /> Evtdence of Payrner�t. 'Trustor shall upfl� demand furnish to Lender satisfactary evid�nce of payment of the taxes
<br /> ar a�ssessments and sha11 authorize t�e appr�priate govern mental ofiiciaC to del i�er to I�ender at any ti me a wrjtten
<br /> statem�nt of the taxes ar�d�ssess�nents against#he Properiy.
<br /> NotiGe af Const��c#�on. TTustor sF�a[I notify L�nder at least fl�teen �'!�) c��ys �ef�re any work is cnmmenced, any
<br /> services are furnisF�ed, or�ny materials are supplied ta ��e Property, if any mech2�nic's Iier�, mater�almen's lien, ar
<br /> otF�er[�en could be asserted on acc�unt of tF�e wv rk, services, vr materials. Trustor w�II upon request af Le�der
<br /> furnish to Lertder advanee assurar�ces satisfactory ta �ender tha# Trusfor can and will pay the cost af such
<br />