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<br /> �:�Rt��'i�' •��e-�-�'._s�r`3��11�- �5i`t�sn�g�._- - � -------'�1a?c' .y. .;i;�f�, ait�.�3�(1tYC:5f�,�i:r_.
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<br /> � •
<br /> _ �• ' i. •'�
<br /> � � p--� �oo5s '
<br /> �. . 9 � � ,
<br /> (With Power of Sale)
<br /> __ Amount oF�F�ree In.stalment s 113.95 pmount otother Iastatmente 3 1 i 3.95
<br /> . Tocat ot-PnymeA�s 6837.00 Fuac tn�ament nue n,�t��ch 9 ts90
<br /> Numberef:4ionthly�nstatmcnte�_ F:nat tnsc8►ment nae nsce Fe(?ruary-9 ,1�-.
<br /> � THLS DEED OF 'i`BL�, �ae c� 5 a�p� �ebruary . . 19 9a.
<br /> t�e��n—�usan �. EI1 ingson. a sar�qle nerson ,
<br /> � �� -�.�8�;� Z020 W. 'it3�h G�rand Island. Nebraska 5�803 �
<br /> ,
<br /> �s�„�cc.� _�nh� M. Cunningham � � .
<br /> . W���-��;��� �22 N. Cedar P.O. Box 2280 Grand Is1aDd. Nebr�ska 68$02 ,
<br /> as Tnutee. �3�,:�e-�t Finazuial Nebmska, Inc..whade mailiag address is 2337 N. {+kbb �c�ad
<br /> " ; � 0 Box 137� Grand Island. �N�braska 68�02 ; � s���,�, `
<br /> WITNE.�t:EsH,�rastors hereby�*re��cably,grttnt,barge:� s-��1,and convey W'15�vstee zy trust,with power of sa?�:Che fo7towiag de-
<br /> scribed proPeR!►in �''�1 �ounty, Ne6raska: .
<br /> � . . .
<br /> LQt 11, Block 10, 8og�,� and Hill Additior� to the City a�' �r°�^� Island, Hall County, �
<br /> �
<br /> � Nebraska. '
<br /> � ;..
<br /> .:.1
<br /> � ' ,
<br /> To ether with tenementra,hereditamente, and e.. *�.r-T�c-•�tihereunto belnn 'n or in ux�a:;�;��cta'.ain and the re»ta,iss,��,e�.,v snd 's�f'
<br /> B FF��. _... _ Bi 8 �:. 8 � s.
<br /> profata thar�of. � ' •4.°_
<br /> This conveyance ie intended fas the purpose of securing the puyment to Beneficiary oi drastors'promiseory note af�ren date in etw .
<br /> amount stated abuve a�"Tntal oF Payments". Said "Total of Pa.yw enta"ia repayable in tAp z.aa�be�of monthiy ineta?�z�a'.�etsted above.
<br /> -.- The omaunt of the inatalment payments due on eaid loan is ataca�:a6ove.The firet and fir.�cnatalment due datee on ex�r,;.toan are stated :-
<br /> a6ove. Payment may be made in advance in any amount st any slms. Defnult in maging aay payment ahall,at the Benefic{ary'n option
<br /> and without notice or demand,render the entire uapaid balance of eaid loan at nnce due and payable,less any reguired rebate of charges. .
<br /> 'Co protcet the security of this Aeed of Trtist,Trustar covenants and agrees:
<br /> 1. To keep the Nroperty in gopd ccb:.dition and cepatr: to perr..w! no wnste thereof; to�z.::a,:iete f►ny building, etructan or improve��nt .��
<br /> being hui;b or about to be built tF�r�cv�;to reatore promptly a;,c.building, etructure or ic.�.ravement thereon which r:�x fie dameged or �
<br /> destroyed;and to comply with all lavrr�r�dinances,regulutiona,cavenante,conditions and resc-i;:iona affecting the prope��. .
<br /> 2.T�r pay befare delinquent all tawfui tnxe� and aesessments upon the property;to keep the property f.:��e and clear oi'all othee chsrgss,
<br /> • tien9 or encumbr�ncee impairing the security of"this Taeed oPTruat.
<br /> � 3. To teep all buildinga now or hereafter erected on the property desc�ibed herein co�ti�_ausly insi..^�ea ageinst irta by fire or other
<br /> haaards l.n.an amount not less than the Wtal deb2 secured b�:a`ie lleed oP TrusL. All pc?:Gz� ahall be held by tF.e L��aetciary,and be �
<br /> in euch.atxrypnniee aa the Beneficiaty r_�ay apyrove and hnve i,ua payabie ftrat to the f3En.r.-1',ciary es ita intereet n,•�c.0 r�ppeaa asf, Shen �`.
<br /> ta the Truetor.The amount coltected under any insurena�policy may be epplied upon any �adebtednees hereby secured ln ench cra�'�r. as
<br /> the Beneficiary ehaU determine. $uch application by the Beneficiary ehall not cause discontinuance of any proceedinge to forecicdw this ��`
<br /> Deed of Tru.qt or cure ar waive any defnult or rsotice of'default or invalidate ony nct dcme pur9nant to such notice.In the event oP forect��ure, !'
<br /> . ell rightg of'the Trustos in insurance roliciea then in force shal!puss to the purchaeer at the fr.Tectosure eale. ��,,
<br /> 4. To oDteie the written consent�f Beneficiary before selling,conveying o�othorwise trsrsferring the property or eny part therr.of and
<br /> � any such esle,conveyance or transfer without the Beneficinry'e written coneent ahall rone:i'a_�fe e defaul!under the terms hereuf.
<br /> b.To defend ony action or praceeding purpurLing to affecL the eecurity he►eotnr td�o riqhts or powers of E3eneticiaty or Trustee.
<br /> 6. Shauld Trustar fail ta pay when due t�ny taxe9, astses9mente, insuren,ce�remiume,liens,encumbrances or othe►charges ugAinrt the
<br /> praperty herrinabove descrebed,Benesciery may r;�r tho eame.and tho amount�o paid,with interest nt thp rote set farth in tr� zote
<br /> � aecurec!hereby,ahall he added to c�nd hecome a pzrt::f"the debt eer.ursd in this Deed of Tru9t as permitted by law.
<br /> IT IS�fi{1:1`L'IJAt1,V AGRF.Ell 7'HA i
<br /> 1. iLZ:yh� event amr portion of the�roperty c�:r;�ken or damaged in an enu�ent domain proceeding, the entire�mount of tY:z award
<br /> or auch .�ortion ther.r,f s3s may bo necessary to fully satisfy the obligatior.�er_nred hereby, shall be paid to Heneficiary to be aFp�:trd to
<br /> said obligation.
<br /> 2. ,By ucepfing payment of any aam secured hereby ntter �ts due date,Fieneficiary does not waive ite right to reyuire prompt payment
<br /> when due uf all ather�ums�n secured or tv declare default for failure tu so puy.
<br /> 3. The Trustee ehall reconvey all or t►ny parc of the property coverea by this Ueed oi'Trust to the person entitled thrreto.ur�wNtten
<br /> reyuesL at�h�e Trastor and the Be�eficiary, or uyun eatisfaction of the obligation secured end written reque�t.for reconveyance made by
<br /> - the I3eneflci�y or the pereun�zititled thereto. ,--__T__
<br /> 89t G84(NE)
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