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2� 1 ��8484 <br /> the perfarmance of Borrower's coWenan�s and agre�men�s under�his Securifiy �nstrum�nt and fhe Note. <br /> For this purpose, Borrower Erre�oca�ly g�an�s and conveys to Trustee, in tru�t, with power af sale, �he <br /> �allawing described property located in�he C�LlNTY vf HALL: <br /> SEE ATTACH EXHIBIT A LECAL DESCRIF'TI�N <br /> whiGh curr�ntfy has the address of 38�0 E SEEaL�NG IVIIL.E RD, GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska 6880'� <br /> �"Praper�y Address"}: <br /> T�3�ETHER WITH all the impro�ements now or h�rea�ter �r�c��d on �he property, and a11 <br /> easemen�s, appurtenan�es, and fixtures now vr hereafter a par� of the pr�perfy. All replacem�n#s and <br /> additi�ns sha�� also be COV�C�C� b�J �h15 Security Instrumenf. All of the foregoing is re�erred �o in this <br /> S�curity lnstrument as the "Proper�y." Borrawer unders�ands and agrees fhat M�RS holds anly fegal title <br /> �v the interests granted by Bor�ower in this Security �nstrumen�, bu�, i� necessary to comply with law or <br /> cust�m, MERS �as n�minee �vr L�nder and Lender's success�rs and assigns} has �h� right: to exercise <br /> any�r a11 of�hose in��rests, including, bu�nat�imited to,the righ�to f�re�lase and se11�he Proper#y; and ta <br /> � �ake any action required of Lender including, but not limit�d to, refeas�ng and cance��ng this Securi�y <br /> Ins�rumen�. <br /> BORR�WER CC�VENANTS that Barrawer is lawfully seised of�he �stat� hereby can��y�d and <br /> has the righfi �o grant and ��nvey th� Property a�d tha� the Property �s unencumbered, except for <br /> �ncumbran�es �f r�cord. Borrower warranfs and will defend generaily the fi�#�e �a the Praperty against al� <br /> Gla�ms and d�mands, sub�ect to any encumbrances of r�cord. <br /> TH�S SECUR[TY INSTRUMENT c�mbEnes unifvrm co�enants fvr naf�onal use and nan-unifarm <br /> ca�enants wEth 1imi�ed �a�iat�ons by�u�isdiction �o �onsti�u�e a uni�orm secur��y insfrument co�ering rea� <br /> property. <br /> UNI FC]RM C�VENANTS. ��r�awer and Lend�r c��enan��nd agree as foll�ws; <br /> 1. Payment of Principa�, �nterest, Escrow Items, Rrepaymen�Charges, and Late Charges. <br /> Bo�rower sha�l pay when due fhe principal af, and in�erest on, the debt e�idenced I�y the Note and any <br /> prepayment charges and la�e �harges du� under the N��e. B�rrowe� sha�! also pay �unds �or Es�raw <br /> [tems pursuant to S�ction 3. Paymen�s due under the N��e and th�s Security �ns�rumen�shali be made in <br /> U.S. currency. Howe�er, i�any check�r athe�-instrument received by Lender as paymen�under the No�e <br /> ar�his Secur��y lnstrumen� is re�urned to Lender unpa�d, Lender may require �hat any or all subsequent <br /> payments due.under �he N�te and th�s �ecurify Instrument be mad� in ane or mare af �he foflow�ng <br /> farms, as sefected by Lend�r: �a}cash; �b}maney order; ��}cer�ified che�k, bank check, treasurer's <br /> check or cashi�r's �heck, pra�ided any such check is drawn upon an insti�ution wh�se depasits ar� <br /> �nsured by a�ederaf agency, instrumentality, or en���y; or�d}Electronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments ar� deemed recei�ed by Lender wh�n recei�ed a��h� I�cation designa��d in th� Nate <br /> . or at such v�her Iocat�an as may �e �esigna�ed by Lend�r in accardance wi�h the notice pro�isians in <br /> Sec�ion 15. Lend�r may return any payment or partial payment �� the paymenf Qr �ar�ia� payments are <br /> Ensufficient t� bring �he Lvan current. L�nd�r may accep� any paym�nt or partia� paymen� insuffic��nt to <br /> bri ng the Loa n cu rrent, without vua��e r af any rig hts hereu nder or prej ud ice to its rig hts t� re�use such <br /> paymen�vr par�ial paymen�s in the future, bu� Lend�r is not ob��ga�ed t� app�y such paymen�s a�the��me <br /> su�h payments ar� accept�d. �f each Periodi� Paymer�f is applied as of i�s sch�du[ed due date, then <br /> Lend�r need not pay in�eres�on unappfied �unds. Lender may hold such unapp�ied funds until B�rrow�r <br /> makes payment ta bring�he Laan current. If Barrvwer does not do so wi�h�n a reasona�le pe�iod af�ime, <br /> Lender shafl eEfher apply such funds o�re�urn fihem to Borrower. lf nat app�ied eari�er, such funds w��l be <br /> � 3 v ❑ ❑ � 4 5 z 8 8 � � M c M o R T v o T * <br /> NEBRASKA��S�ngie Family-Fannie MaelFreddEe Mac�NIF�R[IA 1NSTRUMENT F��m 3o�s �io� {page 3 of 94 pages) <br /> Mortga�e Cadence❑acument Cer�ter Q 3a�7 d'I I�4 <br />