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2� 1 ��8441 <br /> �'ayment of Pr�n��pa�and Interest; �ther�harges.Borrov�rer sh�.��pra�rnp�ly pay when du��he princ�pa�of and <br /> interest on the de��owed u.r�der the Con�rac�a�d�ate charges or any oth�r f�es and charges due under�he�on�rac�. <br /> Applic�bl� Law. As used in this Securi� �ns�r�ment, the term "App��icable Law" �ha�� mean aII con�r�lling <br /> applicab�e federal, s�ate and �aca� s�a.�utes, re�latians, ordinances and aclmznistrat��e ru�es and orders ��ha�have <br /> �he effect of Iaw�as well as all app�icab�e�nal,�onwappea�able ju����a��p�n�ons. <br /> �harge�; Liens. Borro�rer sha�I pay alI ta�es, assess��nts, charges, f nes a�d impositiflns at�ribut.abl� �� �he <br /> Property vvhi.c��x may a��a�n pri�r��av�r this �e�uri�y�r�strum�n�, and lea��hold pa�rmen�s ar graund rents, �f any. <br /> At the r�quest of Lender,�arro�er sha�I pram.p��y furnish to Lex�der rec�ipts evidencing the payments. <br /> Borrovv�r shall pr�mp�ly dzscharge any lien�t7vh�ch has�ri�rity�ver. tY�is Security Ins�rumen�unless Borrovver: �a} <br /> agrees in v�-iting �a the payme��� of the obligation secured by th� �ien �n a manner acceptab�e �ti Lender; �b} <br /> cante�ts in ga�d faith �he iien by, or def�nds against enforcement of the Iien in, legal pro�ee�.ings which in the <br /> Lender's opinion �perate tfl prevent the enfarcement af the lien; ax ��� secures from the holder of�he �ien an <br /> agreement sa�isfa�t�ry to Lender subordinating�he ��en to �h�s Secur�ty�n.stru.ment. Zf Lender determines�ha�any <br /> par� of the Property is sub�e��ta a lien�whi�h rmay attain pri�r�ty over th�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen�, Lender may gzve <br /> Sorrower a notic� identifying th� l��n. Borrotiv�r sha�� sa�isfy the li�n❑r on� �r more of�h� actions �e�for�h <br /> above within 1 Q d�ys af�h�giving of natice. <br /> Ha�ard or Prop�rty Insuranc�. B���n�v�r shal�1�eep the impro�ernents�r�o�existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> Proper�.v insur��d agains�loss by f re,hazards included within�he t�rn�"ex��nded coverage" and an�o�h�er hazards, <br /> including �.aods or floading, fflr which Len��r requires insurance. This insurance shal� be mair�tained in �he <br /> amount�and for the perz�ds that Lender require�. The insurance carrier providing�he it�surance shall be ch�sen by <br /> Borr�wer su�bj ec� to Lender's approval which �hall not be unreasonab�y vvi�hhe�d. �f Borrovver fai�s to main�a�n <br /> coverag� desc�ib�d above, Lerider may, a� L�nder's apti�n, �b��.zn coverag� to protec� Lender's rights in the <br /> Proper�in act;ardance with sect�on titled�r��e�ti�n af Lender's l�ghts��n�he Pr�perty. <br /> A�� insura.r�ce 7�a�icies and rene�rals shall be ac�c�ptabl� to Le�der and sha�� include a s�andard mflr�gage cXause. <br /> Lender sha11 have�.he righ�to hald�he po�icies ar�d renev�rals. �f�,�nder re�qu�res, Borrawer shal�promp�ly g�ve to <br /> Lender aIl rec�,ip��of paid premiums and ren�v�ra�natices. In�he even��f���s, Barrovver shall give pror�pt no��ce <br /> tfl the insuranc�e carrier ar�.�Lender.Lender m�.y make proof of lvss�f n��rmade prompt�y by Barrav�rer. <br /> U�al�ss Lender an�. Borrower atherwise agre� in �vri�ing, insurar�ce pro��eds sha�� be applied t� restora��on or <br /> repair af�he P'roper�y damaged, if, in Lender's sole d�scre�i�n, �he r�s�or�tion ar repair is econar�i�a�ly f�asible <br /> and Lender's s�ecu��ty is �.