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� 2� 1 ��8484 <br /> Applicable Law, <br /> The Funds sha�! be heid in an institution wh�se depasi�s are insur�d by a fe�era! agency, <br /> ins�rumental��y, �r ent�ty �including Lender, if Lender Es an ins�i�utian whose deposifis are sa insured}�r in <br /> any Federai Hame L�an Bank. Lender shal� apply the Funds �n pay �he Escrow Items no la�er�han the <br /> time speci�i�d und�r RESPA. Lender shall no� �harge Barr�w�r for halding and applying the Funds, <br /> annual�y anaiyz�ng the escrow a�c�unt, or ��ri�ying the Escrow lt�ms, un�ess Lender pays Borrower <br /> �n�erest an the Funds and Applicable Law permits Lend�r to make such a charge. Unfess a� agre�ment <br /> is made in writing or Applica�le Law requires inte��s� t� �e paid on the Funds, Lend�r shall n�� be <br /> requi�ed to pay Bo��ower any in�eres� or earning� on fhe �unds. Borrower and Lender can agree in <br /> writing, hawe�e�, that in�eres�sha�� be paid vn th� Funds. Lender shal! gi�e to Borrowe�, wi�h�ut charge, <br /> an annua! accaun��ng o�f the Funds as required by RESPA. <br /> If fihere is a surplus of Funds held in esc�ow, as defined under RESPA, Lend�r shal! ac�aun�ta <br /> Borrower for�he ex�ess�unds in ac�ordance wi�h RESPA. If fh�re is a shor�age of Funds held in escrow, <br /> as de�ined under R�SPA, Lender shalf natify Borrower as require� by RESPA, and Bar�ower sha�i pay to <br /> Lender the amount necessary to make up the shortage in acco�dance wifh RESPA, bu� in no m�re �han <br /> 1� mon�h�y paym�nts. If�her� is a de�ic�ency of Funds held �n escraw, as defined under RESPA, Lende�- <br /> shali nQ�ify Barrower as �equired by RESPA, and Borrower snalf pay�a Lender th� amoun� ne�essary t� <br /> make up the deficiency in accordance wi�h RESPA, �u�in no more than '�� monthly payments. <br /> . Upan payment in �u�l of all sums secured by this Secu�ity �nstrument, Lender sha�i p�omptly <br /> refund to Bar�awer any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Gharges; Liens. Bor�awer shali pay al� �ax�s, assessments, charges, fines, and impos��ions <br /> a�trihutable to the Proper�y whi�h can at#ain priority o�er�his Securi#y Instrumen�, leasehald payments or <br /> ground r�nts an the Pro�erty, if any, and Community Associa�ion �ues, Fees, and Ass�ssmen�s, i�any. <br /> To the �xten� tha� �h�se i�ems ar� Escrow Items, Bvrravuer shall pay them �n �he manne� provided in <br /> Se�t�vr� 3. <br /> Sorrower shai� prom���y discharge any lien which has priar�fy��er this Security �ns�rument unfess <br /> Borrower: �a} agrees �n writin� to the payment �� �he vb��gation secur�d �y the lien in a manner <br /> acceptable ta Lender, bu�only so long as Borrower is perform�n� such agreement; �b}��n�ests the �ien in <br /> good faith by, or de�er�ds against enfvr�em�nt of�he i�en in, legal proceedings which in Lende�'s op�nion <br /> opera�e to pre�ent the enforcem�n� a�the �ien while those pro�eedings are pending, but only until such <br /> proceed�ngs are cancluded; o��c}secures from the h�lder o�the lien an agreem�nt satis�ac�ory�o Lender <br /> su�ord�na�ing th� lien to �his Security Ins�rument. If Lender d�termines �hafi any part af the Property is <br /> su��ect to a lien which can a�tain priarity o�er this S�cu�ity�nstrumen�, Lender may gi�e Barraw�r a natice <br /> idenfi�ying th�lien. 1Ni�h�n �D days of th�dat�on wh�Gh that na�ice is gi�en, Barr�we�shal� satisfy the lien <br /> or fak�one ar m�re of fhe ac��ons set forth abo�e in �h�s Section 4. <br /> Lender may require Borrower to pay a ❑ne-�ime �harge f�r a rea� es�ate �ax ���i��Ga�ion andlor <br /> reporting service used by Lender in cvnnec�ion wi�h this Laan, <br /> 5. Praperty Insurance. Barrower shafl keep �he imprv�em�n�s naw exis��ng or herea�#er <br /> er�cted on �he Praper�y insured against ��ss by fire, hazards included within �he term "ex�ended <br /> c�verage," and any other hazards inc�uding, but not �im�ted to, ear�hquakes and �loods, fo�wh��h L�nd�r <br /> requires insurance. Th�s �nsuran�e sha�l be main�ain�d in the am�un�s ��nclud�ng deductibie �evels} and <br /> far �he periads that Lender requ�res. What Lender requi�es pursuan� �o �he preceding senfiences can <br /> chang� during the �erm of the Laan. The ir�surance carr�er p���iding the insurance shall be chosen by <br /> . Barrow�r subjec� �a Lender's right fo �isappr��e Barr�wer'S Ch41��, whi�h righ� shall nof be exer�ised <br /> un�easonably. Lender may require Bvrrflwer to pay, �r� c�nnection wi�h fhis Loan, e��her: �a}a �ne-time <br /> charge f�r flood zon� determination, cer�i�ication and �racking servicss; ar�b} a on�-time Gha��e for flood <br /> zane de�erminatian and cer�ifcatian services and subsequ�nt charges each �ime remappings or sim�fa� <br /> chan�es occur whi�h reasonab�y might affe�t such determination ar certification. Borrvwer shal� also b� <br /> responsibl� fo� #he payment �f any fees impvsed by #he Federal Emergen�y Management Agency in <br /> I <br /> � 3 0 0 ❑ � 4 s z s $ � � r� c M a R T v o T � <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac 11N�F�RM�NSTRUMENT Fvrm 3�28 'il�'I (page 5 of�4 pagesj <br /> Mor#gag�Caden�e Dacument Center Q 3�2?Q�1'�4 <br />