�t Iess�ned. �f, i�. Lender's s�1e discreti�n, the r�storatian �r repa�r is n�t econom�ca�ly <br /> feasible or Lender''s secur��y would be lesse�.ed,�he�nsurance prQc�eds shal�b�app�ied to the sums secur�d by this <br /> Securi�y �nstri+�me��, v�rhe�her or not then due, wv�th any exc�ss pa�d t� Borrower, If Borrotiver abandons the <br /> Property, ar dc�es not ansu�er�rithin�he nurnb�r�f days prescribed�y Applicab�e Law as set for�h��a natic�from <br /> Lender to Borr�oyv�r�hat the insurance carrier has �ffered�o settle a claim, then Len�ier may collec��he insu.rance <br /> proceed�. Lenc�er:may use �he pr�ceeds to repa�r ar r�s�ore t�he Prope� ar�o pay sums secured by�his Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rument,,t�srhe�her or n�t then due.The p�riod❑f time for Barrov�ex�a an��t7ver as se�f�r�h�n the notice vrrx��beg�n <br /> urher�th�notic��is given. <br /> I1nless Lender an�Borro�rer o�herwise agree�.n.writing, any applicat�on of pr�ceeds��prir�cipal shall no�extend <br /> or p�s�p�ne th�:dt�� da�e �f t�.e payments due under�he Con�x-ac��r chang� the amount of the payments. �f under <br /> �he se�ti�n ti�Ied�icceieration; Remedies, the Praperty�s ac�uired by Len�dex, Borro�ver's rzgh��o any�nsurance <br /> pali�ies and px��ceeds result�ng from. damage �o �h� Proper�y pr��r t� th� acqu�s�tian shall pass �� Len�er t� the <br /> ex�en��f�he sums secured by�hi5 Securi�y�nstrt�ment irnm�dia�ely prior�a�he acquisi�i�n. <br /> Prese�-vation, M���ntenance and Prntec�i�n uf th� Pr�per�y; ��rr�vw��r°'� Loan Applica�ion; Leas�hfl�ds. <br /> Borrov�r�r shall no�des�roy, darn�.ge ar impair��e Property, all�w�a.e Prop�rty�a deteriorate, or comrni�waste on <br /> the Prap�r�y. Borro�ver shall be in default if any for�'eiture action a�pracee�ing,whether civil or crimina�,is�eguxz <br /> �ha� zn Lender':�� gaod faith judgment could re�u��in forfeiture of the Pr�p�r�y or o�herwise ma�er�a�ly impair�he <br /> lien cre��ed b�� this Sec�.�-ity �n�trumen� Qr Lerider's security interest. Barr�vver may cure such a default and <br /> re�nstate, as prc�vided in sec�ian ti��ed Borr��ver's Right t� Rein�tat�, by�ausing the action ar pr�ceeding to�e <br /> dismissed with a rul�.ng�hat,in L�nder's go�d faith de��inn,pr��Iudes of the Barr�vver's interest in <br /> �he Property ��� ather ma�er�al �mpa�rmen� ��'the Iien crea�ed by this S��urity Instrumen� or Lex�der's secur�ty <br /> interest.Borro�ver sha�� a�so�e in default if Barr�wer,dur��g the�oan appl��atign pr�cess,gave materiatl�false or <br /> ina��ura�e information vr sta.tements �o �,ender �or fai�ed to provide Lender vv�th any material ix�.f�rm.a�ion} i�n <br /> connection wit�� th� loa� evid�nced�by tihe �ontract. If�his Securi�y�ns��ument is on a 1�aseh�ld, Borrovver sha1� <br /> comply wi�h�provisions of�he lease. �f�orr�wer acquires fee ti�1e to�h�Pr�perty,the�easehfl�d and�h�fee <br /> title shall not nnerg�u�less Len�er agrees�o�h�merger in�vri��ng, <br /> Prote�tion of I�enderrs �ghts �n th� Prflp�rty. If Borrovver fai�s �o �erf�rm the covenan�s and agreements <br /> c�nta�ned in th�s 5ecuri�y�ns�ent, or�h�re is a Iega�proceeding tha�m��signif cantly affect Lender's r�ghts�n <br /> the Property �s�ach as a proceeding �n ban�r�xptcy, probate, far �andemnation ar forfeiture or ta enfor�� la�vs or <br /> regulat�oris}, �hen L�nder may do and pay for vvha�ev�r is necessary �fl pr�tec� the va�ue of�he Praperty and <br /> Lender's r�ghts in the Proper�y. Lender's actions may in�lude paying any sur.ns secured by a lien which h�.s przori�y <br /> over this Secur��y�nstrumen�, appearing in court,paying reasonable at��rneys'fees and en�ering nn the Proper�y�� <br /> make repairs.A�thvugh Lender may take ac�io�under�his sect�on,Lender does nat have to do so. <br /> Any am�unts d�sbursed by Lender ux�der fihis sect�on sha�l becor.�e additio�.a� deb� of Borrou�er s�cured by �his <br /> 5ecuri�y �nstrument. Unless Borrower and �,�nder agree to nther �erms of payment, these am.ounts sha�� bear <br /> �20fl4-2�1 S Com�liance Systems,Inc.d 1 SA-7E7E-2fl 15.1 Z,3,].111 S <br /> Consumer ReaI Estate-S�ce�rity Instrument DL2Q36 Page 2 0#'S www,comp� <br />